16#if !defined(__mlKernelEditor_H)
17#define __mlKernelEditor_H
Field to encapsulate a double value.
Base class for all fields used in the ML.
Field to encapsulate an integer value.
The class to edit a 6D kernel.
IntField * getKernelUFld() const
IntField * getKernelXFld() const
NotifyField * getPowFld() const
std::vector< std::string > _undoList
List of strings to push recent kernels.
NotifyField * getDivFld() const
StringField * getKernelStringFld() const
NotifyField * getSphereFld() const
NotifyField * getInvDivFld() const
DoubleField * getValueFld() const
virtual void _updateInfo(std::string errString="")
Update the kernel information line with kernel infos or error lines.
NotifyField * getMirrorFld() const
NotifyField * getSetElementValuesFld() const
void calculateOutputImageProperties(int outIndex, PagedImage *outputImage) override
Return kernel size as output image size. Set page size to 64x64x1x1x1x1.
NotifyField * getSubFld() const
void activateAttachments() override
Called when field settings are finished after load.
NotifyField * getSqrFld() const
NotifyField * getMirrorCFld() const
NotifyField * getInvSubFld() const
NotifyField * getMultFld() const
virtual void _stringToKernel(bool addToUndo=true)
Converts current editor string to a kernel and append it to the undo list if addToUndo is true.
IntField * getFieldWidthFld() const
IntField * getKernelYFld() const
IntField * getKernelCFld() const
IntField * getKernelTFld() const
void calculateOutputSubImage(SubImage *outSubImg, int, SubImage *) override
Implements the call of calculateOutputSubImage() for all data types.
NotifyField * getMirrorUFld() const
SubImageBox calculateInputSubImageBox(int, const SubImageBox &, int) override
We don't need any input image to calculate the output. So return an empty box.
void handleNotification(Field *field) override
Called when a parameter field is changed.
NotifyField * getGaussFld() const
NotifyField * getNormalizeFld() const
NotifyField * getLogFld() const
NotifyField * getSetExtFld() const
Macro to declare methods for the runtime system, defined in mlRuntimeSubClass.h.
IntField * getKernelZFld() const
NotifyField * getRedoFld() const
IntField * getNumElementsFld() const
MLint _recEntries
Counter for recursive entries in handleNotifications.
void calculateOutputSubImage(TSubImage< DATATYPE > *outSubImg, int outIndex)
Return kernel as output image.
NotifyField * getMirrorZFld() const
NotifyField * getSqrtFld() const
NotifyField * getAddFld() const
std::vector< std::string > _redoList
List of strings to redo recent kernels.
IntField * getPrecisionFld() const
NotifyField * getMirrorXFld() const
NotifyField * getFillFld() const
NotifyField * getMirrorYFld() const
NotifyField * getMirrorTFld() const
NotifyField * getUndoFld() const
virtual void _kernelToString(bool addToUndo=true)
Converts the current kernel to the editor string and append it to the undo list if addToUndo is true.
DoubleField * getElementSumFld() const
StringField * getInfoFld() const
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