TestCenter Reference
NChangeSet | Module to handle changes to field values |
NCodeTest | Module to allow running CodeTests (currently only GoogleTest tests) from a FunctionalTestCase |
NConfig | Module to handle TestCenter's configuration |
NFieldValueTests | Class to handle field-value test-cases |
▼NGenericTest | |
CSharedTest | |
NIPC | Socket based communication between a master and a slave |
NMaster | The master instance of the TestCenter |
NSlave | The slave instance of the TestCenter |
NTestCase | The test case superclass |
NTestCaseFunctional | The functional test case class |
NTestCaseGeneric | The generic test case class |
NTestCenter | |
▼NTestCenterAdvanced | |
▼NConfig | |
CConfiguration | |
CMLABExecutableNotFoundException | |
CReportConfig | |
▼NIPC | |
CComMaster | The connection's master |
CCommunicator | The Communicator is the superclass for the communicating entities |
CComSlave | The connection's slave |
CError | |
▼NMaster | |
CMaster | The coordinator of test execution |
CProgressTestCase | |
CSlaveProcess | |
CTestCaseTimer | |
CTestProgress | |
▼NSlave | |
CSlave | The class controlling a MeVisLab slave instance |
CTestCaseRemoteListener | |
▼NTestCase | |
CRunTestFunctionData | |
CTestCase | The superclass for the different test case categories |
CUnitTestResult | |
▼NTestCaseFunctional | |
CFunctionalTestCase | Implementation of the TestCase superclass for functional test cases |
▼NTestCaseGeneric | |
CGenericTestCase | The implementation of the TestCase superclass for generic testing |
NTestCenter | |
NTestHelper | A singleton to provide important data for the testing process |
▼NTestSupport | A package of python modules helping to build tests |
NAsync | Support functions for asynchronous module handling |
▼NBase | Basic support functions |
CHtmlDiff | |
CMacrosShouldLogOnSuccessDecorator | Decorator to globally enable or disable if the ASSERT_*/EXPECT_* macros log an info message on success |
▼NBDD | |
C_BDDContext | |
▼NChangeSet | |
CChangeSet | Class to handle field changes and make them revertable |
▼NCodeTest | |
CCodeTest | |
CTestFunction | |
CTestFunctionGroup | |
▼NDicomTreeCompare | |
CDicomTreeCompare | Helper class, please use compareDicomTrees() |
▼NExtraTestCaseResult | |
CExtraTestCaseResult | |
CExtraTestCaseResultFunction | |
NFields | Package to handle all field related support functions |
▼NFieldValueTests | |
▼CFieldValueTestCase | A class implementing the field-value test cases |
CFieldList | List of field information |
CFieldListBase | Superclass for the field lists used in the field-value test case |
CFieldValueList | List of field information including field values |
CFieldValueTestCaseIterator | A class to iterate over the list of field-value test cases of a given set |
CFieldValueTestCaseSet | A class collecting a set of field-value test cases |
NFormal | |
NGeneric | |
NHelperFunctions | |
NImage | Support functions regarding image handling |
NLogging | Package to provide logging functions |
NMacros | Adds GoogleTest like methods |
NMath | Basic math functions |
▼NMessageFilters | |
CErrorMessageFilter | |
CInfoMessageFilter | |
CMessageFilter | |
CMessageHandling | |
CMessageType | |
CWarningMessageFilter | |
▼NNotificationCounter | |
CNotificationCounter | |
▼NPythonUnitTest | |
CMeVisLabTestCase | |
▼NRemoteRenderingEventReplay | |
CEventReplay | |
NScreenShot | Package to provide screenshot related support functions |
▼NTestHelper | |
CCancelTestException | |
CExpectInfos | |
CSetLoggingCallerStackFrame | |
CSuppressedErrors | |
CSuppressedWarnings | |
CTC_ChangeSet | |
CTestHelper | Singleton for important helper facilities for the different tests |
NUnitTestDiscovery | |
▼NUnitTestSupport | |
CTestCaseWithSupportData |