Open Inventor Reference
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  *
3  * Copyright (C) 2000 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
4  *
5  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
8  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9  *
10  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is
16  * free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement
17  * or the like. Any license provided herein, whether implied or
18  * otherwise, applies only to this software file. Patent licenses, if
19  * any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with
20  * other software, or any other product whatsoever.
21  *
22  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
23  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
24  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
25  *
26  * Contact information: Silicon Graphics, Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy,
27  * Mountain View, CA 94043, or:
28  *
29  *
30  *
31  * For further information regarding this notice, see:
32  *
33  *
34  *
35  */
38 /*
39  * Copyright (C) 1990,91 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
40  *
41  _______________________________________________________________________
42  ______________ S I L I C O N G R A P H I C S I N C . ____________
43  |
44  | $Revision: 1.2 $
45  |
46  | Description:
47  | This file defines the SoGLLazyElement class.
48  |
49  | Author(s) : Alan Norton, Gavin Bell
50  |
51  ______________ S I L I C O N G R A P H I C S I N C . ____________
52  _______________________________________________________________________
53  */
55 #ifndef _SO_GL_LAZY_ELEMENT
56 #define _SO_GL_LAZY_ELEMENT
60 class SoGLRenderCache;
61 class SoVBO;
80  public:
82  virtual void init(SoState *state);
85  virtual void push(SoState *state);
86  virtual void pop(SoState *state, const SoElement *prevTopElement);
89  static void sendAllMaterial(SoState *state)
90  {SoGLLazyElement *le = getInstance(state);
91  if ((le->invalidBits)||(state->isCacheOpen()))
92  le->reallySend(state, ALL_MASK);}
94  static void sendNoMaterial(SoState *state)
95  {SoGLLazyElement *le = getInstance(state);
96  if ((NO_COLOR_MASK & le->invalidBits)||(state->isCacheOpen()))
97  le->reallySend(state, NO_COLOR_MASK);}
99  static void sendOnlyDiffuseColor(SoState *state)
100  {SoGLLazyElement *le = getInstance(state);
101  if ((DIFFUSE_ONLY_MASK & le->invalidBits)||(state->isCacheOpen()))
102  le->reallySend(state, DIFFUSE_ONLY_MASK);}
108  void sendDiffuseByIndex(int index) const;
111  void reset(SoState* state, uint32_t bitmask) const;
116  static SoGLLazyElement * getInstance(const SoState *state)
117  {return (SoGLLazyElement *)
118  (state->getConstElement(classStackIndex));}
120  SoINTERNAL public:
122  static void initClass();
128  void send(const SoState *state, uint32_t mask) const
129  {if ((mask & invalidBits)||(state->isCacheOpen()))
130  ((SoGLLazyElement*)(this))->reallySend(state, mask);}
134  virtual bool matches(const SoElement *) const
135  {return FALSE;}
136  virtual SoElement *copyMatchInfo() const
137  {return NULL;}
141  bool lazyMatches(uint32_t checkGLFlag, uint32_t checkIVFlag,
142  const SoGLLazyElement* eltInState){
143  if (checkGLFlag || checkIVFlag ||
144  (ivState.transpType != eltInState->ivState.transpType))
145  return (fullLazyMatches (checkGLFlag, checkIVFlag, eltInState));
146  else return(TRUE);
147  }
150  typedef struct {
153  float GLAmbient[4];
154  float GLEmissive[4];
155  float GLSpecular[4];
156  float GLShininess;
161  } GLLazyState;
171  void getCopyGL(SoGLLazyElement* cacheLazyElement,
172  SoGLLazyElement::GLLazyState& cacheGLState);
178  void copyBackGL(SoGLLazyElement* cacheLazyElement,
179  SoGLLazyElement::GLLazyState& cacheGLState)
180  { if (cacheLazyElement->GLSendBits)
181  reallyCopyBackGL(cacheLazyElement->GLSendBits, cacheGLState);}
185  void sendVPPacked(SoState* state, const unsigned char* pcolor);
188  virtual ~SoGLLazyElement();
191  parentCache, uint32_t doSendFlag, uint32_t checkIVFlag,
192  uint32_t checkGLFlag);
195  void updateColorVBO(SoState* state, SoVBO* vbo);
197  private:
199  void copyGLValues(uint32_t bitmask, SoGLLazyElement* cacheLazyElement);
201  void copyIVValues(uint32_t bitmask, SoGLLazyElement* cacheLazyElement);
204  void reallySend(const SoState *state, uint32_t bitmask);
207  bool fullLazyMatches(uint32_t checkGLFlag, uint32_t checkIVFlag,
208  const SoGLLazyElement* eltInState);
211  void packColors(SoColorPacker *cPacker);
215  virtual void setDiffuseElt(SoNode *node, int32_t numColors,
216  const SbColor *colors, SoColorPacker *cPacker);
218  virtual void setTranspElt(SoNode *node, int32_t numTrans,
219  const float *trans, SoColorPacker *cPacker);
221  virtual void setTranspTypeElt(int32_t type);
222  virtual void setPackedElt( SoNode *node,
223  int32_t numColors, const uint32_t *packedColors);
225  virtual void setAmbientElt(const SbColor* color);
226  virtual void setEmissiveElt( const SbColor* color);
227  virtual void setSpecularElt(const SbColor* color);
228  virtual void setShininessElt( float color);
229  virtual void setColorMaterialElt( bool value);
230  virtual void setBlendingElt( bool value);
231  virtual void setLightModelElt(SoState *, int32_t model);
232  virtual void setMaterialElt(SoNode *, uint32_t bitmask,
233  SoColorPacker *cPacker, const SoMFColor&,
234  const SoMFFloat&, const SoMFColor&,
235  const SoMFColor&, const SoMFColor&, const SoMFFloat&);
238  virtual void registerRedundantSet(SoState *, uint32_t bitmask);
240  virtual void registerGetDependence(SoState *, uint32_t bitmask);
243  void reallyCopyBackGL(uint32_t bitmask, SoGLLazyElement::GLLazyState& );
250  uint32_t GLSendBits;
255  static u_char patterns[64+1][32 * 4];
258  static bool patternsCreated;
262  static bool patternListDefined[64+1];
265  static int patternListBase;
268  static int patternListContext;
272  bool cacheOpen;
275  void sendStipple(const SoState *state, int transpIndex);
279  static void createPatterns();
280 };
282 #endif /* _SO_GL_LAZY_ELEMENT */
#define SoEXTENDER
Provide inline template functions for abs, swap, min, max, and clamp.
Definition: SbBasic.h:154
#define TRUE
Definition: SbBasic.h:76
#define FALSE
Definition: SbBasic.h:79
#define SoINTERNAL
Definition: SbBasic.h:155
size_t SbNodeIdType
Type of unique ids of SoNode, used in the notification/change detection handling.
Definition: SbBasic.h:90
Disable some annoying warnings on MSVC 6.
Definition: SbSystem.h:81
unsigned int uint32_t
Definition: SbTypeDefs.h:44
signed int int32_t
Definition: SbTypeDefs.h:43
#define SO_ELEMENT_HEADER(className)
This one is for non-abstract element classes.
Definition: SoSubElement.h:112
Color vector class.
Definition: SbColor.h:84
This class is meant to be used by all property nodes that set either a diffuse color or transparency ...
This is the abstract base class for all state elements.
Definition: SoElement.h:96
Element that manages the GL state for the SoLazyElement.
static void sendAllMaterial(SoState *state)
Static sends, always send top-of-stack. Intended for extender use.
void reset(SoState *state, uint32_t bitmask) const
Destroy knowledge of GL state.
virtual void push(SoState *state)
Override push() and pop() methods to maintain GL state.
static SoGLLazyElement * getInstance(const SoState *state)
Return the top (current) instance of the element in the state Note it does NOT cause cache dependency...
void copyBackGL(SoGLLazyElement *cacheLazyElement, SoGLLazyElement::GLLazyState &cacheGLState)
method that copies GL state back into "this" element after cache has been called.
SoGLLazyElement * copyLazyMatchInfo(SoState *state)
Replaces copyMatchInfo for this element: makes a GLLazyElement with some initialization.
static void sendNoMaterial(SoState *state)
void updateColorVBO(SoState *state, SoVBO *vbo)
Update the passed VBO with the packed colors if the diffuse/transparency node ids do not match.
virtual void pop(SoState *state, const SoElement *prevTopElement)
void sendVPPacked(SoState *state, const unsigned char *pcolor)
Send a packed color (not in state).
virtual ~SoGLLazyElement()
Note: destructor is public, so cache can delete its copy.
virtual bool matches(const SoElement *) const
note: matches, copyMatchinfo not used by this element.
virtual void init(SoState *state)
Initializes element.
virtual SoElement * copyMatchInfo() const
Create a copy that we can put in a cache used list and call matches() on later.
void send(const SoState *state, uint32_t mask) const
Sends indicated component(s) to GL: Only sends if value is not already in GL.
void sendDiffuseByIndex(int index) const
Send diffuse color and transparency, by index Included for compatibility with SoMaterialBundle To be ...
void mergeCacheInfo(SoGLRenderCache *childCache, SoGLRenderCache *parentCache, uint32_t doSendFlag, uint32_t checkIVFlag, uint32_t checkGLFlag)
static void initClass()
Initializes the SoGLLazyElement class.
bool lazyMatches(uint32_t checkGLFlag, uint32_t checkIVFlag, const SoGLLazyElement *eltInState)
Replace matches() for this element: matches "this" element GL or IV state with values in eltInState.
void getCopyGL(SoGLLazyElement *cacheLazyElement, SoGLLazyElement::GLLazyState &cacheGLState)
method that makes a copy of GL state at cache close().
static void sendOnlyDiffuseColor(SoState *state)
Element that manages several properties such as colors, that need to be lazily tracked by GL.
Definition: SoLazyElement.h:99
virtual void registerRedundantSet(SoState *, uint32_t)
method to tell the cache that a redundant set was issued.
ivStateStruct ivState
static SoLazyElement * getInstance(SoState *state)
Returns the top (current) instance of the element in the state Note that the cache dependencies assoc...
virtual void registerGetDependence(SoState *, uint32_t)
method to register dependence due to get().
uint32_t invalidBits
This is more convenient here, but might logically be kept with SoGLLazyElement.
Multiple-value field containing any number of RGB colors stored as three floats.
Definition: SoMFColor.h:88
Multiple-value field containing any number of floating point values.
Definition: SoMFFloat.h:82
Abstract base class for all database nodes.
Definition: SoNode.h:103
An SoState collects and holds state while traversing a scene graph.
Definition: SoState.h:82
const SoElement * getConstElement(int stackIndex) const
Returns the top (read-only) instance of the given element stack.
Definition: SoState.h:100
bool isCacheOpen() const
Definition: SoState.h:129
SoVBO is used to manage OpenGL vertex buffer objects.
Definition: SoVBO.h:52
provide a public typedef for GLLazyState, so that GLRenderCache can use it: