22 #include <FMEThirdPartyWarningsDisable.h>
24 #include <FMEThirdPartyWarningsRestore.h>
36 #include "DPL_TypeDefs.h"
37 #include "DPL_Logger.h"
41 class DirectDicomImportDPLTagValueProvider;
54 const std::string &info,
59 void *userData =
60 float progressStart = 0.2f,
61 float progressRange = 0.3f);
93 void log( Logger::LogTypes logType,
const std::string& msgArg )
99 void log( Logger::LogTypes logType, DPL::ErrorInfo* error )
106 unsigned int _verboseLevel;
109 bool _logPartingAndSortingInformationOn;
115 ProgressCB *_updateProgressInfos;
121 float _progressStart;
124 float _progressRange;
145 #ifdef _DPL_SAVE_ERROR_DEF
Project global and OS specific declarations.
Only for diagnostic purposes.
Extended DPL logger class redirecting messages from the DPL to a DirectDicomImport instance.
virtual void setProgressCB(ProgressCB *callback=nullptr, void *userData=nullptr, float progressStart=0.2f, float progressRange=0.3f)
Defines the currently used progress callback or resets it if nothing is passed.
void ProgressCB(void *usrData, const std::string &info, float state)
Progress callback which can be registered for DPL progress logging.
unsigned int getVerboseLevel() const
Returns verbose level.
void setProgressLogger(ProgressLogger *ddiLogger=nullptr)
Set the used ProgressLogger instance, defaults to nullptr.
void setLogPartingAndSortingInformationOn(bool on)
Enables logging of partitioning and sorting information if enabled, default is off/false.
void setVerboseLevel(unsigned int verboseLevel)
Verbose level (0 = only warnings and errors, other values = full information).
void log(Logger::LogTypes logType, DPL::ErrorInfo *error) override
Receives the DPL error and sends it to the console of the DirectDicomImport instance.
DirectDicomImportDPLTagValueProvider * getTagValueProvider() const
Returns the currently set tag value provider or nullptr if not set.
bool isPartingAndSortingInformationOn()
Returns true if logging of partitioning and sorting information is enabled, otherwise false.
void setTagValueProvider(DirectDicomImportDPLTagValueProvider *prov=nullptr)
An optional tag value provider from which information about the recent frame can be retrieved for mor...
void log(Logger::LogTypes logType, const std::string &msgArg) override
Receives the DPL message and sends it to the console of the DirectDicomImport instance.
DirectDicomImportDPLLogger(ProgressLogger *ddiLogger=nullptr)
Constructor: A class logging DPl messages to the console of the instance of a ProgressLogger.
ProgressLogger * getProgressLogger() const
Returns the currently set ProgressLogger.
An DPL::TagValueProvider class for the DirectDicomImport module.
Configurable logger and progress handler class which can be used as base class for logging,...
Class to measure precise time intervals.
Configurable logger and progress handler class which can be used as base class for logging,...
boost::log::sources::severity_channel_logger< SeverityLevel > Logger