21 #include <Inventor/fields/SoSFVec3f.h>
event phase for simple extensions that grab the focus, do something (motion) and are released afterwa...
SoView2DExtension Base class for all View2DExtensions used for drawing and event handling on the View...
The Inventor module class SoView2DGrid derived from SoView2DExtension.
static void initClass()
Initializes this class (called on DLL initialization).
~SoView2DGrid() override
Protected destructor.
void draw(View2DSliceList *slicelist, View2DSlice *slice, int sliceZ) override
Virtual method called by the SoView2D node when an image is rendered.
bool evalEvent(SoView2D *view2d, View2DSliceList *slicelist, View2DEvent *eventContainer, View2DEventPhase eventPhase) override
Handling of events occurring in the viewer.
SoView2D is a 2D viewer for image data.
View2DEvent stores all information on an event on a SoView2D.
a list that holds all View2DSlice objects (lazily created) of a SoView2D
a single slice that is stored in a View2DSliceList, typically created by a View2DSliceList