MeVisLab Toolbox Reference
mlModuleProfiling.h File Reference
#include <mlTypeDefs.h>
#include <mlProfilingManager.h>

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class  ml::internal::ProfilingScope
 Helper class that stops measuring when it gets out of scope. More...


 Main documentation file for ML users and developers.


#define ML_PROFILING_SCOPE(ProfilingIdentifier)
 Starts profiling using the ML Profiling Manager. More...

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ML_PROFILING_SCOPE (   ProfilingIdentifier)
internal::ProfilingScope internal_scope; \
MLMetaProfile* internal_metaProfile = NULL; \
internal_metaProfile = getMetaProfile().get(); \
if (internal_metaProfile) { \
internal_scope.startMeasuring(internal_metaProfile, ProfilingIdentifier, MLMetaProfile::MLCall, this); \
} \
static bool isProfilingEnabled()
Returns whether profiling is enabled.

Starts profiling using the ML Profiling Manager.

This can only be used in classes that implement getMetaProfile(), e.g., ml::Module.

Definition at line 48 of file mlModuleProfiling.h.