#define SoEXTENDER
Provide inline template functions for abs, swap, min, max, and clamp.
Disable some annoying warnings on MSVC 6.
3D box with an associated transformation matrix.
Class SoBoundingBoxCache:
bool hasLinesOrPoints() const
Returns the hasLinesOrPoints flag.
const SbBox3f & getProjectedBox() const
const SbXfBox3f & getBox() const
SoBoundingBoxCache(SoState *state)
Constructor and destructor.
bool isCenterSet() const
Returns TRUE if the center is valid.
const SbVec3f & getCenter() const
Returns the center (in object space)
static void setHasLinesOrPoints(SoState *state)
Sets the hasLinesOrPoints flag to TRUE in all open bounding box caches in the given state.
void set(const SbXfBox3f &boundingBox, bool centerSet, const SbVec3f ¢erPoint)
Stores a bounding box and center point in the cache.
An SoState collects and holds state while traversing a scene graph.