54 #ifndef _SO_WWWANCHOR_
55 #define _SO_WWWANCHOR_
#define SoEXTENDER
Provide inline template functions for abs, swap, min, max, and clamp.
Disable some annoying warnings on MSVC 6.
#define SO_NODE_HEADER(className)
Non-abstract classes have everything abstract classes have, plus a way to create an instance.
void INVENTOR_API SoWWWAnchorCB(const SbString &url, void *userData, SoWWWAnchor *node)
This is the format for callbacks during anchor activation (left mouse click) and highlight (move over...
Class for smart character strings.
Abstract base class for all actions.
Allows nodes in a graph to receive input events.
Special separator that performs locate highlighting.
Field containing an enumerated value.
Field containing a string.
Separator group node with a URL hyperlink.
SoSFEnum map
Specifies what additional information should be added to the end of the URL when passed back to the a...
static void * highlightURLdata
static void setHighlightURLCallBack(SoWWWAnchorCB *f, void *userData)
Application callbacks invoked when the mouse is moved over an anchor so that the app can provide feed...
Do no add information to the URL.
static SoWWWAnchorCB * fetchURLcb
SoSFString description
A description of the URL which may make more sense to users than the URL itself (e....
virtual void redrawHighlighted(SoAction *act, bool isNowHighlighting)
redefine this to also invoke the app callbacks...
static void * fetchURLdata
SoSFString name
URL which the application will be called back to fetch when this node is activated by a left mouse cl...
void setFullURLName(const SbString &url)
virtual void handleEvent(SoHandleEventAction *action)
Override handleEvent to look for left-mouse clicks, to do a pick:
static SoWWWAnchorCB * highlightURLcb
static SbString emptyString
Creates an anchor node with default settings.
static void setFetchURLCallBack(SoWWWAnchorCB *f, void *userData)
Application callbacks invoked when the mouse is clicked on an anchor so that the application can fetc...
const SbString & getFullURLName()
If the name field contains a relative URL (e.g.