57 #ifndef _SO_SEPARATOR_KIT_
58 #define _SO_SEPARATOR_KIT_
Disable some annoying warnings on MSVC 6.
#define SO_KIT_HEADER(className)
Base class for all node kits.
Define fields for the new parts of the kit...
Sensor class that can be attached to Inventor fields.
Field containing an enumerated value.
Abstract base class for Inventor sensors.
static void fieldSensorCB(void *, SoSensor *)
virtual void setDefaultOnNonWritingFields()
Called by the SoBaseKit::write() method.
void connectSeparatorFields(SoSeparator *dest, bool onOff)
SoSFEnum renderCulling
Set render culling mode.
virtual bool affectsState() const
Overrides default method on SoNode.
SoFieldSensor * fieldSensor
This sensor will watch the topSeparator part.
SoSFEnum renderCaching
Set render caching mode. Default is AUTO.
Possible values for caching.
Never build or use a cache.
@ ON
Always try to build a cache.
virtual ~SoSeparatorKit()
SoSFEnum boundingBoxCaching
Set bounding box caching mode.
virtual bool setUpConnections(bool onOff, bool doItAlways=FALSE)
detach/attach any sensors, callbacks, and/or field connections.
SoSFEnum pickCulling
Set pick culling mode. Default is AUTO.
Group node that saves and restores traversal state.