MeVisLab Resolution Independence API
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
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 CSbMap< KeyType, ValueType >::AccessClassAccessClass is a temporary class used with the [] operator on an SbMap
 CAxisA class to administrate an axis coordinate system drawable in OpenGL
 CSbMap< KeyType, ValueType >::ByLevelIteratorSbMap::ByLevelIterator for an SbMap, traversing the map top to bottom, level by level left to right.
 CSoSceneWriter::COLORED_POINTStruct holds point information when VRML_2 output is applied on SGI Inventor scenes
 CFieldSyncA class that synchronizes a list of fields of two SoFieldContainer instances
 CFieldSyncEntryClass that synchronizes two Inventor Fields with each other without using SoField::connectFrom
 CFrameGrabberFrameGrabber class grabs GL frames for movie generation
 Cml::GLContextStackManages a stack of GL contexts and their correct activation
 CGLElementArrayAccessHelper struct for getting access to the OpenGL element array data
 Cml::GLResourceAbstract base class for GLResources
 Cml::GLResourceManager::GLResourceListDynamic list of GLResource objects
 Cml::GLResourceManagerManages OpenGL resources
 CGLVertexArrayAccessHelper struct for getting access to the OpenGL vertex array data
 Cml::GPUInfoSingleton class that provides hardware specific information
 CSoSceneWriter::hashColoredPointFor computing a hash value for a colored point
 CSbMap< KeyType, ValueType >::IteratorRegular low->high (++) and high->low (–) iterator class for an SbMap
 Cml::OpenGLMeVis OpenGL Information Interface (Singleton)
 CSbMap< KeyType, ValueType >::ParentFirstIteratorSbMap::ParentFirstIterator for an SbMap, traversing the map from top to bottom
 CSbMap< KeyType, ValueType >::ParentLastIteratorSbMap::ParentFirstIterator for an SbMap, traversing the map from bottom to top
 CSbFocusInfoClass transporting focus information for one sub graph
 CSbList< Type >This contains the definition of the SbList generic pointer list class; an SbList is a list of (void *) pointers that allows easy insertion, removal, and other operations
 CSbList< SbString >
 CSbMap< KeyType, ValueType >Open Inventor container that associates objects of type KeyType with objects of type ValueType
 CSbMapItem< KeyType, ValueType >Class SbMapItem is the element type of the SbMap tree
 CSbSamplerInfoOpen Inventor data type and element to store information about a (list of) SbSampler
 CSbSlabRenderingPropertiesOpen Inventor element to store information about current slab mode
 CSoGlobalGLContextScopeThe SoGlobalGLContextScope can be used to automatically push and pop the current GL context, and to enable a shared global Open Inventor GL context inside of the scope
 CSoGLShaderAbstract base class for shader objects
 CSoMetaInformationMapSoMetaInformationMap allows to record information on the current render state
 CSoOffscreenSceneRendererThis class implements rendering of an offscreen inventor scene
 CSoSceneSetupHelperHelper for equipping an SoQtSceneHandler with necessary nodes for Managed Interaction and cursor setting
 CSoShaderShader-releated types
 CSoUniformParameterBaseBase class for uniform shader parameters
 CSoVertexAttributeInfoOpen Inventor element storing a list of vertex attributes
 CSoViewerProxyThis class gives access to state of a viewer during scene graph traversal
 Cml::GLContextStack::StoreCurrentGLContextScopeStores the current GL context and re-activates it when the scope object is deleted
 Cml::GLContextStack::TemporaryGLContextScopeCreates a temporary OpenGL context and destroys it when the object goes out of scope
 Cml::OpenGL::TypeInfoStruct to store infos about a type, e.g., about a uniform
 CSoGLShaderProgram::UniformInfoInformation structure for SoGLShaderObject containing location, type, and size
 CXVImageSizeSoSFMLImage - field interface to ML images and related classes
 CXVStatusClass for passing status information to a host system