19 #include <Inventor/elements/SoReplacedElement.h>
53 typedef SoReplacedElement inherited;
Sampling mode for SbSlabRenderingProperties.
If enabled, the renderer should render exactly the slice at worldPositionOnSlice and all other slices...
If enabled, the renderer should render the slice at worldPositionOnSlice but may render more subslice...
System dependent includes. Disables some compiler/linker warnings.
Open Inventor element to store information about current slab mode.
SbVec3f worldPositionOnSlice
< A world position on one of the rendered slices that MUST be sliced by a renderer
bool enabled
< Flag that defines if the slab rendering is enabled and the parameters below should be used.
SbVec3f worldPositionOnNextSlice
< Another world position on the next slice to be rendered, this may be used by the renderer but is no...
SbPlane frontPlane
< The front plane of the slab in world coordinate system
SbPlane backPlane
< The back plane of the slab in world coordinate system
SlabRenderingSamplingMode samplingMode
< If this flag is enabled, the renderer should render slices at exactly worldPositionOnSlice and all ...
Inventor element storing SlabRendering properties in the Open Inventor state.
static void initClass()
Initialize class with runtime type system.
SbSlabRenderingProperties _props
static const SbSlabRenderingProperties & get(SoState *state)
Returns the current SbSlabRenderingProperties from the state.
~SoSlabRenderingElement() override
static void set(SoState *state, SoNode *node, const SbSlabRenderingProperties &props)
Sets the current SbSlabRenderingProperties in the state.