MeVisLab Resolution Independence API
ml Namespace Reference

Platform independent interface class to manage an OpenGL context. More...


class  GL2DFont
 A bridge to the ftgl library that manages font rendering with texture fonts. More...
class  GLContextStack
 Manages a stack of GL contexts and their correct activation (NOTE: This is only accessible in the GUI main thread!) More...
class  GLResourceManager
 Manages OpenGL resources. More...
class  GLResource
 Abstract base class for GLResources. More...
class  GLTexture
 Texture class. More...
class  GLTextures
 Texture class that manages multiple texture ids. More...
class  GLFragmentProgramARB
 ARB_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM resource. More...
class  GLRenderBuffer
 RenderBuffer resource (frame_buffer_object extension) More...
class  GLFrameBuffer
 FrameBufferObject resource (frame_buffer_object extension) More...
class  GLBuffer
 Manages a generic OpenGL buffer object. More...
class  GLPixelBuffer
 PixelBuffer resource (pixel_buffer_object) More...
class  GLVertexBuffer
 VertexBuffer resource (vertex_buffer_object extension) More...
class  GLSLShader
 GLSL Shader resource. More...
class  GLSLVertexShader
 GLSL VertexShader resource. More...
class  GLSLFragmentShader
 GLSL FragmentShader resource. More...
class  GLSLGeometryShader
 GLSL GeometryShader resource. More...
class  GLSLProgram
 GLSL Program resource. More...
class  OpenGL
 MeVis OpenGL Information Interface (Singleton) More...
class  GPUInfo
 Singleton class that provides hardware specific information. More...
class  MLSnapshot
 snapshot module that outputs the current viewer snapshot as an ML image used internally in the SoRenderArea class More...
class  OffscreenRenderer
 OpenInventor Scenes can be rendered to the OffscreenRender who outputs an MLImage. More...


void glLineWidthScaled (GLfloat width)
 Sets the width of rasterized lines. More...
void glPointSizeScaled (GLfloat size)
 Sets the diameter of rasterized points. More...
void glLineStippleScaled (GLint factor, GLushort pattern)
 Sets the line stipple pattern. More...
GLfloat setGLHiDPIScaleFactor (GLfloat factor)
 Sets the scale factor that is applied to size parameters of GL functions. More...
GLfloat getGLHiDPIScaleFactor ()
 Returns the scale factor that is applied to size parameters of GL functions. More...
void pushAndSetGLHiDPIScaleFactor (GLfloat factor)
 Pushes the current scale factor onto the scale factor stack and sets the given scale factor. More...
void popGLHiDPIScaleFactor ()
 Restores the previous scale factor from the scale factor stack. More...

Detailed Description

Platform independent interface class to manage an OpenGL context.

Singleton class that provides information about GPU.

MeVis OpenGL Information Interface (Singleton)

Collection of OpenGL related resource classes, such as textures, buffers, fragment programs etc.