145 { pickAct->setRadius(radiusInPixels); }
Disable some annoying warnings on MSVC 6.
#define SO_ACTION_HEADER(className)
Macros to be called within the class definition header for an action subclass:
Class for representing a viewport.
Abstract base class for all actions.
bool hasTerminated() const
Returns TRUE if the traversal has reached a termination condition.
void setTerminated(bool flag)
Allows subclass instance to indicate that traversal has reached a termination condition.
Base class for all events.
Allows nodes in a graph to receive input events.
virtual ~SoHandleEventAction()
const SbViewportRegion & getViewportRegion() const
Sets/returns current viewport region to use for action.
void setHandled()
Sets/returns whether any node has yet handled the event.
bool isHandled() const
Sets/returns whether any node has yet handled the event.
void setGrabber(SoNode *node)
Initiates grabbing of future events.
SoNode * getPickRoot() const
Sets/returns the root node used for initiating a pick action for those nodes that want to know what i...
SoNode * getGrabber() const
Returns the node that is currently grabbing events, or NULL if there is none.
virtual void beginTraversal(SoNode *node)
Initiates action on graph.
const SoPickedPointList & getPickedPointList()
Returns a list of objects intersected by a picking operation, sorted from nearest to farthest.
void setPickRadius(float radiusInPixels)
Set the radius (in pixels) around the viewport-space point through which the ray passes when doing ra...
const SoEvent * getEvent() const
Sets/returns the event being handled.
SoHandleEventAction(const SbViewportRegion &viewportRegion)
Constructor takes viewport region to use; this is needed to perform a pick operation when requested.
void setViewportRegion(const SbViewportRegion &newRegion)
Sets/returns current viewport region to use for action.
void setPickRoot(SoNode *node)
Sets/returns the root node used for initiating a pick action for those nodes that want to know what i...
void setEvent(const SoEvent *ev)
Sets/returns the event being handled.
const SoPickedPoint * getPickedPoint()
Returns the frontmost object hit (as an SoPickedPoint) by performing a pick based on the mouse locati...
void releaseGrabber()
Releases the grab.
Abstract base class for all database nodes.
Maintains a list of pointers to SoPickedPoint instances.
Represents point on surface of picked object.
Intersects objects with a ray cast into scene.