size_t SbNodeIdType
Type of unique ids of SoNode, used in the notification/change detection handling.
Disable some annoying warnings on MSVC 6.
Base class for all nodes, paths, and engines.
Base class for all fields.
Holds a list of SoNotRec notification records.
SoNotRec * getLastRec() const
SoNotRec * getFirstRec() const
Returns first and last records in list.
SoField * getLastField() const
Returns last field set by notification (or NULL if notification did not originate at or propagate thr...
SoNotList(const SoNotList *copyFrom)
Copy constructor.
void append(SoNotRec *rec, SoField *field)
Appends given (container) field record to end of list.
SbNodeIdType getTimeStamp() const
Returns the time stamp so nodes can check if notification has already been handled.
void setLastType(SoNotRec::Type t)
Sets the type of the last (current) record in the list.
void append(SoNotRec *rec)
Appends given non-field record to end of list.
SoNotRec * getFirstRecAtNode() const
Returns first record in list that has a node base in the current chain of node-to-node notification.
void print(FILE *fp) const
Prints a notification list for debugging.
Records one step in the path taken by notification.
void setType(SoNotRec::Type t)
Sets notification type.
const SoNotRec * getPrevious() const
void print(FILE *fp) const
Prints a notification record for debugging.
Notification types (what receives notification).
Field notifying connected field.
Engine notifying connected field.
Child node notifying parent.
Field notifying container.
Some base notifying sensor.
void setPrevious(SoNotRec *prev)
Sets previous record pointer.
SoNotRec(SoBase *b)
Constructor - passed the base pointer.
SoNotRec::Type getType() const
SoBase * getBase() const
Returns base pointer, type, or previous record in list.