
DicomSEGSave creates and composes a DICOM file of modality SEG and provides/composes the necessary tags to fulfill the DICOM standard requirements. It derives much generic DICOM save functionality from module DicomSaveBase.

Segmentation types BINARY, MULTI_SEGMENT_BINARY, and FRACTIONAL are supported, see Segmentation Type for details. Note that changes of Segmentation Type also may change the input connector from which pixel data is taken, see input0 for details.


DicomSEGSave changed the format of the written binary segmentation data to ensure compliance to the DICOM Standard. Now multiple frames of segmentation images are written as a contiguous bit stream while older versions (before MeVisLab version 3.5) wrote such data with padding to 16 bit borders between frames. For details and backward compatibility see savePaddedPixelData.


Segmentation types BINARY and FRACTIONAL support the export of only one segment with segment number 1, although the module interface allows editing multiple segments. Multiple segments are only be stored when using Segmentation Type MULTI_SEGMENT_BINARY.

There is no interface for editing SegmentedPropertyTypeCodeSequence (0062,000f) and SegmentedPropertyCategoryCodeSequence (0062,0003). They are currently set as follows:

  • SegmentedPropertyTypeCodeSequence (0062,000f) is written with one entry containing tags
    • CodeValue (0008,0100) of value A-25500 (”Stent”)
    • CodingSchemeDesignator (0008,0102) of value SRT
    • CodeMeaning (0008,0104) of value 65818007.
  • SegmentedPropertyCategoryCodeSequence (0062,0003) is written with one entry containing tags
    • CodeValue (0008,0100) of value T-D0050 (”Tissue”)
    • CodingSchemeDesignator (0008,0102) of value SRT
    • CodeMeaning (0008,0104) of value 85756007.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: input0, type: Image

Information for the tags ImageOrientatonPatient, SliceThickness, PixelSpacing and ImagePositionPatient of PlaneOrientationSequence, PixelMeasureSequence and PerFrameFunctionalSequence are determined from the properties of input0 image connector.

This input is also be used as source for DICOM tags to inherit if Input Selector is set to ImageConnector.


In case of Segmentation Type FRACTIONAL and MULTI_SEGMENT_BINARY the voxel data is taken from input0 image connector and inputBitImage connector is ignored. In BINARY case voxel data is taken from inputBitImage connector.


The BitImage connected to inputBitImage connector does not contain any location or orientation information. It is not used at all if Segmentation Type is FRACTIONAL or MULTI_SEGMENT_BINARY. Location and orientation must always be provided as world matrix of the image connected to input0 image connector. In other words: the world matrix of any written segmentation should be the same as the one provided with the image connected to input0 image connector. Otherwise the segmentation mask stored in the DICOM file will not be located correctly when displayed in DICOM viewers.


At this connector always a valid image must be provided, even if another input as source for DICOM information to inherit is specified. Image related information (as described above) is always retrieved from this input.


name: inputBase, type: MLBase

This is a Base connector which can be used to provide the DICOM tree from which tags can be inherited; it is only used if Input Selector is set to BaseConnector accordingly. It supports DICOM tree and MultiFileVolumeList Base objects as inputs.


name: inputBitImage, type: MLBase

In case of Segmentation Type BINARY the binary voxel data is taken from inputBitImage. For Segmentation Type FRACTIONAL and MULTI_SEGMENT_BINARY the voxel data is taken from input0 and inputBitImage is completely ignored. See input0 for details.


name: inputModifierList, type: MLBase

This is an optional input where modification plugins can be connected. They are applied as last operation on the final DICOM information directly before it is written to file. This can be used, for example to handle private tags, or to apply final cleanups before the DICOM file is created. See for example DicomModifyTagsPlugin, DicomModifySubTreeSelectorPlugin, or DicomModifyImageTagsPlugin, which are useful for final modifications on the DICOM information.

Parameter Fields

Field Index

#Volumes: Integer Filter: String Prepend Entry: Trigger
Accession Number: String Frame Of Reference UID: String Recommended Display CIELab Value: Vector3
Annotate: Bool Inherit DICOM Information (CTRL+R): Trigger Referenced SOP Class UIDs (referencedSeriesReferencedSOPClassUIDs): String
Append Entry: Trigger Inherit Series Number: Bool Referenced SOP Class UIDs (referencedStudiesReferencedSOPClassUIDs): String
Append Segment: Trigger Inherit Specific Character Set: Bool Referenced SOP Instance UIDs (referencedSeriesReferencedSOPInstanceUIDs): String
Auto: Bool inheritAndCopyTagsOtherGeneralEquipmentTags: Bool Referenced SOP Instance UIDs (referencedStudiesReferencedSOPInstanceUIDs): String
autoCreateDeviceSerialNumber: Enum inheritAndCopyTagsOtherGeneralEquipmentTagsForContributedEquipmentSequence: Bool Referring Physician Name: String
autoCreateDeviceSerialNumberForContributedEquipmentSequence: Enum inheritAndCopyTagsOtherGeneralStudyTags: Bool Remove Segment: Trigger
autoCreateManufacturer: Enum inheritAndCopyTagsOtherPatientDemographicTags: Bool Rgb: Color
autoCreateManufacturerForContributedEquipmentSequence: Enum inheritAndCopyTagsOtherPatientIdentificationTags: Bool Save (Ctrl+S): Trigger
autoCreateManufacturerModelName: Enum inheritAndCopyTagsOtherPatientMedicalTags: Bool savePaddedPixelData: Bool
autoCreateManufacturerModelNameForContributedEquipmentSequence: Enum inheritAndCopyTagsOtherPatientRelationshipTags: Bool Segment Algorithm Name: String
autoCreateSeriesInstanceUID: Enum inheritAndCopyTagsOtherPatientStudyTags: Bool Segment Algorithm Type: Enum
autoCreateSoftwareVersions: Enum inheritDeviceSerialNumber: Enum Segment Description: String
autoCreateSoftwareVersionsForContributedEquipmentSequence: Enum inheritDeviceSerialNumberForContributedEquipmentSequence: Enum Segment Image Value Range Max: Double
Body Part Examined: String inheritManufacturer: Enum Segment Image Value Range Min: Double
bodyPartExaminedValues: String inheritManufacturerForContributedEquipmentSequence: Enum Segment Label: String
CID Entry: Enum inheritManufacturerModelName: Enum Segment Number: Integer
cidEntryCID_7202: Enum inheritManufacturerModelNameForContributedEquipmentSequence: Enum Segmentation Fractional Type: Enum
Clear: Trigger inheritSeriesInstanceUID: Enum Segmentation Type: Enum
Clear Referenced Series Fields: Trigger inheritSoftwareVersions: Enum Series Description: String
Clear Referenced Studies Fields: Trigger inheritSoftwareVersionsForContributedEquipmentSequence: Enum Series Instance UID (referencedSeriesSeriesInstanceUID): String
codedSegmentSequence: String InIdx: Integer Series Instance UID (referencedStudiesSeriesInstanceUID): String
Content Creators Name: String Input Selector: Enum Series Number: String
Content Date: String Instance Number: Integer seriesInstanceUID: String
Content Description: String Laterality: Enum Set Default: Trigger
Content Label: String Laterality Checks: Enum softwareVersions: String
Content Time: String makeCIDEditGUIInsensitive: Bool softwareVersionsForContributedEquipmentSequence: String
Context Group Sequence: String makeCIDEditGUIInsensitiveCID_7202: Bool Sop Class UID: String
Copy Other Input Tags: Bool makeCommonInstanceReferenceModuleGUIInsensitive: Bool Sop Instance UID: String
Create new UID: Trigger makeFrameOfReferenceGUIInsensitive: Bool Specific Character Set: String
Create Or Extend Contributing Equipment Sequence: Bool manufacturer: String Status: String
createDeviceSerialNumber: Trigger manufacturerForContributedEquipmentSequence: String Study Date: String
createDeviceSerialNumberForContributedEquipmentSequence: Trigger manufacturerModelName: String Study Description: String
createManufacturer: Trigger manufacturerModelNameForContributedEquipmentSequence: String Study ID: String
createManufacturerForContributedEquipmentSequence: Trigger Maximum Fractional Value Mode: Enum Study Instance UID (studyInstanceUID): String
createManufacturerModelName: Trigger Num shown binary bytes: Integer Study Instance UID (commonInstanceReferenceStudyInstanceUID): String
createManufacturerModelNameForContributedEquipmentSequence: Trigger Number Of Segments: Integer Study Time: String
createSeriesInstanceUID: Trigger Patient Birth Date Day: Enum Tag Dump: String
createSoftwareVersions: Trigger Patient Birth Date Day String: String Tag Dump Size: Integer
createSoftwareVersionsForContributedEquipmentSequence: Trigger Patient Birth Date Month: Enum Transfer Syntax UID: Enum
Current Segment: Integer Patient Birth Date Month String: String True File Name: String
defaultManufacturer: String Patient Birth Date Year: Enum Update automatically on changes of StudyInstanceUID: Bool
defaultManufacturerForContributedEquipmentSequence: String Patient Birth Date Year String: String Update tags of Common Instance Reference IOD Module: Trigger
defaultManufacturerModelName: String Patient ID: String Use Empty Laterality Tag If Not Found On Inheritance: Bool
defaultManufacturerModelNameForContributedEquipmentSequence: String Patient Orientation: String useMMSUIDPrefix: Bool
Derivation Mode: Enum Patient Sex: Enum warnDirectoriesOnBrowsing: Bool
deviceSerialNumber: String Patient Sex String: String warnNonExistingFileOnBrowsing: Bool
deviceSerialNumberForContributedEquipmentSequence: String Patients Name: String Write Body Part Examined: Bool
Dump Private Tag Values: Bool Populate Source Image Sequence: Bool Write Specific Character Set: Bool
File Name (unresolvedFileName): String Position Reference Indicator: String  
File Name (fileName): String Post Bad Param Errors: Bool  

Visible Fields

File Name (unresolvedFileName)

name: unresolvedFileName, type: String, deprecated name: unresolvedDcmInputFileName

If a loading operation from disk is selected as input in the Input Selector then the file name from which the DICOM tree shall be loaded is specified here. Otherwise this field is insensitive.

True File Name

name: absoluteFileName, type: String, persistent: no, deprecated name: dcmInputFileName

Absolute file path updated from File Name.

Input Selector

name: inputSelector, type: Enum, default: ImageConnector, deprecated name: inheritanceInput

Selects from which connector a DICOM tree shall be loaded or retrieved.


Title Name Description
Image Connector ImageConnector DICOM information is inherited from the input0.
Base Connector BaseConnector DICOM information is inherited from the inputBase.
File File DICOM information is inherited from the file specified in File Name / True File Name.


name: inputVolumeIndex, type: Integer, default: 0, minimum: 0, deprecated name: ddiOutVolIdx

If a MultiFileVolumeList is connected or loaded then one of multiple volumes can be selected with this field. The number of available volumes is shown in the #Volumes. Otherwise this should always be 0.


name: numVolumes, type: Integer, persistent: no, deprecated name: numDDIVolumes

This read-only field shows the number of available volumes. For most inputs this will be 0 if no DICOM tree is available, 1 if there is any, or any other number for a lists of volumes at inputBase if a MultiFileVolumeListRefCounted base object is connected and selected in Input Selector.

Tag Dump Size

name: tagDumpSize, type: Integer, default: 10000

Maximum number of characters shown in the Tag Dump field. Note that too large values can degrade performance when viewing the DICOM tag list.

Dump Private Tag Values

name: dumpPrivateTagValues, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If enabled then values of private tags are decoded if decoders are available.

Num shown binary bytes

name: numShownBinaryEntries, type: Integer, default: 8

Number of shown bytes of binary tags.


name: annotate, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If enabled then tags are annotated with further descriptive information such as possible types ( 1=Mandatory, 1C=Conditionally Mandatory, 2=Mandatory, may have zero or one item, 2C=Conditionally Mandatory, but may be empty, 3=Optional) and possible meanings of the tag. Note that no context analysis is performed for that information and therefore all possible and perhaps redundant meanings are shown.


name: regExLineFilter, type: String

If not empty then the regular expression is used to filter all lines of Tag Dump; see that field for more details. Examples:

======================= ==================================
Expression              Description
======================= ==================================
.*                     Matches all string/lines.
.*(0008,0032).*        Matches all lines containing this tag ID.
.*logo.*               Matches anything containing 'logo' (case sensitive)
.*[lL][oO][gG][oO].*   Matches anything containing 'logo' (case insensitive)
.*.[jJ][pP][gG]        Matches anything ending with .jpg where jpg is case insensitive.
.*.JPG|.*.jpg          Matches all paths ending with either '.jpg' or with '.JPG'.
.*\d.*                 Matches all paths containing at least one digit.
.*[[:digit:]].*        Same as above.
.*[[:xdigit:]].*       Matches all paths containing at least one hexadecimal digit.
.*\l.*                 Matches all paths containing at least one lower case character.
.*[[:lower:]].*        Same as above.
.*\u.*                 Matches all paths containing at least one upper case character.
.*[[:upper:]].*        Same as above.
.*\s.*                 Matches all paths containing at least one white space character.
.*[[:space:]].*        Same as above.
.*[[:blank:]].*        Matches all paths containing at least one non-line-separating whitespace.
.*[[:word:]].*         Matches all paths containing at least one word character (alphanumeric characters plus the underscore).
.*[[:w:]].*            Same as above.
.*[[:graph:]].*        Matches all paths containing at least one graphical character.
.*[5-7].*              Matches all paths containing at least one of the digits 5, 6 or 7.
======================= ==================================

Tag Dump

name: tagDump, type: String, persistent: no

Shows a dump of the DICOM tags; if necessary it will be clamped at a size given by Tag Dump Size and the message ‘tag list shortened and not shown completely’ is appended.

Inherit DICOM Information (CTRL+R)

name: inheritDICOMTags, type: Trigger

If notified then DICOM related information is inherited from the input selected in Input Selector. Note that some DICOM tags of the input image are not inherited or removed to avoid that they cause trouble in the output file. See On Inherit: fields for details.

Copy Other Input Tags

name: copyOtherInputTags, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If disabled then only the required and important DICOM tags are written into the output file. If enabled then all other tags from the input are also copied even if they are not related to the written modality. WARNING: IF THIS IS ENABLED ALSO INAPPROPRIATE TAGS MIGHT BE COPIED TO THE CREATED FILE!

Save (Ctrl+S)

name: save, type: Trigger

If this button is pressed then the given information from inputs and fields are composed to a DICOM file with modality SEG which is saved in the file determined by File Name.

File Name (fileName)

name: fileName, type: String

The path and name of the file to be written.

Post Bad Param Errors

name: postBadParamErrors, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled then bad parameters are posted as ML error, otherwise they are only shown in status field.


name: status, type: String, persistent: no

Shows general information and messages.

Derivation Mode

name: segSaveDerivationMode, type: Enum, default: Automatic

Controls in which way the exported file will be related to the other DICOM objects. If the Derivation Image Functional Group information is stored in the exported file then the UIDs of the frames are added to the output file which have been used to create the segmentation. If Frame Of Reference information is added then a UID is added which denotes a common space in which segmentation and input DICOM object(s) exist. Note that in both cases the user is responsible to specify the appropriate UIDs or to inherit them from the connected input object. See Inherit DICOM Information (CTRL+R), Frame Of Reference UID, seriesInstanceUID, Study Instance UID, Referenced SOP Class UIDs, and Referenced SOP Instance UIDs for details.


Title Name Description
Automatic Automatic Automatically selects one of the other modes.
Derivation Image And Frame Of Reference DerivationImageAndFrameOfReference The exported file is created with both, the Derivation Image Functional Group and Frame of Reference information.
Only Frame Of Reference OnlyFrameOfReference The exported file is created only with Frame of Reference information.
Only Derivation Image OnlyDerivationImage The exported file is created only with the Derivation Image Functional Group.

Transfer Syntax UID

name: compression, type: Enum, default: Explicit VR Little-endian, no compression

List of supported Transfer Syntax UIDs:

Note: Compressing binary segmentation data is only supported by
‘1.2.840.10008., Deflated Explicit VR Little Endian’.

1.2.840.10008.1.2.1, Explicit VR Little-endian: The normally used one, no compression.

1.2.840.10008., Explicit VR Big-endian: Normally rarely used, no compression.

1.2.840.10008.1.2, Implicit VR-Litte-endian: The only mandatory one but also the worst, no compression.

1.2.840.10008., JPEG Lossless, Non-Hierarchical, First-Order Prediction (Process 14 [Selection Value 1]): Shall always be supported according to Part 5, 10.2 Transfer Syntax for a DICOM Default of Lossless JPEG Compression Slightly faster than 1.2.840.10008., same algorithm, lower compression, only other predictor.

1.2.840.10008., JPEG-LS Lossless Image Compression: Modern compression, usually best good compression and speed, however, perhaps no good real-world support. Best trade off if supported by recipients.

1.2.840.10008., JPEG Lossless, Non-Hierarchical (Process 14): Marked as slightly faster than 1.2.840.10008., perhaps less real-world support.

1.2.840.10008.1.2.5, RLE Lossless: Widely supported, however, usually no good compression.

1.2.840.10008., Deflated Explicit VR Little Endian: Deflate-algorithm based codec which compresses the entire data set regardless of its contents, i.e. it is well suited for non-image data compression, floating point or binary pixel data which may not be supported by many other transfer syntaxes. Usually reaches best compression ratios if the size of pixel data is not the largest part of the written data set.

Populate Source Image Sequence

name: populateSourceImageSequence, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Fill Source Image Sequence (0008,2112) with entries if possible. It controls sensitivity of the Purpose of Reference Code Sequence, C., CID 7202.

Context Group Sequence

name: contextGroupSequence, type: String

The values to be added as a context group id sequence. This input field may be insensitive dependent on Derivation Mode.

CID Entry

name: cidEntry, type: Enum, default: 113076 - Segmentation

Selects one of the entries of the CID Group Table which can be appended or prepended to the sequence. It describes the algorithm which was used to create the segmentation from the image source. A very typical setting can be “113076 - Segmentation”. A concatenation of values can be used to describe a sequence of steps which lead to the segmentation result. This input field may be insensitive dependent on Derivation Mode.

Append Entry

name: appendEntry, type: Trigger

Appends the currently selected CID Entry to the sequence. This input field may be insensitive dependent on Derivation Mode.

Prepend Entry

name: prependEntry, type: Trigger

Inserts the currently selected CID Entry at the begin of the sequence. This input field may be insensitive dependent on Derivation Mode.


name: clear, type: Trigger

Removes all entries from the sequence. This input field may be insensitive dependent on Derivation Mode.

Patients Name

name: patientsName, type: String

DICOM tag: The patient name (0010,0010) to be written.

Patient ID

name: patientID, type: String

DICOM tag: String/number used to identify the patient see tag (0010,0020).

Patient Birth Date Year

name: patientBirthDateYearEnum, type: Enum, default: 1900

The selectable year of birth of the patient; ‘User Defined’ allows manual specification. See DICOM tag Patient’s Birth Day (0010,0030).

Patient Birth Date Year String

name: patientBirthDateYearString, type: String, default: 1900

The year of the patient birth as string. Can be modified manually only if ‘Patient Sex’ is ‘User Defined’. See DICOM tag Patient’s Birth Day (0010,0030).

Patient Birth Date Month

name: patientBirthDateMonthEnum, type: Enum, default: 01-January

The selectable month of birth of the patient; ‘User Defined’ allows manual specification. For convenience the module also allows and translates values such as “03-March” or “March” to the required value component “03”, respectively. See DICOM tag Patient’s Birth Day (0010,0030).

Patient Birth Date Month String

name: patientBirthDateMonthString, type: String, default: 01-January

The month of birth of the patient; ‘User Defined’ allows manual specification. For convenience the module also allows and translates values such as “03-March” or “March” to the required value component “03”, respectively. See DICOM tag Patient’s Birth Day (0010,0030).

Patient Birth Date Day

name: patientBirthDateDayEnum, type: Enum, default: 01

The selectable Day of birth of the patient; ‘User Defined’ allows manual specification. See DICOM tag Patient’s Birth Day (0010,0030).

Patient Birth Date Day String

name: patientBirthDateDayString, type: String, default: 01

The day of the patient birth as string. Can be modified manually only if ‘Patient Birth Date Day’ is ‘User Defined’. See DICOM tag Patient’s Birth Day (0010,0030).

Patient Sex

name: patientSexEnum, type: Enum, default: Other

The selectable sex of the patient; ‘User Defined’ allows manual specification. See DICOM tag Patient Sex (0010,0040).

Patient Sex String

name: patientSexString, type: String, default: Other

The sex of the patient as string. Can be modified manually only if ‘Patient Sex’ is ‘User Defined’. See DICOM tag Patient Sex (0010,0040).


name: inheritAndCopyTagsOtherPatientRelationshipTags, type: Bool, default: FALSE

See DicomEnhancedSave.inheritAndCopyTagsOtherPatientRelationshipTags.


name: inheritAndCopyTagsOtherPatientIdentificationTags, type: Bool, default: FALSE

See DicomEnhancedSave.inheritAndCopyTagsOtherPatientIdentificationTags.


name: inheritAndCopyTagsOtherPatientDemographicTags, type: Bool, default: FALSE

See DicomEnhancedSave.inheritAndCopyTagsOtherPatientDemographicTags.


name: inheritAndCopyTagsOtherPatientMedicalTags, type: Bool, default: FALSE

See DicomEnhancedSave.inheritAndCopyTagsOtherPatientMedicalTags.

Instance Number

name: instanceNumber, type: Integer, default: 0, minimum: 0

DICOM tag: Instance Number (0020,0013). A number that identifies this image. May be empty.

Content Label

name: contentLabel, type: String

DICOM tag: Content Label (0070,0080). A label that is used to identify this SOP instance. Must obey value representation CS (Uppercase characters, ‘0’-‘9’, the SPACE character, and underscore ‘_’, of the Default Character Repertoire, 16 bytes maximum).

Content Description

name: contentDescription, type: String

DICOM tag: Content Description (0070,0081). A description of the content of this SOP instance.

Content Creators Name

name: contentCreatorsName, type: String

DICOM tag: Content Creator’s Name (0070,0084). Name of operator (such as a technologist or physician) creating the content of the SOP instance. May be empty.

Study Instance UID (studyInstanceUID)

name: studyInstanceUID, type: String

DICOM tag: Study Instance UID (0020,000D) Unique identifier for the study. If available then see Update automatically on changes of StudyInstanceUID and C.12.2 Common Instance Reference Module in the DICOM standard for details and important dependent settings. Must contain up to 64 characters from ‘0’-‘9’ or ‘.’. This field is insensitive if Auto is enabled.

Create new UID

name: createStudyInstanceUID, type: Trigger

Creates a new Study Instance UID


name: autoCreateStudyInstanceUID, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled for each written file a new Study Instance UID is created. If disabled the currently set one is used. Makes Study Instance UID (Study Instance UID) insensitive if enabled.

Study Date

name: studyDate, type: String

DICOM tag: Study Date (0008,0020). The date the study started. May be empty.

Study Time

name: studyTime, type: String

DICOM tag: Study Time (0008,0030). The time the study started. May be empty.

Referring Physician Name

name: referringPhysicianName, type: String

DICOM tag: Referring Physician’s Name (0008,0090). Name of the patient’s referring physician. May be empty.

Study ID

name: studyID, type: String, deprecated name: studyUID

DICOM tag: Study ID (0020,0010). User or equipment generated study ID. May be empty.

Accession Number

name: accessionNumber, type: String

DICOM tag: Accession Number (0008,0050). A RIS generated number that identifies the order of the Study. May be empty.

Study Description

name: studyDescription, type: String

DICOM tag: Study Description (0008,1030). Institution-generated description or classification of the Study (component) performed. Optional, may be empty.


name: inheritAndCopyTagsOtherGeneralStudyTags, type: Bool, default: FALSE

See DicomEnhancedSave.inheritAndCopyTagsOtherGeneralStudyTags.


name: inheritAndCopyTagsOtherPatientStudyTags, type: Bool, default: FALSE

See DicomEnhancedSave.inheritAndCopyTagsOtherPatientStudyTags.


name: seriesInstanceUID, type: String

DICOM tag: Series Instance UID (0020,000E). Unique identifier of the series, must be non-empty in case of some enhanced contexts. Must contain up to 64 characters from ‘0’-‘9’ or ‘.’. Maybe insensitive dependent on the state of autoCreateSeriesInstanceUID (On Save).


name: inheritSeriesInstanceUID, type: Enum, default: CreateNew

Which value to set on inheriting:

DoNotInherit: Do not inherit SeriesInstanceUID from input and leave value unchanged.

InheritFromTopLevel: Inherit SeriesInstanceUID from top level of input DCMTree; value is set empty if not found.

InheritRecursively: Inherit SeriesInstanceUID from recursive search in input DCMTree; value is set empty if not found.

CreateNew: Create a new SeriesInstanceUID instead of inheriting one.

CreateNewIfNeeded: Same as CreateNew, but only if SeriesInstanceUID is empty.


name: autoCreateSeriesInstanceUID, type: Enum, default: CreateIfNeeded

Which value to use on saving:

DoNotAutoCreate: Do not create a new SeriesInstanceUID, just use the current value, and value is left unchanged.

AutoCreateAlways: Always create a new SeriesInstanceUID even if another one is set (value is overwritten).

CreateIfNeeded: Create a new SeriesInstanceUID if value is empty (value is overwritten).


name: createSeriesInstanceUID, type: Trigger

Creates a new unique SeriesInstanceUID value.

Series Number

name: seriesNumber, type: String

DICOM tag: Series Number (0020,0011). Integer number with at most 12 digits; tag must exist and in most contexts it must have a non-empty value; in a few IODs it is allowed to be empty.

Inherit Series Number

name: inheritSeriesNumber, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Sometimes it is not desired to inherit the Series Number tag from the input, because it’s set by the module user. For this purpose it can be disabled.


name: laterality, type: Enum, default: DoNotWriteTagValue

DICOM tag: Laterality (0020,0060). Allowed values: ‘L’ (Left), ‘R’ (Right), and empty value (WriteEmptyTagValue). Note that not writing the tag value may violate the DICOM standard under some circumstances.

Use Empty Laterality Tag If Not Found On Inheritance

name: useEmptyLateralityTagIfNotFoundOnInheritance, type: Bool, default: TRUE

In may contexts the Laterality tag (0020,0060) must be available but is allowed to be empty, however, often it cannot be inherited since it is not part of the DICOM. This field allow to inherit a state that always an empty tag value is written instead of skipping it which perhaps would violate the DICOM standard. Also depends on other Laterality tags.

Laterality Checks

name: lateralityChecks, type: Enum, default: AsWarning

The combinations of values of Laterality tag(s) and BodyPartExamined cannot be checked reliably in all situations; therefore a deactivation or only warning logs may be useful in some cases.


Title Name Description
As Error AsError Handle all problems as error and do not write the DICOM file.
As Warning AsWarning Post all problems as warnings but write the DICOM file.
Ignore Ignore Do not check or log at all.

Series Description

name: seriesDescription, type: String

DICOM tag: Series Description (0008,103E). Optional, may be empty.

Write Body Part Examined

name: writeBodyPartExamined, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If enabled Then the Body Part Examined (0018,0015) tag is written into output files, otherwise not.

Body Part Examined

name: bodyPartExamined, type: String

DICOM tag: Body Part Examined (0018,0015). Text description of the part of the body examined. See Annex L ‘Correspondence of Anatomic Region Codes and Body Part Examined Defined Terms’ in PS3.16 for Defined Terms

Frame Of Reference UID

name: frameOfReferenceUID, type: String

Unique ID referencing the DICOM frame on which the saved data set is based. It should reference the UID of the frame on which this file ‘bases’; usually derived from the ‘FrameOfReferenceUID’ tag of the connected input image. This input field may be insensitive dependent on Derivation Mode.

Position Reference Indicator

name: positionReferenceIndicator, type: String

Part of the imaging target used as a reference. See C. in DICOM standard; usually derived from the ‘PositionReferenceIndicator’ tag of the connected input image. This input field may be insensitive dependent on Derivation Mode.


name: manufacturer, type: String

DICOM tag: Manufacturer (0008,0070). Company creating the DICOM file. In enhanced contexts it must have a value but in some other contexts it may be empty.

Defaults to ‘Fraunhofer MEVIS’ if not set otherwise in hidden defaultManufacturer field. Maybe insensitive dependent on the state of autoCreateManufacturer (On Save).


name: inheritManufacturer, type: Enum, default: CreateNewIfNeeded

See inheritSeriesInstanceUID.


name: autoCreateManufacturer, type: Enum, default: CreateIfNeeded

See autoCreateSeriesInstanceUID.


name: createManufacturer, type: Trigger

See createSeriesInstanceUID.


name: defaultManufacturer, type: String, default: Fraunhofer MEVIS

This hidden field contains the default value for manufacturer if a new value is created with createManufacturer, during inheritance or saving. It can be changed by the application if the module is run by another manufacturer.


name: manufacturerModelName, type: String

DICOM tag: Manufacturers Model Name (0008,1090) determined by the manufacturer. In enhanced contexts it must have a value but in some other contexts it may be empty.

Defaults to ‘MeVisLab’ if not set otherwise in hidden ‘defaultManufacturerModelName’ field. Maybe insensitive dependent on the state of autoCreateManufacturerModelName (On Save).


name: inheritManufacturerModelName, type: Enum, default: CreateNewIfNeeded

See inheritSeriesInstanceUID.


name: autoCreateManufacturerModelName, type: Enum, default: CreateIfNeeded

See autoCreateSeriesInstanceUID.


name: createManufacturerModelName, type: Trigger

See createSeriesInstanceUID.


name: defaultManufacturerModelName, type: String, default: MeVisLab

This hidden field contains the default value for manufacturerModelName if a new value is created with createManufacturerModelName, during inheritance or saving. It can be changed by the application if the module is run by another manufacturer an/or on another model.


name: deviceSerialNumber, type: String

DICOM tag: Device Serial Number (0018,1000). The serial number of the device. In enhanced contexts it must have a value but in some other contexts it may be empty.

Generated numbers have the format

‘SN’ + ‘_’ + MeVisLabVersion + ‘_’ + Platform + ‘_’ + Compiler + ‘_’ + Bitness + ‘_’ + MAC + ‘_’ + ‘FM’


‘SN’ stands for Serial Number’+

MeVisLabVersion is the coded MEVISLAB_VERSION compiler definition (e.g. 305 for MeVisLab 3.5)

Platform is ‘0’ for unknown, ‘1’ for Windows, ‘2’ for Linux, ‘3’ for MACOS,


  • MSC: ‘1-’ + MSCVER
  • gcc: ‘2-’ + gcc-mayor+’.’+gcc-minor+’.’+gcc-patchlevel (or 0 if not available)
  • apple-clang: ‘3-’ + __clang_version__
  • other clang: ‘4-’ + __clang_version__
  • or ‘0’ otherwise.

Bitness is ‘32’ or ‘64’ according to 32 or 64 bit systems

MAC is a decimal coded MAC address of the device if available

and ‘FM’ stands for (for Fraunhofer MEVIS). Maybe insensitive dependent on the state of autoCreateDeviceSerialNumber (On Save).


name: inheritDeviceSerialNumber, type: Enum, default: CreateNew

See inheritSeriesInstanceUID.


name: autoCreateDeviceSerialNumber, type: Enum, default: CreateIfNeeded

See autoCreateSeriesInstanceUID.


name: createDeviceSerialNumber, type: Trigger

See createSeriesInstanceUID.


name: softwareVersions, type: String

DICOM tag: Manufacturer’s software version (0018,1020). In enhanced contexts it must have a value but in some other contexts it may be empty.

Defaults to ‘MeVisLab ‘ + current version number. Maybe insensitive dependent on the state of autoCreateSoftwareVersions (On Save).


name: inheritSoftwareVersions, type: Enum, default: CreateNew

See inheritSeriesInstanceUID.


name: autoCreateSoftwareVersions, type: Enum, default: CreateIfNeeded

See autoCreateSeriesInstanceUID.


name: createSoftwareVersions, type: Trigger

See createSeriesInstanceUID.

Content Date

name: contentDate, type: String

DICOM tag: Content Date (0008,0023). The data the image pixel data creation started. Must not be empty since it is used in enhanced multi-frame context as SEG IOD.

Content Time

name: contentTime, type: String

DICOM tag: Content Time (0008,0033). The time the image pixel data creation started. Must not be empty since it is used in enhanced multi-frame context as SEG IOD.

Patient Orientation

name: patientOrientation, type: String

DICOM tag: Patient Orientation (0020,0020). May be empty. Must obey value representation CS (Uppercase characters, ‘0’-‘9’, the SPACE character, and underscore ‘_’, of the Default Character Repertoire, 16 bytes maximum).

Number Of Segments

name: numberOfSegments, type: Integer, default: 0

The number of available segment items.

Current Segment

name: currentSegment, type: Integer, default: 0

Selects the segment item of the segment sequence which is shown / edited.

Segment Number

name: segmentNumber, type: Integer, persistent: no

Read only: DICOM tag: Identification number of the segment. The value of Segment Number (0062,0004) shall be unique within the Segmentation instance in which it is created. See C. The value is automatically determined to ensure uniqueness and valid range.

Segment Label

name: segmentLabel, type: String

DICOM tag: User-defined label identifying this segment. This may be the same as the Code Meaning (0008,0104) of the Segmented Property Type Code Sequence (0062,000F).

Segment Description

name: segmentDescription, type: String

DICOM tag: Tag (0062,0006) is the user-defined description for this segment.

Segment Algorithm Type

name: segmentAlgorithmType, type: Enum, default: MANUAL

DICOM tag: Tag (0062,0008) is the algorithm type used to generate this segment; if not MANUAL then Segment Algorithm Name (0062,0009) must be non-empty.


Title Name

Segment Algorithm Name

name: segmentAlgorithmName, type: String

DICOM tag: Tag (0062,0009) is the algorithm used to generate this segment; must be non-empty if Segment Algorithm Type (0062,0008) is not MANUAL.

Segment Image Value Range Min

name: segmentImageValueRangeMin, type: Double, default: 0.999

Lower border of [Min,Max[ interval in which input image values are considered as part of the segment; interval borders are not stored in DICOM file.

Segment Image Value Range Max

name: segmentImageValueRangeMax, type: Double, default: 1.79769313486232e+308

Lower border of [Min,Max[ interval in which input image values are considered as part of the segment; interval borders are not stored in DICOM file.


name: rgb, type: Color, default: 1.00000654970814 1.00002375910913 1.00000696748107

A RGB representation of the recommendedDisplayCIELabValue, which, however, is less precise; better make directly uise of recommendedDisplayCIELabValue.

Append Segment

name: appendSegment, type: Trigger

Appends a new segment at the end of the segment list. :note: Only Segmentation Type MULTI_SEGMENT_BINARY supports multiple segments to be stored in DICOM file, BINARY and FRACTIONAL only support exactly one segment.

Remove Segment

name: removeSegment, type: Trigger

Removes the currently selected segment from the segment list; if no valid index is selected nothing is done. :note: Currently only and exactly one segment is supported although the GUI allows editing multiple segments.

Segmentation Type

name: segmentationType, type: Enum, default: BINARY

DICOM tag: A Segmentation Type (0062,0001) of BINARY indicates the segmented property is present with a value of 1 and absent with a value of 0. Pixel data is retrieved from a BitImage at base inputBitImage and only one segment is supported.

For a Segmentation Type (0062,0001) of FRACTIONAL the segmented property is defined as a value from zero to the Maximum Fractional Value (0062,000E). A FRACTIONAL segmentation shall be further specified via Segmentation Fractional Type (0062,0010).

A Segmentation Type (0062,0001) of MULTI_SEGMENT_BINARY also uses BINARY as tag value and indicates the segmented property is present with a value of 1 and absent with a value of 0. Pixel data is retrieved from image connector input0 and multiple segments are generated with thresholding according to [Segment Image Value Range Min, Segment Image Value Range Max[ of the corresponding segments.


Title Name

Segmentation Fractional Type

name: segmentationFractionalType, type: Enum, default: PROBABILITY

DICOM tag: Enumerated Values of Segmentation Fractional Type (0062,0010): PROBABILITY Defines the probability, as a percentage, that the segmented property occupies the spatial area defined by the voxel. OCCUPANCY Defines the percentage of the voxel area occupied by the segmented property. Pixel data is retrieved from input0 image connector; the BitImage connector is ignored. This input field may be insensitive dependent on Segmentation Type (0062,0001).


Title Name

Maximum Fractional Value Mode

name: maximumFractionalValueMode, type: Enum, default: USE_LARGEST_VOXEL_VALUE

Controls the value written into Maximum Fractional Value (0062,000E): If USE_LARGEST_VOXEL_VALUE then the maximum value found in the pixels gotten from input0 is taken as tag value for Maximum Fractional Value (0062,000E), if USE_255 then 255 is used. Maximum Fractional Value (0062,000E) specifies the value that represents 100%. This input field may be insensitive dependent on Segmentation Type (0062,0001).

Update automatically on changes of StudyInstanceUID

name: autoUpdateOnStudyInstanceUIDChanges, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Automatically update tags of Common Instance Reference IOD Module on changes of Study Instance UID. This is especially useful to keep the settings consistent of Series and Study tags in the Common Instance Reference Module if the Study Instance UID is changed manually after inheriting tags from the input. See C.12.2 Common Instance Reference Module in the DICOM standard for details.

Update tags of Common Instance Reference IOD Module

name: updateUIDInheritance, type: Trigger

After updating the StudyInstanceUID tag (to be used in the destination file) it may be required to update the UIDs referenced by the destination file. In this case clearing the UIDs and inheriting them anew may be needed. This input field may be insensitive dependent on Update automatically on changes of StudyInstanceUID.

Clear Referenced Series Fields

name: referencedSeriesClear, type: Trigger

Clears all contents of Referenced SOP Class UIDs, Series Instance UID, and Referenced SOP Instance UIDs. This input field may be insensitive dependent on Derivation Mode.

Referenced SOP Class UIDs (referencedSeriesReferencedSOPClassUIDs)

name: referencedSeriesReferencedSOPClassUIDs, type: String

The newline-separated UIDs of the Referenced Instance Sequence (0008,114A) of the entry of the Referenced Series Sequence (0008,1115) tag of the Common Instance Reference Module. This input field may be insensitive dependent on Derivation Mode.

Referenced SOP Instance UIDs (referencedSeriesReferencedSOPInstanceUIDs)

name: referencedSeriesReferencedSOPInstanceUIDs, type: String

The newline-separated UIDs of the Referenced Instance Sequence (0008,114A) of the entry of the Referenced Series Sequence (0008,1115) tag of the Common Instance Reference Module. This input field may be insensitive dependent on Derivation Mode.

Series Instance UID (referencedSeriesSeriesInstanceUID)

name: referencedSeriesSeriesInstanceUID, type: String

The Series Instance UID (0020,000E) of the entry of the Referenced Series Sequence (0008,1115) tag of the Common Instance Reference Module. This input field may be insensitive dependent on Derivation Mode.

Clear Referenced Studies Fields

name: referencedStudiesClear, type: Trigger

Clears the contents of Study Instance UID, Series Instance UID, Referenced SOP Class UIDs, and Referenced SOP Instance UIDs. This input field may be insensitive dependent on Derivation Mode.

Referenced SOP Class UIDs (referencedStudiesReferencedSOPClassUIDs)

name: referencedStudiesReferencedSOPClassUIDs, type: String

The newline-separated UIDs of the Referenced Instance Sequence (0008,114A) of the entry of the Studies Containing Other Referenced Instances Sequence (0008,1200) tag of the Common Instance Reference Module. This input field may be insensitive dependent on Derivation Mode.

Referenced SOP Instance UIDs (referencedStudiesReferencedSOPInstanceUIDs)

name: referencedStudiesReferencedSOPInstanceUIDs, type: String

The newline-separated UIDs of the Referenced Instance Sequence (0008,114A) of the entry of the Studies Containing Other Referenced Instances Sequence (0008,1200) tag of the Common Instance Reference Module. This input field may be insensitive dependent on Derivation Mode.

Study Instance UID (commonInstanceReferenceStudyInstanceUID)

name: commonInstanceReferenceStudyInstanceUID, type: String

The Study Instance UID (0020,000D) of the entry of the Studies Containing Other Referenced Instances Sequence (0008,1200) tag of the Common Instance Reference Module. This input field may be insensitive dependent on Derivation Mode. Must contain up to 64 characters from ‘0’-‘9’ or ‘.’.

Series Instance UID (referencedStudiesSeriesInstanceUID)

name: referencedStudiesSeriesInstanceUID, type: String

The Series Instance UID (0020,000E) of the entry of the Studies Containing Other Referenced Instances Sequence (0008,1200) tag of the Common Instance Reference Module. This input field may be insensitive dependent on Derivation Mode. Must contain up to 64 characters from ‘0’-‘9’ or ‘.’.

Sop Class UID

name: sopClassUID, type: String, default: 1.2.840.10008.

Read-only value: Uniquely defines the DICOM SOP class to be written by this module as described in DICOM Standard C. SOP Class UID, SOP Instance UID. Must contain up to 64 characters from ‘0’-‘9’ or ‘.’.

Sop Instance UID

name: sopInstanceUID, type: String

Read-only value: Uniquely defines the DICOM SOP Instance UID written by this module as described in DICOM Standard C. SOP Class UID, SOP Instance UID. Must contain up to 64 characters from ‘0’-‘9’ or ‘.’.

Specific Character Set

name: specificCharacterSet, type: String, default: ISO_IR 192

Specific Character Set (0008,0005) identifies the Character Set that expands or replaces the Basic Graphic Set (ISO 646) for values of Data Elements that have Value Representation of SH, LO, ST, PN, LT, UC or UT.

Recommended is ISO_IR 192 (which corresponds to the internal MeVisLab representation) or disable tag writing at all which also uses this term.

Enabling this term may cause that inconvertible characters are silently lost.

Currently supported values are

  • ISO_IR 6 // ASCII, not a real term but will drop to default, i.e. no tag will be written.
  • ISO_IR 100 // Latin alphabet No. 1
  • ISO_IR 101 // Latin alphabet No. 2
  • ISO_IR 109 // Latin alphabet No. 3
  • ISO_IR 110 // Latin alphabet No. 4
  • ISO_IR 144 // Cyrillic
  • ISO_IR 127 // Arabic
  • ISO_IR 126 // Greek
  • ISO_IR 138 // Hebrew
  • ISO_IR 148 // Latin alphabet No. 5
  • ISO_IR 13 // Japanese
  • ISO_IR 166 // Thai
  • ISO_IR 192 // Unicode in UTF-8 (multi-byte)
  • GB18030 // Chinese (multi-byte)
  • GBK // Chinese (multi-byte, subset of GB 18030

Write Specific Character Set

name: writeSpecificCharacterSet, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If enabled then Specific Character Set (0008,0005) is written into the output file, otherwise not.

Off is recomended for this field and for ‘Inherit Specific Character Set’ which then automatically uses ISO_IR 192 (=’UTF-8’ which is the internal MeVisLab representation).

Enabling this may cause that inconvertible characters are silently lost during save.

Inherit Specific Character Set

name: inheritSpecificCharacterSet, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If enabled then ‘Specific Character Set (0008,0005)’ and ‘Write specific character set’ are updated on inheritance according to the input data set.

Off is recomended for this field and for ‘Write specific character set’ which then automatically uses ISO_IR 192 (=’UTF-8’ which is the internal MeVisLab representation).

Enabling this may cause that non-ISO_IR 192 character sets are inherited and written and inconvertible characters from input are silently lost.

Set Default

name: setDefaultSpecificCharacterSet, type: Trigger

Sets the recommended ‘ISO_IR 192’ character set as default which matches the internal UTF-8 coding in MeVisLab and reduces risk of losing inconvertible characters.


name: manufacturerForContributedEquipmentSequence, type: String

See DicomEnhancedSave.manufacturerForContributedEquipmentSequence.


name: inheritManufacturerForContributedEquipmentSequence, type: Enum, default: CreateNewIfNeeded

See DicomEnhancedSave.inheritManufacturerForContributedEquipmentSequence.


Title Name
Do Not Inherit DoNotInherit
Inherit From Top Level InheritFromTopLevel
Inherit Recursively InheritRecursively
Create New CreateNew
Create New If Needed CreateNewIfNeeded


name: autoCreateManufacturerForContributedEquipmentSequence, type: Enum, default: CreateIfNeeded

See DicomEnhancedSave.autoCreateManufacturerForContributedEquipmentSequence.


Title Name
Do Not Auto Create DoNotAutoCreate
Auto Create Always AutoCreateAlways
Create If Needed CreateIfNeeded


name: createManufacturerForContributedEquipmentSequence, type: Trigger

See DicomEnhancedSave.createManufacturerForContributedEquipmentSequence.


name: defaultManufacturerForContributedEquipmentSequence, type: String, default: Fraunhofer MEVIS

See DicomEnhancedSave.defaultManufacturerForContributedEquipmentSequence.


name: manufacturerModelNameForContributedEquipmentSequence, type: String

See DicomEnhancedSave.manufacturerModelNameForContributedEquipmentSequence.


name: inheritManufacturerModelNameForContributedEquipmentSequence, type: Enum, default: CreateNewIfNeeded

See DicomEnhancedSave.inheritManufacturerModelNameForContributedEquipmentSequence.


Title Name
Do Not Inherit DoNotInherit
Inherit From Top Level InheritFromTopLevel
Inherit Recursively InheritRecursively
Create New CreateNew
Create New If Needed CreateNewIfNeeded


name: autoCreateManufacturerModelNameForContributedEquipmentSequence, type: Enum, default: CreateIfNeeded

See DicomEnhancedSave.autoCreateManufacturerModelNameForContributedEquipmentSequence.


Title Name
Do Not Auto Create DoNotAutoCreate
Auto Create Always AutoCreateAlways
Create If Needed CreateIfNeeded


name: createManufacturerModelNameForContributedEquipmentSequence, type: Trigger

See DicomEnhancedSave.createManufacturerModelNameForContributedEquipmentSequence.


name: defaultManufacturerModelNameForContributedEquipmentSequence, type: String, default: MeVisLab

See DicomEnhancedSave.defaultManufacturerModelNameForContributedEquipmentSequence.


name: deviceSerialNumberForContributedEquipmentSequence, type: String

See DicomEnhancedSave.deviceSerialNumberForContributedEquipmentSequence.


name: inheritDeviceSerialNumberForContributedEquipmentSequence, type: Enum, default: CreateNew

See DicomEnhancedSave.inheritDeviceSerialNumberForContributedEquipmentSequence.


Title Name
Do Not Inherit DoNotInherit
Inherit From Top Level InheritFromTopLevel
Inherit Recursively InheritRecursively
Create New CreateNew
Create New If Needed CreateNewIfNeeded


name: autoCreateDeviceSerialNumberForContributedEquipmentSequence, type: Enum, default: CreateIfNeeded

See DicomEnhancedSave.autoCreateDeviceSerialNumberForContributedEquipmentSequence.


Title Name
Do Not Auto Create DoNotAutoCreate
Auto Create Always AutoCreateAlways
Create If Needed CreateIfNeeded


name: createDeviceSerialNumberForContributedEquipmentSequence, type: Trigger

See DicomEnhancedSave.createDeviceSerialNumberForContributedEquipmentSequence.


name: softwareVersionsForContributedEquipmentSequence, type: String

See DicomEnhancedSave.softwareVersionsForContributedEquipmentSequence.


name: inheritSoftwareVersionsForContributedEquipmentSequence, type: Enum, default: CreateNew

See DicomEnhancedSave.inheritSoftwareVersionsForContributedEquipmentSequence.


Title Name
Do Not Inherit DoNotInherit
Inherit From Top Level InheritFromTopLevel
Inherit Recursively InheritRecursively
Create New CreateNew
Create New If Needed CreateNewIfNeeded


name: autoCreateSoftwareVersionsForContributedEquipmentSequence, type: Enum, default: CreateIfNeeded

See DicomEnhancedSave.autoCreateSoftwareVersionsForContributedEquipmentSequence.


Title Name
Do Not Auto Create DoNotAutoCreate
Auto Create Always AutoCreateAlways
Create If Needed CreateIfNeeded


name: createSoftwareVersionsForContributedEquipmentSequence, type: Trigger

See DicomEnhancedSave.createSoftwareVersionsForContributedEquipmentSequence.


name: inheritAndCopyTagsOtherGeneralEquipmentTagsForContributedEquipmentSequence, type: Bool, default: FALSE

See DicomEnhancedSave.inheritAndCopyTagsOtherGeneralEquipmentTagsForContributedEquipmentSequence.

Create Or Extend Contributing Equipment Sequence

name: createOrExtendContributingEquipmentSequence, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If enabled then a new entry is appended to the inherited Contributing Equipment Sequence (0018,A001) or a new one is generated if there is none in the input. Contributing Equipment Sequence (0018,A001) is of Type 3 (not required) but according to PS3.4 ‘C.3.5 New Instance Creation for Enhanced Multi-Frame Image Conversion’ ‘The new Composite Instance shall contain the Contributing Equipment Sequence (0018,A001)’ e.g. on LegacyEnhanced creation.

Hidden Fields


name: warnNonExistingFileOnBrowsing, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Internal field to control whether selected non-existing files are warned or not, not to be used manually.


name: warnDirectoriesOnBrowsing, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Internal field to control whether selected directories are warned or not, not to be used manually.


name: savePaddedPixelData, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked then multi-frame SEG pixel data is written with 16-bit padding between frames, otherwise all frames of SEG pixel data are written as contiguous bit stream. In both cases the full frame set is padded to 16 bit words at its end. Since the current DICOM standard states that no padding shall be used between frames, it is strongly recommended to leave this flag disabled unless a backward compatibility to older non-standard compliant DICOM importers is absolutely required.


Older MeVisLab versions used padding to 16-bit words between frames of SEG pixel data; this was not standard compliant. Therefore the MeVisLab loader for SEG pixel data automatically tries to detect whether padding between frames is used and uses the correct loader where possible. Unfortunately, in rare cases it cannot be safely detected whether frames are padded or not - the loader always uses the standard compliant load mechanism which may lead to wrongly loaded old segment files. Therefore it is recommended to replace files written with older versions with newly created ones.

See 8.1.1 Pixel Data Encoding of Related Data Elements of Part 5 of the DICOM Standard for details.


name: makeCIDEditGUIInsensitive, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Hidden field, not to be used manually: internally used field to control sensitivity of the CID_7203_Image_Derivation tab and to indicate that it is perhaps temporarily not used; it does not affect any internal functionality.


name: makeCIDEditGUIInsensitiveCID_7202, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Hidden field, not to be used manually: internally used field to control sensitivity of the Purpose of Reference Code Sequence, C., CID 7202 tab and to indicate that it is perhaps temporarily not used; it does not affect any internal functionality.


name: cidEntryCID_7202, type: Enum, default: 121322 - Source image for image processing operation

Provides the entries of CID 7202 Source Image Purposes of Reference in PS3.16 of the DICOM standard. Its values describe the purpose why or for what references to source image frames are referenced.



Read-only: hidden field containing allowed values in Body Part Examined.


name: makeFrameOfReferenceGUIInsensitive, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Hidden field, not to be used manually: internally used field to control sensitivity of the Frame Of Reference tab and to indicate that it is perhaps temporarily not used; it does not affect any internal functionality.


name: inheritAndCopyTagsOtherGeneralEquipmentTags, type: Bool, default: FALSE

See DicomEnhancedSave.inheritAndCopyTagsOtherGeneralEquipmentTags.


name: codedSegmentSequence, type: String

Internal field only used for module persistence, do not modify it!


name: makeCommonInstanceReferenceModuleGUIInsensitive, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Hidden field, not to be used manually: internally used field to control sensitivity of the Common Instance Reference tab and to indicate that it is perhaps temporarily not used; it does not affect any internal functionality.


name: useMMSUIDPrefix, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If false then the UID prefix for Fraunhofer MEVIS is used instead(not recommended), if true (the recommended default) then the MMS prefix is used.