►Nml | Main documentation file for ML users and developers |
►Ndetail | |
Cexecutor | |
►Ninternal | |
CProfilingScope | Helper class that stops measuring when it gets out of scope |
CTypedHandlerBase | The base class for TypedCalculateOutputImageHandler and TypedProcessAllPagesHandler |
CSingleTypeCaller | Internal helper class that uses a VariableType to convert a data type integer to the correct Processor::process<DataType>() call |
CDualTypeCaller | Internal helper class that uses VariableType1 and VariableType2 to convert two data type integers to the correct Processor::process<DataType1, DataType2>() call |
Cvoider | |
Cnonesuch | |
Cdetector | |
Cdetector< Default, void_t< Op< Args... > >, Op, Args... > | |
►NScopeGuardDetail | |
CScopeGuard | |
CClassicHost | Classic ML host used internally to calculate getTile and processAllPages requests |
CGetTileJobBase | Base class for TileRequest based jobs |
CGetTileJob | Public interface for requesting a tile from a an ML PagedImage using the PageRequestProcessor |
CMultiThreadedPageRequestProcessor | A multithreaded processor that takes one or even multiple tile requests and can process them iteratively |
CPageRequest | A PageRequest represents the request for the calculation of a single page of a PagedImage |
CPageRequestCursor | A cursor to create page and tile requests iteratively, allowing breaks and resumption at any time, and avoiding a recursive tree traversal that is difficult to resume |
CPageRequestQueueInterface | Virtual interface for queuing PageRequests that are ready for processing |
CPageRequestProcessor | Abstract base class for page request processors |
►CPageRequestProcessorBase | Base class for single and multithreaded processor |
CPerThreadStorage | Data that is available on a per-thread basis to cache items that are reused across PageRequest calls, e.g., the UserThreadData |
CScopeStackEntry | Each processing scope has its own GUI work queue and flags/counters for errors and tiles to wait for |
CProcessAllPagesJob | Public interface for processing all pages of a temporary output image |
►CProcessingTimeLine | Stores a processing timeline for multiple threads |
►CTimeLine | Timeline for a single thread |
CEntry | Single timeline entry |
CSingleThreadedPageRequestProcessor | A single-threaded processor that takes one or even multiple tile requests and can process them iteratively |
CTileRequest | A TileRequest either represents the input subimage that is needed by a PageRequest or if it is a root TileRequest, it represents the request by a user to get that tile |
COutputConnector | Class to manage an output connection for a Module module |
CInputConnector | Class to manage an input connection of a Module module |
CEngine | Base class for all ML Engines that are derived from Module, and have no inputs or outputs but implement field connections or operations on fields |
►CField | Base class for all fields used in the ML |
CFlags | Flags for internal usage |
CFieldContainer | Defines the class FieldContainer to encapsulate a vector of fields (see class Field) |
CBoolField | Field to encapsulate a boolean value |
CIntField | Field to encapsulate an integer value |
►CEnumField | Field to encapsulate an enumerated value |
CEnumEntry | Defines the entry for one enum value |
►CEnumValues | Helper class that stores a list of typed enum values and their string names |
CEntry | Defines the entry for one enum value |
CTypedEnumField | TypedEnumField is used to encapsulate a C++ enum value and work with a real enum value instead of int |
CFloatField | Field to encapsulate a float value |
CProgressField | Field to encapsulate an increasing float value from range [0,1] |
CDoubleField | Field to encapsulate a double value |
CStringField | Field to encapsulate a string value |
CNotifyField | Field without value for notifications |
COutputConnectorField | Field to encapsulate a pointer to an output connector which represents a module output |
CInputConnectorField | Field to encapsulate a pointer to an input connector that represents a module input |
CBaseField | Field to encapsulate a pointer to an ML base object |
CTypedBaseField | Templated version of BaseField that only stores the template type as pointer |
CSoNodeField | Field to encapsulate a pointer to an SoNode instance of OpenInventor |
CPointerField | Field to encapsulate a void pointer to arbitrary data |
CVector2Field | Field to encapsulate a vector of two double values |
CVector3Field | Field to encapsulate a vector of three double values |
CVector4Field | Field to encapsulate a vector of four double values |
CVector5Field | Field to encapsulate a vector of five double values |
CVector6Field | Field to encapsulate a vector of six double values |
CVector10Field | Field to encapsulate a vector of ten double values |
CColorField | Field to encapsulate a vector of three float values representing an (RGB) color with all properties of Vector3Field |
CMatrix2Field | Field encapsulating a 2x2 matrix |
CMatrix3Field | Field encapsulating a 3x3 matrix |
CMatrixField | Field to encapsulate a 4x4 matrix, same as Matrix4Field for backward compatibility |
CMatrix4Field | Field to encapsulate a 4x4 matrix |
CMatrix5Field | Field encapsulating a 5x5 matrix |
CMatrix6Field | Field encapsulating a 6x6 matrix |
CMLDataTypeField | Field to encapsulate an MLDataType value |
CImageVectorField | Field to encapsulate an ML vector ImageVector with six integer components |
CSubImageBoxField | Field to encapsulate an ML integer SubimgBox |
CSubImageBoxdField | Field to encapsulate an ML double SubimgBox |
CUniversalTypeField | Field to encapsulate any of the registered ML types |
CRotationField | Field to encapsulate a vector of four double values representing a rotation with all properties of Vector4Field |
CPlaneField | Field to encapsulate a vector of four double values representing a plane with all properties of Vector4Field |
CFieldSensor | Class to define and to manage field sensors |
CHost | The Host is the central image processing class in the ML |
CImageProperties | This class represents basic image properties: |
CInputSubImageProperties | Defines the class InSubImageProps, a simple container for some properties that can be defined for an input subimage that is to be delivered to the corresponding call of the module's calculateOutputSubImage method |
CListField | |
CIntListField | |
CDoubleListField | |
CVector2ListField | |
CVector3ListField | |
CVector4ListField | |
CMedicalImageProperties | This class encapsulates basic medical image properties: |
CMemoryImage | A memory cache for the complete output image of an output connector |
CModule | Base class for an image processing module of the ML |
CModuleDiagnosisStackScope | |
CUserThreadData | Base class for thread local data that is passed to CalculateOutputImageHandler::calculateOutputSubImage |
CCalculateOutputImageHandler | Base class for the calculation of pages of an output image (PagedImage) of a Module |
CModuleTools | Class containing some helper functionality for Module programming and/or for the Module class itself |
CPagedImage | The class PagedImage, representing a fragmented image that manages properties and data of an image located in pages |
CPageIDIterator | A class that allows to incrementally iterate over all IDs of pages have an intersection with a given box on a given PagedImage |
CProcessAllPagesHandler | Base class for handlers that are used for the Module::processAllPages facility |
COrderedSingleInputProcessAllPagesHandler | A ProcessAllPages handler that offers ordered tile delivery on a single input image |
COrderedProcessAllPagesHandler | A ProcessAllPages handler that offers ordered tile delivery on any number of input images |
CTScaleShiftData | The class defines a first order linear transformation |
CMLTStdTypeInfos | Template class to register the standard integer classes as voxel types in the ML |
CStringConversion | The class StringConversion provides static methods to convert ML objects to and from strings |
CSubImage | This class manages/represents a rectangular 6D image region that is organized linearly in memory |
CTSubImageBox | This class defines a rectangular subimage region of standard ML dimensions |
CSubImageBoxd | SubImageBoxd - SubImageBox with coordinates of float data type |
CTreeNodeException | The class TreeNodeException is the base class for all exceptions thrown by the class TreeNode and all derived classes |
CTreeNode | The class TreeNode is the abstract base class for the import/export of ML objects |
CTSubImageCursor | Predeclaration for cursor |
CConstTSubImageCursor | Predeclaration for const cursor |
CTSubImage | This template class manages/represents a rectangular 6D image region in memory that is organized linearly |
CTSubImageCursorBase | Base class for all TSubImage Cursors |
CTSubImageWithCursor | A class that offers a TSubImage with a TSubImageCursor |
CVariableType | Base class for all variable types, mainly for Doxygen documentation purpose |
CTypedProcessAllPagesHandler | TypedProcessAllPagesHandler can be used as a base class for a custom ProcessAllPages handler and supports up to four type variable types |
CTypedCalculateOutputImageHandler | TypedCalculateOutputImageHandler can be used as a base class for a custom CalculateOutputImageHandler and supports up to four variable types |
CTypeTraits | TypeTraits for scalar ML datatypes |
CDataTypeSelector | Helper template so select a data type from its type ID |
CTQuaternion | Declaration of complex type traits |
CTvec2 | Declaration of float vector type traits |
CTvec3 | Forward declarations to resolve header file dependencies |
CTvec4 | Forward declarations to resolve header file dependencies |
CTvec5 | Forward declarations to resolve header file dependencies |
CTvec6 | A six dimensional vector class for floating point types |
CTvec7 | An seven dimensional vector class for floating point types |
CTvec8 | An eight dimensional vector class for floating point types |
CTvec9 | An nine dimensional vector class for floating point types |
CTvec10 | An ten dimensional vector class for floating point types |
CTvec16 | A 16 dimensional vector class for floating point types |
CTvec32 | A 32 dimensional vector class for floating point types |
CTvec64 | A 64 dimensional vector class for floating point types |
CTmat2 | Declaration of matrix type traits |
CTmat3 | A 3x3 matrix class of three row vectors |
CTmat4 | A 4x4 matrix class consisting of four row vectors |
CTmat5 | A 5x5 matrix class of five row vectors |
CTmat6 | A 6x6 matrix class of six row vectors |
CTVectorNDBase | Declaration of integer vector type traits |
CFloatingPointVector | Template class for vector arithmetic with floating point datatypes |
CFloatingPointMatrix | Base class of all matrix classes that holds the data buffer and provides some general access methods |
CAbstractPersistenceStream | AbstactPersistenceStream is the base class for AbstractPersistenceOutputStream and AbstractPersistenceInputStream, and implements the methods that are common for both these classes |
CAbstractPersistenceOutputStream | Class for writing object data to a stream |
CAbstractPersistenceInputStream | Class for reading object data from a stream |
CPersistenceStreamException | This class represents the exceptions that can be thrown while reading from or writing to the persistence stream |
CPersistenceStreamIOException | Derived class |
CPersistenceStreamFormatException | Derived class |
CPersistenceStreamInternalError | Derived class. This exception usually denotes programming errors |
CApplicationProperties | Static class that defines an interface to access properties of the host application |
CArgumentList0 | Empty argument to allow running with zero arguments |
CArgumentList1 | ArgumentList with one argument |
CArgumentList2 | ArgumentList with two arguments |
CArgumentList3 | ArgumentList with three arguments |
CArgumentList4 | ArgumentList with four arguments |
CArgumentList5 | ArgumentList with five arguments |
CBarrier | A barrier class that handles synchronization of multiple threads Thread-safety: This class is thread-safe |
CScopedBarrierWaiter | A helper class that ensures barrier waiting even when an exception occurs |
CBase | Class representing general ML objects that support import/export via strings (setPersistentState() and getPersistentState()), arbitrary tree structures (using addStateToTree() and readStateFromTree()), or a data stream (using writeTo() and readFrom()) |
CCompilerInfo | |
CComputerModelInfo | |
CConstantStringValue | Shared container for the string value and its hash |
CConstantString | A ConstantString that contains a std::string and its hash |
CIs | In combination with the in function, it returns true if a passed value is in the set of possible values |
►CContainerProxy | This template implements a proxy for containers that contain a collection of items normally accessed with a get-by-index method |
Citerator | |
Ctree_node | |
CCPUInfo | Singleton class that provides hardware-specific information |
CDateTime | Class for performing date/time arithmetic, comparisons and formatting |
CErrorOutput | Class to handle all ML debug prints, errors, warnings, and information |
CErrorOutputInfos | Struct that contains all information about errors, fatal errors, warnings, information, or debug prints |
CEventSource | EventSourceBase class adds event listener handling to Base |
CBaseEvent | BaseEvent is the base class for all events emitted from EventSourceBase |
CEventSourceDeletedEvent | EventSourceRemovedEvent is used to indicate when the EventSourceBase object is removed |
CImagePropertyExtension | Base class from which one can derive own image properties |
CImagePropertyExtensionContainer | This class is a container for extended image properties derived from ImagePropertyExtension |
►CMemory | Basic memory management class for the ML |
CDeleter | A custom delete that can be used in std::unique_ptr and std::shared_ptr |
CMemoryInfo | Singleton class that provides hardware specific information |
CNotify | Class to handle all ML Notify prints, errors, and warnings |
CRefCountedBase | RefCountedBase class adds intrusive reference counting support to the Base class |
CRuntime | This class contains the runtime system of the ML |
CRuntimeDict | This file declares the class RuntimeDict that manages a set of instances of class RuntimeTypes |
CRuntimeType | RuntimeType contains type and inheritance information of a class and a static dictionary with information on all created instances of RuntimeType |
CStringSwitch | |
COverload | |
CTimeCounter | Class to measure precise time intervals |
CTraceBuffer | This class manages a list and a stack of pointers to permanent strings |
CTrace | This class simply implements a constructor and a destructor |
CWaitCondition | WaitCondition implements a wait condition for thread synchronization |
CWMIInterface | Interface to the Windows Management Instrumentation https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa394582.aspx |
CFloatingPointVectorDataContainerBase | Base class of the FloatingPointVector class that holds the data buffer |
CTVector6DBase | TVector6DBase is the data container class for TVector providing specialized 6D container functionality for vectors of dimension MLMaxImageDimension |
CTImageVector | ImageVector is the 6D TVector specialization used by the ML for all image indexing |
CTVector | ML integer image vector class to be specialized for different purposes |
CLine | Class to define the geometry primitive 'Line' consisting of a position and a direction |
CPlane | Class defining a plane in 3D |
CRotation | Class to handle Rotations (internally, the rotation is stored as a unit quaternion) |
CVector2DataContainer | Specialized base class for the FloatingPointVectorDataContainerBase |
CVector3DataContainer | Specialized base class for the FloatingPointVectorDataContainerBase |
►NOverloadSelector | |
CSwitchType | Helper types to switch between implementations of functions by overloading |
C_ml_numeric_limits | Defines a template to get the minimum and maximum values for each basic integer type |
C_ml_numeric_limits< char > | |
C_ml_numeric_limits< double > | |
C_ml_numeric_limits< float > | |
C_ml_numeric_limits< int > | |
C_ml_numeric_limits< long > | |
C_ml_numeric_limits< long long > | |
C_ml_numeric_limits< short > | |
C_ml_numeric_limits< signed char > | |
C_ml_numeric_limits< unsigned char > | |
C_ml_numeric_limits< unsigned int > | |
C_ml_numeric_limits< unsigned long > | |
C_ml_numeric_limits< unsigned long long > | |
C_ml_numeric_limits< unsigned short > | |
C_MLFloatRangeCheck | |
C_MLFloatRangeCheck< float, double > | |
C_MLIntegerRangeCheck | Compile-check functions only if needed |
C_MLIntegerRangeCheck< false, false, Target, Source > | |
C_MLIntegerRangeCheck< false, true, Target, Source > | |
C_MLIntegerRangeCheck< true, false, Target, Source > | |
C_MLIntegerRangeCheck< true, true, Target, Source > | |
C_MLRangeCheck | Utility template that multiplexes between the different combinations of casting between integer and float types |
C_MLRangeCheck< false, false, Target, Source > | |
C_MLRangeCheck< false, true, Target, Source > | |
C_MLRangeCheck< true, false, Target, Source > | |
C_MLRangeCheck< true, true, Target, Source > | |
CComplexTypes | Defines a variable type for the complex datatypes (float and double) to be used with a TypedProcessAllPagesHandler/TypedCalculateOutputImageHandler |
CDefaultExtendedTypes | Defines a variable type for the default extended datatypes to be used with a TypedProcessAllPagesHandler/TypedCalculateOutputImageHandler |
CDefaultTypes | Defines a variable type for all scalar and the default extended datatypes to be used with a TypedProcessAllPagesHandler/TypedCalculateOutputImageHandler |
CFloatTypes | Defines a variable type for all built-in floating point datatypes to be used with a TypedProcessAllPagesHandler/TypedCalculateOutputImageHandler |
CIntegerTypes | Defines a variable type for all built-in integer datatypes to be used with a TypedProcessAllPagesHandler/TypedCalculateOutputImageHandler |
CMLApplicationPropertyCallbacks | Defines all callbacks that an application has to support for property access |
CMLMemoryAllocator | The memory allocator used by the memory manager |
CMLMemoryBlockHandle | The strong handle of a MLMemoryBlock |
CMLMemoryManager | The memory manager |
CMLTypeInfos | Structure containing all data type features and pointers to all functions needed to implement operations on any extended type |
CMLWeakMemoryBlockHandle | The weak handle of a MLMemoryBlock |
CScalarAndComplexTypes | Defines a variable type for the complex datatypes (float and double) to be used with a TypedProcessAllPagesHandler/TypedCalculateOutputImageHandler |
CScalarTypes | Defines a variable type for all built-in datatypes to be used with a TypedProcessAllPagesHandler/TypedCalculateOutputImageHandler |