144 {
copy(l) ;
return *
this; }
244 static int comparePaths(
const void *p1Ptr,
const void *p2Ptr);
358 {
copy(l) ;
return *
this; }
448 { (* (
const SbPList *)
this) [i] = (
void *) Field; }
494 { (* (
const SbPList *)
this) [i] = (
void *) engineOutput; }
Disable some annoying warnings on MSVC 6.
List of generic (void *) pointers.
void *& operator[](int i) const
Returns pointer with given index.
void append(void *ptr)
Adds given pointer to end of list.
void * get(int i) const
Internal versions of [] that do not check for bounds:
void truncate(int start)
Removes all pointers after one with given index, inclusive.
SbPList & operator=(const SbPList &pl)
Assignment operator; copies list into this list.
void copy(const SbPList &pl)
Copy a list.
void insert(void *ptr, int addBefore)
Inserts given pointer in list before pointer with given index.
Subclasses of the SbPList class which hold lists of pointers of a specific type.
void copy(const SoBaseList &l)
Copies a list, keeping all reference counts correct.
SoBaseList(int size)
Constructor that pre-allocates storage for size pointers.
void insert(SoBase *ptr, int addBefore)
Inserts given pointer in list before pointer with given index.
void set(int i, SoBase *ptr)
Sets an element of a list.
SoBaseList(const SoBaseList &l)
Constructor that copies the contents of another list.
void addReferences(bool flag)
Indicates whether to call ref() and unref() for bases in the list when adding/removing them.
void truncate(int start)
Removes all pointers after one with given index, inclusive.
void append(SoBase *ptr)
Adds a pointer to the end of the list.
void remove(int which)
Removes pointer with given index.
Base class for all nodes, paths, and engines.
Maintains a list of instances of details.
void copy(const SoDetailList &l)
Copies a list, making a copy of each detail instance in the list.
void truncate(int start)
Removes all details after one with given index, inclusive.
SoDetailList(const SoDetailList &l)
Constructor that copies the contents of another list.
void insert(SoDetail *detail, int addBefore)
Inserts given detail in list before detail with given index.
void set(int i, SoDetail *detail)
Sets an element of a list, deleting the old entry first.
void append(SoDetail *detail)
Adds a detail to the end of the list.
Base class for describing detail information about a shape node.
Maintains a list of pointers to engines.
void append(SoEngine *ptr)
Adds an engine to the end of the list.
SoEngineList(const SoEngineList &l)
Maintains a list of pointers to engine outputs.
SoEngineOutputList(const SoEngineOutputList &l)
SoEngineOutputList(int size)
void append(SoEngineOutput *engineOutput)
Adds an engine output to the end of the list.
void set(int i, SoEngineOutput *engineOutput)
Sets an element of a list.
void insert(SoEngineOutput *engineOutput, int addBefore)
Inserts the given engine output in the list before the element of the given index.
Class for all engine outputs.
Base class for all engines.
Maintains a list of pointers to fields.
SoField * get(int i) const
Internal versions of [] that do not check for bounds:
void insert(SoField *field, int addBefore)
Inserts given pointer in list before pointer with given index.
void set(int i, SoField *Field)
Sets an element of a list.
void append(SoField *field)
Adds a pointer to the end of the list.
SoFieldList(const SoFieldList &l)
Base class for all fields.
Maintains a list of pointers to nodes.
void append(SoNode *ptr)
Adds a pointer to the end of the list.
SoNodeList(const SoNodeList &l)
Abstract base class for all database nodes.
Maintains a list of pointers to paths.
void sort()
Sorts list in place based on (1) increasing address of head node, then (2) increasing indices of chil...
void uniquify()
Given a sorted list, removes any path that (1) is a duplicate, or (2) goes through a node that is the...
int findPath(const SoPath &path)
Returns the index of the matching path in the list, or -1 if not found.
SoPathList(const SoPathList &l)
void append(SoPath *ptr)
Adds a path to the end of the list.
Path that points to a list of hierarchical nodes.
Maintains a list of pointers to SoPickedPoint instances.
SoPickedPointList(const SoPickedPointList &l)
Constructor that copies the contents of another list.
void insert(SoPickedPoint *pickedPoint, int addBefore)
Inserts given pointer in list before pointer with given index.
void append(SoPickedPoint *pickedPoint)
Adds a pointer to the end of the list.
SoPickedPointList(int size)
void set(int i, SoPickedPoint *pickedPoint)
Sets an element of a list.
void truncate(int start)
Removes all pointers after one with given index, inclusive, deleting all instances removed from the l...
Represents point on surface of picked object.
Maintains a list of SoTypes.
void append(SoType typeId)
Adds a type to the end of the list.
int find(SoType typeId) const
Returns index of given type in list, or -1 if not found.
void insert(SoType typeId, int addBefore)
Inserts given type in list before type with given index.
SoTypeList(const SoTypeList &l)
void set(int i, SoType typeId)
Sets an element of a list.
SoType has no virtual functions to keep it small...