ML Reference
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 C_ml_numeric_limits< T >Defines a template to get the minimum and maximum values for each basic integer type
 C_ml_numeric_limits< char >
 C_ml_numeric_limits< double >
 C_ml_numeric_limits< float >
 C_ml_numeric_limits< int >
 C_ml_numeric_limits< long >
 C_ml_numeric_limits< long long >
 C_ml_numeric_limits< short >
 C_ml_numeric_limits< signed char >
 C_ml_numeric_limits< unsigned char >
 C_ml_numeric_limits< unsigned int >
 C_ml_numeric_limits< unsigned long >
 C_ml_numeric_limits< unsigned long long >
 C_ml_numeric_limits< unsigned short >
 C_MLFloatRangeCheck< Target, Source >
 C_MLFloatRangeCheck< float, double >
 C_MLIntegerRangeCheck< CheckLowerBounds, CheckUpperBounds, Target, Source >Compile-check functions only if needed
 C_MLIntegerRangeCheck< false, false, Target, Source >
 C_MLIntegerRangeCheck< false, true, Target, Source >
 C_MLIntegerRangeCheck< true, false, Target, Source >
 C_MLIntegerRangeCheck< true, true, Target, Source >
 C_MLRangeCheck< isTargetFloat, isSourceFloat, Target, Source >Utility template that multiplexes between the different combinations of casting between integer and float types
 C_MLRangeCheck< false, false, Target, Source >
 C_MLRangeCheck< false, true, Target, Source >
 C_MLRangeCheck< true, false, Target, Source >
 C_MLRangeCheck< true, true, Target, Source >
 Cml::AbstractPersistenceStreamAbstactPersistenceStream is the base class for AbstractPersistenceOutputStream and AbstractPersistenceInputStream, and implements the methods that are common for both these classes
 Cml::ApplicationPropertiesStatic class that defines an interface to access properties of the host application
 Cml::ArgumentList0Empty argument to allow running with zero arguments
 Cml::ArgumentList1< Arg1 >ArgumentList with one argument
 Cml::ArgumentList2< Arg1, Arg2 >ArgumentList with two arguments
 Cml::ArgumentList3< Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 >ArgumentList with three arguments
 Cml::ArgumentList4< Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4 >ArgumentList with four arguments
 Cml::ArgumentList5< Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5 >ArgumentList with five arguments
 Cml::BarrierA barrier class that handles synchronization of multiple threads Thread-safety: This class is thread-safe
 Cml::BaseClass representing general ML objects that support import/export via strings (setPersistentState() and getPersistentState()), arbitrary tree structures (using addStateToTree() and readStateFromTree()), or a data stream (using writeTo() and readFrom())
 Cml::BaseEventBaseEvent is the base class for all events emitted from EventSourceBase
 Cml::CalculateOutputImageHandlerBase class for the calculation of pages of an output image (PagedImage) of a Module
 Cml::ClassicHostClassic ML host used internally to calculate getTile and processAllPages requests
 Cml::ConstantStringA ConstantString that contains a std::string and its hash
 Cml::ConstantStringValueShared container for the string value and its hash
 Cml::ContainerProxy< T, R, I, Count, Access >This template implements a proxy for containers that contain a collection of items normally accessed with a get-by-index method
 Cml::CPUInfoSingleton class that provides hardware-specific information
 Cml::DataTypeSelector< dataTypeId >Helper template so select a data type from its type ID
 Cml::DateTimeClass for performing date/time arithmetic, comparisons and formatting
 Cml::Memory::DeleterA custom delete that can be used in std::unique_ptr and std::shared_ptr
 Cml::internal::detector< Default, class, Op, Args >
 Cml::internal::detector< Default, void_t< Op< Args... > >, Op, Args... >
 Cml::EnumValues< EnumType >::EntryDefines the entry for one enum value
 Cml::ProcessingTimeLine::TimeLine::EntrySingle timeline entry
 Cml::EnumField::EnumEntryDefines the entry for one enum value
 Cml::EnumValues< EnumType >Helper class that stores a list of typed enum values and their string names
 Cml::ErrorOutputClass to handle all ML debug prints, errors, warnings, and information
 Cml::ErrorOutputInfosStruct that contains all information about errors, fatal errors, warnings, information, or debug prints
 Cml::detail::executor< Execute >
 Cml::FieldBase class for all fields used in the ML
 Cml::FieldSensorClass to define and to manage field sensors
 Cml::Field::FlagsFlags for internal usage
 Cml::FloatingPointMatrix< VectorT, size >Base class of all matrix classes that holds the data buffer and provides some general access methods
 Cml::FloatingPointMatrix< Tvec2< DT >, 2 >
 Cml::FloatingPointMatrix< Tvec3< DT >, 3 >
 Cml::FloatingPointMatrix< Tvec4< DT >, 4 >
 Cml::FloatingPointMatrix< Tvec5< DT >, 5 >
 Cml::FloatingPointMatrix< Tvec6< DT >, 6 >
 Cml::FloatingPointVectorDataContainerBase< DT, size >Base class of the FloatingPointVector class that holds the data buffer
 Cml::FloatingPointVectorDataContainerBase< T, size >
 Cml::GetTileJobBaseBase class for TileRequest based jobs
 Cml::HostThe Host is the central image processing class in the ML
 Cml::ImagePropertiesThis class represents basic image properties:
 Cml::ImagePropertyExtensionBase class from which one can derive own image properties
 Cml::ImagePropertyExtensionContainerThis class is a container for extended image properties derived from ImagePropertyExtension
 Cml::InputConnectorClass to manage an input connection of a Module module
 Cml::InputSubImagePropertiesDefines the class InSubImageProps, a simple container for some properties that can be defined for an input subimage that is to be delivered to the corresponding call of the module's calculateOutputSubImage method
 Cml::Is< T >In combination with the in function, it returns true if a passed value is in the set of possible values
 Cml::ContainerProxy< T, R, I, Count, Access >::iterator
 Cml::LineClass to define the geometry primitive 'Line' consisting of a position and a direction
 Cml::MemoryBasic memory management class for the ML
 Cml::MemoryImageA memory cache for the complete output image of an output connector
 Cml::MemoryInfoSingleton class that provides hardware specific information
 CMLApplicationPropertyCallbacksDefines all callbacks that an application has to support for property access
 CMLMemoryAllocatorThe memory allocator used by the memory manager
 CMLMemoryBlockHandleThe strong handle of a MLMemoryBlock
 CMLMemoryManagerThe memory manager
 CMLTypeInfosStructure containing all data type features and pointers to all functions needed to implement operations on any extended type
 CMLWeakMemoryBlockHandleThe weak handle of a MLMemoryBlock
 Cml::ModuleToolsClass containing some helper functionality for Module programming and/or for the Module class itself
 Cml::NotifyClass to handle all ML Notify prints, errors, and warnings
 Cml::OutputConnectorClass to manage an output connection for a Module module
 Cml::PageIDIteratorA class that allows to incrementally iterate over all IDs of pages have an intersection with a given box on a given PagedImage
 Cml::PageRequestA PageRequest represents the request for the calculation of a single page of a PagedImage
 Cml::PageRequestQueueInterfaceVirtual interface for queuing PageRequests that are ready for processing
 Cml::PersistenceStreamExceptionThis class represents the exceptions that can be thrown while reading from or writing to the persistence stream
 Cml::PageRequestProcessorBase::PerThreadStorageData that is available on a per-thread basis to cache items that are reused across PageRequest calls, e.g., the UserThreadData
 Cml::PlaneClass defining a plane in 3D
 Cml::ProcessingTimeLineStores a processing timeline for multiple threads
 Cml::internal::ProfilingScopeHelper class that stops measuring when it gets out of scope
 Cml::RotationClass to handle Rotations (internally, the rotation is stored as a unit quaternion)
 Cml::RuntimeThis class contains the runtime system of the ML
 Cml::RuntimeDictThis file declares the class RuntimeDict that manages a set of instances of class RuntimeTypes
 Cml::RuntimeTypeRuntimeType contains type and inheritance information of a class and a static dictionary with information on all created instances of RuntimeType
 Cml::ScopedBarrierWaiterA helper class that ensures barrier waiting even when an exception occurs
 Cml::ScopeGuardDetail::ScopeGuard< Functor >
 Cml::PageRequestProcessorBase::ScopeStackEntryEach processing scope has its own GUI work queue and flags/counters for errors and tiles to wait for
 Cml::StringConversionThe class StringConversion provides static methods to convert ML objects to and from strings
 Cml::StringSwitch< T, R >
 Cml::SubImageThis class manages/represents a rectangular 6D image region that is organized linearly in memory
 Cml::SubImageBoxdSubImageBoxd - SubImageBox with coordinates of float data type
 COverloadSelector::SwitchType< b >Helper types to switch between implementations of functions by overloading
 Cml::TileRequestA TileRequest either represents the input subimage that is needed by a PageRequest or if it is a root TileRequest, it represents the request by a user to get that tile
 Cml::TimeCounterClass to measure precise time intervals
 Cml::ProcessingTimeLine::TimeLineTimeline for a single thread
 Cml::TQuaternion< DT >Declaration of complex type traits
 Cml::Trace< INDEXTYPE >This class simply implements a constructor and a destructor
 Cml::TraceBuffer< INDEXTYPE >This class manages a list and a stack of pointers to permanent strings
 Cml::tree_node< T >
 Cml::TreeNodeThe class TreeNode is the abstract base class for the import/export of ML objects
 Cml::TreeNodeExceptionThe class TreeNodeException is the base class for all exceptions thrown by the class TreeNode and all derived classes
 Cml::TScaleShiftData< DT >The class defines a first order linear transformation
 Cml::TScaleShiftData< MLdouble >
 Cml::TSubImageBox< intT >This class defines a rectangular subimage region of standard ML dimensions
 Cml::TSubImageBox< MLint >
 Cml::TSubImageCursorBase< DATATYPE >Base class for all TSubImage Cursors
 Cml::TVector6DBase< CompIntType >TVector6DBase is the data container class for TVector providing specialized 6D container functionality for vectors of dimension MLMaxImageDimension
 Cml::TVectorNDBase< CompIntType, NumDim >Declaration of integer vector type traits
 Cml::TypeTraits< T >TypeTraits for scalar ML datatypes
 Cml::UserThreadDataBase class for thread local data that is passed to CalculateOutputImageHandler::calculateOutputSubImage
 Cml::VariableTypeBase class for all variable types, mainly for Doxygen documentation purpose
 Cml::VariableType< SingleTypeCaller< Processor, VariableType >, 0, internal::EmptyType >
 Cml::Vector2DataContainer< DT >Specialized base class for the FloatingPointVectorDataContainerBase
 Cml::Vector3DataContainer< DT >Specialized base class for the FloatingPointVectorDataContainerBase
 Cml::internal::voider<... >
 Cml::WaitConditionWaitCondition implements a wait condition for thread synchronization
 Cml::WMIInterfaceInterface to the Windows Management Instrumentation