55 #ifndef _SO_VERTEX_SHAPE_
56 #define _SO_VERTEX_SHAPE_
178 int numNormals,
const SbVec3f *normals);
#define SoEXTENDER
Provide inline template functions for abs, swap, min, max, and clamp.
Disable some annoying warnings on MSVC 6.
#define SO_NODE_ABSTRACT_HEADER(className)
Macros to be called within the class definition header for a node subclass:
Renders a scene graph using OpenGL.
Bundle that allows shapes to deal with normals and normal bindings more easily.
Holds a list of SoNotRec notification records.
Field containing a pointer to a node.
Abstract base class for all shape nodes.
An SoState collects and holds state while traversing a scene graph.
Abstract base class for all vertex-based shape nodes.
virtual bool generateDefaultNormals(SoState *state, SoNormalBundle *nb)
Subclasses may define this method to generate normals to use when the normal binding is DEFAULT and t...
SoVertexProperty * getVertexProperty()
Get the SoVertexProperty from the vertexProperty field, returning NULL if the contained node is not o...
Constructor - makes this abstract.
bool beginVertexArrayRendering(SoGLRenderAction *action)
enables vertex array rendering client state and VBO rendering (if supported), returns true if VBOs ar...
SoVertexPropertyCache vpCache
vpCache stores information from one render to the next about what information needs to be grabbed fro...
virtual bool shouldGLRender(SoGLRenderAction *action)
Returns TRUE if the shape should be rendered.
void endVertexArrayRendering(SoGLRenderAction *action, bool vboWasUsed)
disables vertex array rendering and VBOs if vboWasUsed is passes as true (MeVis ONLY)
virtual void notify(SoNotList *list)
Redefines this to invalidate normal cache.
void setNormalCache(SoState *state, int numNormals, const SbVec3f *normals)
Sets up a cache to hold normals.
SoNormalCache * getNormalCache() const
Returns the current normal cache, or NULL if there is none.