boost::graph_traits< ml_undirected_graph_ptr >::vertex_descriptor | boost::source (graph_traits< ml_undirected_graph_ptr >::edge_descriptor e, const ml_undirected_graph_ptr) |
| Returns the vertex descriptor for u of the edge (u,v) represented by e.
boost::graph_traits< ml_undirected_graph_ptr >::vertex_descriptor | boost::target (graph_traits< ml_undirected_graph_ptr >::edge_descriptor e, const ml_undirected_graph_ptr) |
| Returns the vertex descriptor for v of the edge (u,v) represented by e.
std::pair< boost::graph_traits< ml_undirected_graph_ptr >::out_edge_iterator, boost::graph_traits< ml_undirected_graph_ptr >::out_edge_iterator > | boost::out_edges (boost::graph_traits< ml_undirected_graph_ptr >::vertex_descriptor vertex, const ml_undirected_graph_ptr) |
| Returns an iterator-range providing access to the out-edges (for directed graphs) or incident edges (for undirected graphs) of vertex u in graph g.
boost::graph_traits< ml_undirected_graph_ptr >::degree_size_type | boost::out_degree (boost::graph_traits< ml_undirected_graph_ptr >::vertex_descriptor vertex, const ml_undirected_graph_ptr) |
| Returns the number of out-edges (for directed graphs) or the number of incident edges (for undirected graphs) of vertex u in graph g.
std::pair< boost::graph_traits< ml_undirected_graph_ptr >::vertex_iterator, boost::graph_traits< ml_undirected_graph_ptr >::vertex_iterator > | boost::vertices (ml_undirected_graph_ptr g) |
| Returns an iterator-range providing access to all the vertices in the graph g.
boost::graph_traits< ml_undirected_graph_ptr >::vertices_size_type | boost::num_vertices (const ml_undirected_graph_ptr g) |
| Returns the number of vertices in the graph g.
boost::graph_traits< ml_undirected_graph_ptr >::vertex_descriptor | boost::vertex (boost::graph_traits< ml_undirected_graph_ptr >::degree_size_type arrayIndex, const ml_undirected_graph_ptr g) |
| Returns the vertex at internal index.
ml_ug_vertex_id_map | boost::get (vertex_index_t, ml_undirected_graph_ptr g) |
| get() function for vertex id property map vertex_index_t just necessary for overloading
ml_ug_edge_weight_map | boost::get (edge_weight_t, ml_undirected_graph_ptr) |