107 bool orientToEye =
Disable some annoying warnings on MSVC 6.
Cylinder-sheet projector.
virtual SbVec3f project(const SbVec2f &point)
Apply the projector using the given point, returning the point in three dimensions that it projects t...
virtual void setupPlane()
Sets up the tolerance plane.
SbVec3f planeDir
Information about the plane used for intersection testing.
SbPlane tolPlane
the plane itself
virtual SbProjector * copy() const
Returns an instance that is a copy of this instance.
virtual SbRotation getRotation(const SbVec3f &point1, const SbVec3f &point2)
Computes a rotation based on two points on this projector.
SbCylinderSheetProjector(bool orientToEye=TRUE)
SbCylinderSheetProjector(const SbCylinder &cyl, bool orientToEye=TRUE)
SbVec3f workingProjPoint
The projection point in working space.
Class for representing a cylinder.
Base class for representing projectors.
Class for representing a rotation.