
Creates and composes a DICOM structured report and exports it to different file formats or fields.

The module class provides the following features:

  • Inheriting DICOM information from input sources such as ML images, DICOM files, or a DirectDicomImport module.
  • Composition of a small set of sections with selectable code meanings.
  • Replacement of placeholders for DICOM tags, image information to insert information from other sources into the generated document.
  • Exporting the document to HTML and XML fields (shown in the GUI), and to selectable file formats such as .dcm, .html, and .xml.

Most functionality available from the used dcmtk class is provided except of

  • digitally signing the document,
  • user controlled creation or setting Series-, SOPInstance- or StudyUIDs,
  • other character sets than the default ones created by the dcmtk document, and
  • the currently used codes and meanings are taken from dcmtk examples, and no verification dictionaries or verification itself is performed on the generated document.

For further structured report related information see http://www.dclunie.com/pixelmed/DICOMSR.book.pdf.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: input0, type: Image

At this input an ML image with DICOM information can be connected. If Input Selector is set appropriately and when using the button Inherit DICOM Information (CTRL+R) this information will be used to replace all DICOM information fields in this module.


name: inputBase, type: MLBase

This is a Base connector which can be used to provide the DICOM tree from which tags can be inherited; it is only used if Input Selector is set accordingly. It supports DICOM tree and MultiFileVolumeList Base objects as inputs.

Parameter Fields

Field Index

#Volumes: Integer Input01: String Series Instance UID: String
Accession Number: String Input02: String Series Number: String
annotate: Bool Input03: String Short Info: String
Auto (autoCreateStudyInstanceUID): Bool Input04: String Software Versions: String
Auto (autoCreateSeriesInstanceUID): Bool Input05: String Status: String
Close Sub Section00: Bool Input06: String Study Date: String
Close Sub Section01: Bool Input07: String Study Description: String
Close Sub Section02: Bool Input08: String Study Instance UID: String
Close Sub Section03: Bool Input09: String Study Time: String
Close Sub Section04: Bool Instance Number: String Study UID: String
Code Meaning00: String Laterality: Enum Sub Section Container Title00: String
Code Meaning01: String Long HTMLInfo: String Sub Section Container Title01: String
Code Meaning02: String Long XMLInfo: String Sub Section Container Title02: String
Code Meaning03: String Manufacturer: String Sub Section Container Title03: String
Code Meaning04: String Manufacturer Model Name: String Sub Section Container Title04: String
Coding Value And Meaning00: Enum numShownBinaryEntries: Integer Sub Section Title00: String
Coding Value And Meaning01: Enum Open Sub Section00: Bool Sub Section Title01: String
Coding Value And Meaning02: Enum Open Sub Section01: Bool Sub Section Title02: String
Coding Value And Meaning03: Enum Open Sub Section02: Bool Sub Section Title03: String
Coding Value And Meaning04: Enum Open Sub Section03: Bool Sub Section Title04: String
Complete Document: Bool Open Sub Section04: Bool Subsection Text (subSectionText00): String
Content Date: String Patient Birth Date Day: Enum Subsection Text (subSectionText01): String
Content Time: String Patient Birth Date Day String: String Subsection Text (subSectionText02): String
Copy Other Input Tags: Bool Patient Birth Date Month: Enum Subsection Text (subSectionText03): String
Create new UID (createStudyInstanceUID): Trigger Patient Birth Date Month String: String Subsection Text (subSectionText04): String
Create new UID (createSeriesInstanceUID): Trigger Patient Birth Date Year: Enum tagDump: String
Device Serial Number: String Patient Birth Date Year String: String tagDumpSize: Integer
Doc Completion Description: String Patient ID: String Text (sectionText00): String
Document Intro: String Patient Orientation: String Text (sectionText01): String
Document Intro Title: String Patient Sex: Enum Text (sectionText02): String
Document Title: String Patient Sex String: String Text (sectionText03): String
Document Type: Enum Patients Name: String Text (sectionText04): String
dumpPrivateTagValues: Bool Post Bad Param Errors: Bool True File Name: String
File Name (unresolvedFileName): String Preliminary Flag: Bool Use Empty Laterality Tag If Not Found On Inheritance: Bool
File Name (fileName): String Referring Physician Name: String Verify Document: Bool
Finalize Document: Bool regExLineFilter: String Verify Document Observer Name: String
Inherit DICOM Information (CTRL+R): Trigger Save (Ctrl+S): Trigger Verify Document Organization: String
Inherit Series Number: Bool Save As DICOM: Bool warnDirectoriesOnBrowsing: Bool
InIdx: Integer Save As HTML: Bool warnNonExistingFileOnBrowsing: Bool
Input Selector: Enum Save As XML: Bool  
Input00: String Series Description: String  

Visible Fields

File Name (unresolvedFileName)

name: unresolvedFileName, type: String, deprecated name: unresolvedDcmInputFileName

If a loading operation from disk is selected as input in the Input Selector then the file name from which the DICOM tree shall be loaded is specified here. Otherwise this field is insensitive.

True File Name

name: absoluteFileName, type: String, persistent: no, deprecated name: dcmInputFileName

Absolute file path updated from File Name.

Input Selector

name: inputSelector, type: Enum, default: ImageConnector, deprecated name: inheritanceInput

Selects the input from which DICOM information shall be inherited when ‘Inherit DICOM Information’ is triggered. Placeholders in text sections: All placeholders in texts will be replaced by two question marks “??” if a DICOM tag cannot be found in the specified input, otherwise the found DICOM tag string will be inserted. While inheriting field values with Inherit DICOM Information (CTRL+R): All fields whose corresponding DICOM tag is not found in the source will be set to an empty string, all others will be filled with the found information.


Title Name Description
Image Connector ImageConnector If Input Selector is set to this mode, then the DICOM tree used for inheriting DICOM tags is taken from this image connector.
File File All DICOM information is retrieved from the file given in field True File Name. It is expected to be a valid DICOM file; otherwise file IO errors will be posted.
Base Connector BaseConnector If Input Selector is set to this mode, then the DICOM tree used for inheriting DICOM tags is retrieved from the Base connector where DICOM tree or MultiFileVolumeList base objects are allowed.


name: inputVolumeIndex, type: Integer, default: 0, minimum: 0, deprecated name: ddiOutVolIdx

This field selects the volume from the connected DirectDicomImport which shall be used as source for DICOM tags.


name: numVolumes, type: Integer, persistent: no, deprecated name: numDDIVolumes

This read-only field shows number of available volumes in the DirectDicomImport.

Inherit DICOM Information (CTRL+R)

name: inheritDICOMTags, type: Trigger

If this button is pressed then from the source specified in Input Selector DICOM information is retrieved if possible. If available the all DICOM specific fields are replaced by the input information. If no DICOM information is found then the fields are left unchanged. Be careful, because handwritten DICOM tags values are overwritten!

Copy Other Input Tags

name: copyOtherInputTags, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If disabled then only the required and important DICOM tags are written into the output file. If enabled then all other tags from the input are also copied even if they are not related to the written modality. WARNING: IF THIS IS ENABLED ALSO INAPPROPRIATE TAGS MIGHT BE COPIED TO THE CREATED FILE!

Save (Ctrl+S)

name: save, type: Trigger

If this button is pressed then dependent on the selected check boxes Save As DICOM, Save As HTML, and Save As XML the structured report files is saved in files with the selected content types. The file name by File Name and the suffixes are “.dcm”, “.html”, and “.xml”, respectively.

File Name (fileName)

name: fileName, type: String

The path and name of the structured report file to be written.

Post Bad Param Errors

name: postBadParamErrors, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled then bad parameters are posted as ML error, otherwise they are only shown in status field.


name: status, type: String, persistent: no

Shows general information and messages.

Document Type

name: documentType, type: Enum, default: BasicTextSR

Determines the Structured Report document type to be created.


Title Name
Basic Text SR BasicTextSR
Comprehensive SR ComprehensiveSR
Enhanced SR EnhancedSR


name: saveAsDICOM, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If enabled then the structured report is written into a DICOM ‘File Name.dcm’ file when save is pressed.

Save As XML

name: saveAsXML, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If enabled then the structured report is written into an XML ‘File Name.html’ file when save is pressed.

Short Info

name: shortInfo, type: String, persistent: no

Shows the structured reporting short information.

Long XMLInfo

name: longXMLInfo, type: String, persistent: no

Shows the structured reporting short information in XML format.

Save As HTML

name: saveAsHTML, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If enabled then the structured report is written into an HTML ‘File Name.html’ file when save is pressed.

Long HTMLInfo

name: longHTMLInfo, type: String, persistent: no

Shows the structured reporting dump.

Complete Document

name: completeDocument, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If enabled then the document will be completed after creation and Document Completion Description Fld will be set as description.

Doc Completion Description

name: docCompletionDescription, type: String

This description is used when the document is completed due to enabled Complete Document flag.

Verify Document

name: verifyDocument, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If enabled then the document will be verified after creation and VerifyDocumentObserverName and VerifyDocumentOrganization will be set.

Verify Document Observer Name

name: verifyDocumentObserverName, type: String

The observer name which is set if the document verification flag is, because ‘Verify Document’ and ‘Complete Document’ are on.

Verify Document Organization

name: verifyDocumentOrganization, type: String

The organization which is set if the document verification flag is set, because ‘Verify Document’ and ‘Complete Document’ are on.

Finalize Document

name: finalizeDocument, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If enabled then the document will be finalized as a last step before storing it; note that this does NOT include any digital signing or so.

Document Title

name: documentTitle, type: String

The title of the document.

Document Intro Title

name: documentIntroTitle, type: String

The title of the document introduction.

Document Intro

name: documentIntro, type: String

The introduction text of the document.

Preliminary Flag

name: preliminaryFlag, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled the document is set to a non final state.

Patients Name

name: patientsName, type: String

The name of the patient this report is created for.

Patient ID

name: patientID, type: String

String/number used to identify the patient.

Patient Birth Date Year

name: patientBirthDateYearEnum, type: Enum, default: 1900

The selectable year of birth of the patient; ‘User Defined’ allows manual specification.


Title Name
User Defined User Defined
1900 1900
1901 1901
1902 1902
1903 1903
1904 1904
1905 1905
1906 1906
1907 1907
1908 1908
1909 1909
1910 1910
1911 1911
1912 1912
1913 1913
1914 1914
1915 1915
1916 1916
1917 1917
1918 1918
1919 1919
1920 1920
1921 1921
1922 1922
1923 1923
1924 1924
1925 1925
1926 1926
1927 1927
1928 1928
1929 1929
1930 1930
1931 1931
1932 1932
1933 1933
1934 1934
1935 1935
1936 1936
1937 1937
1938 1938
1939 1939
1940 1940
1941 1941
1942 1942
1943 1943
1944 1944
1945 1945
1946 1946
1947 1947
1948 1948
1949 1949
1950 1950
1951 1951
1952 1952
1953 1953
1954 1954
1955 1955
1956 1956
1957 1957
1958 1958
1959 1959
1960 1960
1961 1961
1962 1962
1963 1963
1964 1964
1965 1965
1966 1966
1967 1967
1968 1968
1969 1969
1970 1970
1971 1971
1972 1972
1973 1973
1974 1974
1975 1975
1976 1976
1977 1977
1978 1978
1979 1979
1980 1980
1981 1981
1982 1982
1983 1983
1984 1984
1985 1985
1986 1986
1987 1987
1988 1988
1989 1989
1990 1990
1991 1991
1992 1992
1993 1993
1994 1994
1995 1995
1996 1996
1997 1997
1998 1998
1999 1999
2000 2000
2001 2001
2002 2002
2003 2003
2004 2004
2005 2005
2006 2006
2007 2007
2008 2008
2009 2009
2010 2010
2011 2011
2012 2012
2013 2013
2014 2014
2015 2015
2016 2016
2017 2017
2018 2018
2019 2019
2020 2020
2021 2021
2022 2022
2023 2023
2024 2024
2025 2025
2026 2026
2027 2027
2028 2028
2029 2029
2030 2030
2031 2031
2032 2032
2033 2033
2034 2034
2035 2035
2036 2036
2037 2037
2038 2038
2039 2039
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2041 2041
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2043 2043
2044 2044
2045 2045
2046 2046
2047 2047
2048 2048
2049 2049
2050 2050
2051 2051
2052 2052
2053 2053
2054 2054
2055 2055
2056 2056
2057 2057
2058 2058
2059 2059

Patient Birth Date Year String

name: patientBirthDateYearString, type: String, default: 1900

The year of the patient birth as string. Can be modified manually only if ‘Patient Sex’ is ‘User Defined’.

Patient Birth Date Month

name: patientBirthDateMonthEnum, type: Enum, default: 01-January

The selectable month of birth of the patient; ‘User Defined’ allows manual specification. For convenience the module also allows and translates values such as “03-March” or “March” to the required value component “03”, respectively. See DICOM tag Patient’s Birth Day (0010,0030).


Title Name
User Defined User Defined
01-January 01-January
02-February 02-February
03-March 03-March
04-April 04-April
05-May 05-May
06-June 06-June
07-July 07-July
08-August 08-August
09-September 09-September
10-October 10-October
11-November 11-November
12-December 12-December

Patient Birth Date Month String

name: patientBirthDateMonthString, type: String, default: 01-January

The month of birth of the patient; ‘User Defined’ allows manual specification. For convenience the module also allows and translates values such as “03-March” or “March” to the required value component “03”, respectively. See DICOM tag Patient’s Birth Day (0010,0030).

Patient Birth Date Day

name: patientBirthDateDayEnum, type: Enum, default: 01

The selectable Day of birth of the patient; ‘User Defined’ allows manual specification.


Title Name
User Defined User Defined
01 01
02 02
03 03
04 04
05 05
06 06
07 07
08 08
09 09
10 10
11 11
12 12
13 13
14 14
15 15
16 16
17 17
18 18
19 19
20 20
21 21
22 22
23 23
24 24
25 25
26 26
27 27
28 28
29 29
30 30
31 31

Patient Birth Date Day String

name: patientBirthDateDayString, type: String, default: 01

The day of the patient birth as string. Can be modified manually only if ‘Patient Birth Date Day’ is ‘User Defined’.

Patient Sex

name: patientSexEnum, type: Enum, default: Other

The selectable sex of the patient; ‘User Defined’ allows manual specification.


Title Name
Other Other
Female Female
Male Male
User Defined User Defined

Patient Sex String

name: patientSexString, type: String, default: Other

The sex of the patient as string. Can be modified manually only if ‘Patient Sex’ is ‘User Defined’.

Study Instance UID

name: studyInstanceUID, type: String

DICOM tag: Study Instance UID (0020,000D) Unique identifier for the study. If available then see Auto and C.12.2 Common Instance Reference Module in the DICOM standard for details and important dependent settings. Must contain up to 64 characters from ‘0’-‘9’ or ‘.’.

Create new UID (createStudyInstanceUID)

name: createStudyInstanceUID, type: Trigger

Creates a new Study Instance UID

Auto (autoCreateStudyInstanceUID)

name: autoCreateStudyInstanceUID, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled for each written file a new Study Instance UID is created. If disabled the currently set one is used.

Study Date

name: studyDate, type: String

DICOM tag: Study Date (0008,0020). The date the study started. May be empty.

Study Time

name: studyTime, type: String

DICOM tag: Study Time (0008,0030). The time the study started. May be empty.

Referring Physician Name

name: referringPhysicianName, type: String

DICOM tag: The related physician.

Study UID

name: studyUID, type: String

DICOM tag: The study UID which references the study for which this report is created.

Accession Number

name: accessionNumber, type: String

DICOM tag: The accession number.

Study Description

name: studyDescription, type: String

DICOM tag: The study for which this report is created.

Series Instance UID

name: seriesInstanceUID, type: String

DICOM tag: Series Instance UID (0020,000E). Unique identifier of the series, must be non-empty in case of some enhanced contexts. Must contain up to 64 characters from ‘0’-‘9’ or ‘.’.

Create new UID (createSeriesInstanceUID)

name: createSeriesInstanceUID, type: Trigger

Creates a new Series Instance UID

Auto (autoCreateSeriesInstanceUID)

name: autoCreateSeriesInstanceUID, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled for each written file a new Series Instance UID is created. If disabled the currently set one is used.

Series Number

name: seriesNumber, type: String

DICOM tag: Series Number (0020,0011). Integer number with at most 12 digits; tag must exist and in most contexts it must have a non-empty value; in a few IODs it is allowed to be empty.

Inherit Series Number

name: inheritSeriesNumber, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Sometimes it is not desired to inherit the Series Number tag from the input, because it’s set by the module user. For this purpose it can be disabled.


name: laterality, type: Enum, default: DoNotWriteTagValue

DICOM tag: Laterality (0020,0060). Allowed values: ‘L’ (Left), ‘R’ (Right), and empty value (WriteEmptyTagValue). Note that not writing the tag value may violate the DICOM standard under some circumstances.


Title Name
Do Not Write Tag Value DoNotWriteTagValue
Write Empty Tag Value WriteEmptyTagValue

Use Empty Laterality Tag If Not Found On Inheritance

name: useEmptyLateralityTagIfNotFoundOnInheritance, type: Bool, default: TRUE

In may contexts the Laterality tag (0020,0060) must be available but is allowed to be empty, however, often it cannot be inherited since it is not part of the DICOM. This field allows to inherit a state that always an empty tag value is written instead of skipping it which perhaps would violate the DICOM standard. Also depends on other Laterality tags.

Series Description

name: seriesDescription, type: String

DICOM tag: The series for which this report is created.


name: manufacturer, type: String

DICOM tag: Company creating this report.

Manufacturer Model Name

name: manufacturerModelName, type: String

DICOM tag: Model name determined by the manufacturer.

Device Serial Number

name: deviceSerialNumber, type: String

DICOM tag: The serial number of the device.

Software Versions

name: softwareVersions, type: String

DICOM tag: The software version.

Instance Number

name: instanceNumber, type: String

DICOM tag: The instance number.

Patient Orientation

name: patientOrientation, type: String

DICOM tag: Patient Orientation (0020,0020). May be empty. Must obey value representation CS (Uppercase characters, ‘0’-‘9’, the SPACE character, and underscore ‘_’, of the Default Character Repertoire, 16 bytes maximum).

Content Date

name: contentDate, type: String

DICOM tag: The content date.

Content Time

name: contentTime, type: String

DICOM tag: The content time.

Open Sub Section00

name: openSubSection00, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Determines whether the entry is placed in a subsection or after the previous one.

Close Sub Section00

name: closeSubSection00, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Determines whether after the entry a previous subsection is closed.

Coding Value And Meaning00

name: codingValueAndMeaning00, type: Enum

The coding and the menaning of the field content


Title Name
User Defined User Defined
IHE.01-Document Title IHE.01-Document Title
IHE.02-Observation Context Mode IHE.02-Observation Context Mode
Ihe.03-direct IHE.03-DIRECT
IHE.04-Recording Observer’s Name IHE.04-Recording Observer’s Name
IHE.05-Recording Observer’s Organization Name IHE.05-Recording Observer’s Organization Name
IHE.06-Observation Context Mode IHE.06-Observation Context Mode
Ihe.07-patient IHE.07-PATIENT
IHE.08-Section Heading IHE.08-Section Heading
IHE.09-Report Text IHE.09-Report Text
IHE.10-Image Reference IHE.10-Image Reference
DT.01-Radiology Report DT.01-Radiology Report
DT.03-Ultrasound Report DT.03-Ultrasound Report
DT.04-CT Report DT.04-CT Report
DT.05-MR Report DT.05-MR Report
DT.06-Consultation Report DT.06-Consultation Report
RE.01-History RE.01-History
RE.02-Request RE.02-Request
RE.03-Procedure RE.03-Procedure
Re.04- RE.04-
RE.05-Finding RE.05-Finding
RE.06-Impression RE.06-Impression
RE.07-Recommendation RE.07-Recommendation
RE.08-Conclusion RE.08-Conclusion
CODE 01-Description CODE_01-Description
CODE 02-Diagnosis CODE_02-Diagnosis
CODE 03-Treatment CODE_03-Treatment
CODE 04-Referring Physician CODE_04-Referring Physician
CODE 05-Hospital Name CODE_05-Hospital Name
CODE 06-Redlands Clinic CODE_06-Redlands Clinic
CODE 07-PA Chest CODE_07-PA Chest
CODE 08-Abdomen CODE_08-Abdomen
CODE 09-Chief Complaint CODE_09-Chief Complaint
CODE 10-Present Illness CODE_10-Present Illness
CODE 11-Past History CODE_11-Past History
CODE 12-Illnesses CODE_12-Illnesses
CODE 13-Allergies CODE_13-Allergies
CODE 14-Medications CODE_14-Medications
CODE 15-Operations CODE_15-Operations
CODE 16-Social CODE_16-Social
CODE 17-Family History CODE_17-Family History
CODE 18-Family History CODE_18-Family History
CODE 19-Discharge Summary CODE_19-Discharge Summary
CODE 20-History of present Illness CODE_20-History of present Illness
CODE 21-Physical Examination CODE_21-Physical Examination
CODE 22-Admitting Diagnosis CODE_22-Admitting Diagnosis
CODE 23-Laboratory Data on Admission CODE_23-Laboratory Data on Admission
CODE 24-Hospital Course and Treatment CODE_24-Hospital Course and Treatment
CODE 25-Surgical Procedures CODE_25-Surgical Procedures
CODE 26-Discharge Diagnosis CODE_26-Discharge Diagnosis
CODE 27-Teeth Present CODE_27-Teeth Present
CODE 28-Orthodontic/Pediatric Assessment CODE_28-Orthodontic/Pediatric Assessment
CODE 29-Other CODE_29-Other
SH.06-Findings SH.06-Findings
IR.02-Best illustration of finding IR.02-Best illustration of finding
OR.01-Physician OR.01-Physician

Code Meaning00

name: codeMeaning00, type: String

The meaning of the field content for the case that ‘Usewr Defined’ is selected in ‘Coding Value And Meaning’.

Sub Section Container Title00

name: subSectionContainerTitle00, type: String

If ‘OpenSubSection’ is true then this defines the title of the container of the subsection; otherwise it is ignored.

Sub Section Title00

name: subSectionTitle00, type: String

If ‘OpenSubSection’ is true then this defines the title of the subsection; otherwise it is ignored.

Subsection Text (subSectionText00)

name: subSectionText00, type: String

If ‘OpenSubSection’ is true then this defines the text content of the subsection; otherwise it is ignored.

Text (sectionText00)

name: sectionText00, type: String

A text section of the structured report to be created.

Open Sub Section01

name: openSubSection01, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Determines whether the entry is placed in a subsection or after the previous one.

Close Sub Section01

name: closeSubSection01, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Determines whether after the entry a previous subsection is closed.

Coding Value And Meaning01

name: codingValueAndMeaning01, type: Enum

The coding and the menaning of the field content


Title Name
User Defined User Defined
IHE.01-Document Title IHE.01-Document Title
IHE.02-Observation Context Mode IHE.02-Observation Context Mode
Ihe.03-direct IHE.03-DIRECT
IHE.04-Recording Observer’s Name IHE.04-Recording Observer’s Name
IHE.05-Recording Observer’s Organization Name IHE.05-Recording Observer’s Organization Name
IHE.06-Observation Context Mode IHE.06-Observation Context Mode
Ihe.07-patient IHE.07-PATIENT
IHE.08-Section Heading IHE.08-Section Heading
IHE.09-Report Text IHE.09-Report Text
IHE.10-Image Reference IHE.10-Image Reference
DT.01-Radiology Report DT.01-Radiology Report
DT.03-Ultrasound Report DT.03-Ultrasound Report
DT.04-CT Report DT.04-CT Report
DT.05-MR Report DT.05-MR Report
DT.06-Consultation Report DT.06-Consultation Report
RE.01-History RE.01-History
RE.02-Request RE.02-Request
RE.03-Procedure RE.03-Procedure
Re.04- RE.04-
RE.05-Finding RE.05-Finding
RE.06-Impression RE.06-Impression
RE.07-Recommendation RE.07-Recommendation
RE.08-Conclusion RE.08-Conclusion
CODE 01-Description CODE_01-Description
CODE 02-Diagnosis CODE_02-Diagnosis
CODE 03-Treatment CODE_03-Treatment
CODE 04-Referring Physician CODE_04-Referring Physician
CODE 05-Hospital Name CODE_05-Hospital Name
CODE 06-Redlands Clinic CODE_06-Redlands Clinic
CODE 07-PA Chest CODE_07-PA Chest
CODE 08-Abdomen CODE_08-Abdomen
CODE 09-Chief Complaint CODE_09-Chief Complaint
CODE 10-Present Illness CODE_10-Present Illness
CODE 11-Past History CODE_11-Past History
CODE 12-Illnesses CODE_12-Illnesses
CODE 13-Allergies CODE_13-Allergies
CODE 14-Medications CODE_14-Medications
CODE 15-Operations CODE_15-Operations
CODE 16-Social CODE_16-Social
CODE 17-Family History CODE_17-Family History
CODE 18-Family History CODE_18-Family History
CODE 19-Discharge Summary CODE_19-Discharge Summary
CODE 20-History of present Illness CODE_20-History of present Illness
CODE 21-Physical Examination CODE_21-Physical Examination
CODE 22-Admitting Diagnosis CODE_22-Admitting Diagnosis
CODE 23-Laboratory Data on Admission CODE_23-Laboratory Data on Admission
CODE 24-Hospital Course and Treatment CODE_24-Hospital Course and Treatment
CODE 25-Surgical Procedures CODE_25-Surgical Procedures
CODE 26-Discharge Diagnosis CODE_26-Discharge Diagnosis
CODE 27-Teeth Present CODE_27-Teeth Present
CODE 28-Orthodontic/Pediatric Assessment CODE_28-Orthodontic/Pediatric Assessment
CODE 29-Other CODE_29-Other
SH.06-Findings SH.06-Findings
IR.02-Best illustration of finding IR.02-Best illustration of finding
OR.01-Physician OR.01-Physician

Code Meaning01

name: codeMeaning01, type: String

The meaning of the field content for the case that ‘Usewr Defined’ is selected in ‘Coding Value And Meaning’.

Sub Section Container Title01

name: subSectionContainerTitle01, type: String

If ‘OpenSubSection’ is true then this defines the title of the container of the subsection; otherwise it is ignored.

Sub Section Title01

name: subSectionTitle01, type: String

If ‘OpenSubSection’ is true then this defines the title of the subsection; otherwise it is ignored.

Subsection Text (subSectionText01)

name: subSectionText01, type: String

If ‘OpenSubSection’ is true then this defines the text content of the subsection; otherwise it is ignored.

Text (sectionText01)

name: sectionText01, type: String

A text section of the structured report to be created.

Open Sub Section02

name: openSubSection02, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Determines whether the entry is placed in a subsection or after the previous one.

Close Sub Section02

name: closeSubSection02, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Determines whether after the entry a previous subsection is closed.

Coding Value And Meaning02

name: codingValueAndMeaning02, type: Enum

The coding and the menaning of the field content


Title Name
User Defined User Defined
IHE.01-Document Title IHE.01-Document Title
IHE.02-Observation Context Mode IHE.02-Observation Context Mode
Ihe.03-direct IHE.03-DIRECT
IHE.04-Recording Observer’s Name IHE.04-Recording Observer’s Name
IHE.05-Recording Observer’s Organization Name IHE.05-Recording Observer’s Organization Name
IHE.06-Observation Context Mode IHE.06-Observation Context Mode
Ihe.07-patient IHE.07-PATIENT
IHE.08-Section Heading IHE.08-Section Heading
IHE.09-Report Text IHE.09-Report Text
IHE.10-Image Reference IHE.10-Image Reference
DT.01-Radiology Report DT.01-Radiology Report
DT.03-Ultrasound Report DT.03-Ultrasound Report
DT.04-CT Report DT.04-CT Report
DT.05-MR Report DT.05-MR Report
DT.06-Consultation Report DT.06-Consultation Report
RE.01-History RE.01-History
RE.02-Request RE.02-Request
RE.03-Procedure RE.03-Procedure
Re.04- RE.04-
RE.05-Finding RE.05-Finding
RE.06-Impression RE.06-Impression
RE.07-Recommendation RE.07-Recommendation
RE.08-Conclusion RE.08-Conclusion
CODE 01-Description CODE_01-Description
CODE 02-Diagnosis CODE_02-Diagnosis
CODE 03-Treatment CODE_03-Treatment
CODE 04-Referring Physician CODE_04-Referring Physician
CODE 05-Hospital Name CODE_05-Hospital Name
CODE 06-Redlands Clinic CODE_06-Redlands Clinic
CODE 07-PA Chest CODE_07-PA Chest
CODE 08-Abdomen CODE_08-Abdomen
CODE 09-Chief Complaint CODE_09-Chief Complaint
CODE 10-Present Illness CODE_10-Present Illness
CODE 11-Past History CODE_11-Past History
CODE 12-Illnesses CODE_12-Illnesses
CODE 13-Allergies CODE_13-Allergies
CODE 14-Medications CODE_14-Medications
CODE 15-Operations CODE_15-Operations
CODE 16-Social CODE_16-Social
CODE 17-Family History CODE_17-Family History
CODE 18-Family History CODE_18-Family History
CODE 19-Discharge Summary CODE_19-Discharge Summary
CODE 20-History of present Illness CODE_20-History of present Illness
CODE 21-Physical Examination CODE_21-Physical Examination
CODE 22-Admitting Diagnosis CODE_22-Admitting Diagnosis
CODE 23-Laboratory Data on Admission CODE_23-Laboratory Data on Admission
CODE 24-Hospital Course and Treatment CODE_24-Hospital Course and Treatment
CODE 25-Surgical Procedures CODE_25-Surgical Procedures
CODE 26-Discharge Diagnosis CODE_26-Discharge Diagnosis
CODE 27-Teeth Present CODE_27-Teeth Present
CODE 28-Orthodontic/Pediatric Assessment CODE_28-Orthodontic/Pediatric Assessment
CODE 29-Other CODE_29-Other
SH.06-Findings SH.06-Findings
IR.02-Best illustration of finding IR.02-Best illustration of finding
OR.01-Physician OR.01-Physician

Code Meaning02

name: codeMeaning02, type: String

The meaning of the field content for the case that ‘Usewr Defined’ is selected in ‘Coding Value And Meaning’.

Sub Section Container Title02

name: subSectionContainerTitle02, type: String

If ‘OpenSubSection’ is true then this defines the title of the container of the subsection; otherwise it is ignored.

Sub Section Title02

name: subSectionTitle02, type: String

If ‘OpenSubSection’ is true then this defines the title of the subsection; otherwise it is ignored.

Subsection Text (subSectionText02)

name: subSectionText02, type: String

If ‘OpenSubSection’ is true then this defines the text content of the subsection; otherwise it is ignored.

Text (sectionText02)

name: sectionText02, type: String

A text section of the structured report to be created.

Open Sub Section03

name: openSubSection03, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Determines whether the entry is placed in a subsection or after the previous one.

Close Sub Section03

name: closeSubSection03, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Determines whether after the entry a previous subsection is closed.

Coding Value And Meaning03

name: codingValueAndMeaning03, type: Enum

The coding and the menaning of the field content


Title Name
User Defined User Defined
IHE.01-Document Title IHE.01-Document Title
IHE.02-Observation Context Mode IHE.02-Observation Context Mode
Ihe.03-direct IHE.03-DIRECT
IHE.04-Recording Observer’s Name IHE.04-Recording Observer’s Name
IHE.05-Recording Observer’s Organization Name IHE.05-Recording Observer’s Organization Name
IHE.06-Observation Context Mode IHE.06-Observation Context Mode
Ihe.07-patient IHE.07-PATIENT
IHE.08-Section Heading IHE.08-Section Heading
IHE.09-Report Text IHE.09-Report Text
IHE.10-Image Reference IHE.10-Image Reference
DT.01-Radiology Report DT.01-Radiology Report
DT.03-Ultrasound Report DT.03-Ultrasound Report
DT.04-CT Report DT.04-CT Report
DT.05-MR Report DT.05-MR Report
DT.06-Consultation Report DT.06-Consultation Report
RE.01-History RE.01-History
RE.02-Request RE.02-Request
RE.03-Procedure RE.03-Procedure
Re.04- RE.04-
RE.05-Finding RE.05-Finding
RE.06-Impression RE.06-Impression
RE.07-Recommendation RE.07-Recommendation
RE.08-Conclusion RE.08-Conclusion
CODE 01-Description CODE_01-Description
CODE 02-Diagnosis CODE_02-Diagnosis
CODE 03-Treatment CODE_03-Treatment
CODE 04-Referring Physician CODE_04-Referring Physician
CODE 05-Hospital Name CODE_05-Hospital Name
CODE 06-Redlands Clinic CODE_06-Redlands Clinic
CODE 07-PA Chest CODE_07-PA Chest
CODE 08-Abdomen CODE_08-Abdomen
CODE 09-Chief Complaint CODE_09-Chief Complaint
CODE 10-Present Illness CODE_10-Present Illness
CODE 11-Past History CODE_11-Past History
CODE 12-Illnesses CODE_12-Illnesses
CODE 13-Allergies CODE_13-Allergies
CODE 14-Medications CODE_14-Medications
CODE 15-Operations CODE_15-Operations
CODE 16-Social CODE_16-Social
CODE 17-Family History CODE_17-Family History
CODE 18-Family History CODE_18-Family History
CODE 19-Discharge Summary CODE_19-Discharge Summary
CODE 20-History of present Illness CODE_20-History of present Illness
CODE 21-Physical Examination CODE_21-Physical Examination
CODE 22-Admitting Diagnosis CODE_22-Admitting Diagnosis
CODE 23-Laboratory Data on Admission CODE_23-Laboratory Data on Admission
CODE 24-Hospital Course and Treatment CODE_24-Hospital Course and Treatment
CODE 25-Surgical Procedures CODE_25-Surgical Procedures
CODE 26-Discharge Diagnosis CODE_26-Discharge Diagnosis
CODE 27-Teeth Present CODE_27-Teeth Present
CODE 28-Orthodontic/Pediatric Assessment CODE_28-Orthodontic/Pediatric Assessment
CODE 29-Other CODE_29-Other
SH.06-Findings SH.06-Findings
IR.02-Best illustration of finding IR.02-Best illustration of finding
OR.01-Physician OR.01-Physician

Code Meaning03

name: codeMeaning03, type: String

The meaning of the field content for the case that ‘Usewr Defined’ is selected in ‘Coding Value And Meaning’.

Sub Section Container Title03

name: subSectionContainerTitle03, type: String

If ‘OpenSubSection’ is true then this defines the title of the container of the subsection; otherwise it is ignored.

Sub Section Title03

name: subSectionTitle03, type: String

If ‘OpenSubSection’ is true then this defines the title of the subsection; otherwise it is ignored.

Subsection Text (subSectionText03)

name: subSectionText03, type: String

If ‘OpenSubSection’ is true then this defines the text content of the subsection; otherwise it is ignored.

Text (sectionText03)

name: sectionText03, type: String

A text section of the structured report to be created.

Open Sub Section04

name: openSubSection04, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Determines whether the entry is placed in a subsection or after the previous one.

Close Sub Section04

name: closeSubSection04, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Determines whether after the entry a previous subsection is closed.

Coding Value And Meaning04

name: codingValueAndMeaning04, type: Enum

The coding and the menaning of the field content


Title Name
User Defined User Defined
IHE.01-Document Title IHE.01-Document Title
IHE.02-Observation Context Mode IHE.02-Observation Context Mode
Ihe.03-direct IHE.03-DIRECT
IHE.04-Recording Observer’s Name IHE.04-Recording Observer’s Name
IHE.05-Recording Observer’s Organization Name IHE.05-Recording Observer’s Organization Name
IHE.06-Observation Context Mode IHE.06-Observation Context Mode
Ihe.07-patient IHE.07-PATIENT
IHE.08-Section Heading IHE.08-Section Heading
IHE.09-Report Text IHE.09-Report Text
IHE.10-Image Reference IHE.10-Image Reference
DT.01-Radiology Report DT.01-Radiology Report
DT.03-Ultrasound Report DT.03-Ultrasound Report
DT.04-CT Report DT.04-CT Report
DT.05-MR Report DT.05-MR Report
DT.06-Consultation Report DT.06-Consultation Report
RE.01-History RE.01-History
RE.02-Request RE.02-Request
RE.03-Procedure RE.03-Procedure
Re.04- RE.04-
RE.05-Finding RE.05-Finding
RE.06-Impression RE.06-Impression
RE.07-Recommendation RE.07-Recommendation
RE.08-Conclusion RE.08-Conclusion
CODE 01-Description CODE_01-Description
CODE 02-Diagnosis CODE_02-Diagnosis
CODE 03-Treatment CODE_03-Treatment
CODE 04-Referring Physician CODE_04-Referring Physician
CODE 05-Hospital Name CODE_05-Hospital Name
CODE 06-Redlands Clinic CODE_06-Redlands Clinic
CODE 07-PA Chest CODE_07-PA Chest
CODE 08-Abdomen CODE_08-Abdomen
CODE 09-Chief Complaint CODE_09-Chief Complaint
CODE 10-Present Illness CODE_10-Present Illness
CODE 11-Past History CODE_11-Past History
CODE 12-Illnesses CODE_12-Illnesses
CODE 13-Allergies CODE_13-Allergies
CODE 14-Medications CODE_14-Medications
CODE 15-Operations CODE_15-Operations
CODE 16-Social CODE_16-Social
CODE 17-Family History CODE_17-Family History
CODE 18-Family History CODE_18-Family History
CODE 19-Discharge Summary CODE_19-Discharge Summary
CODE 20-History of present Illness CODE_20-History of present Illness
CODE 21-Physical Examination CODE_21-Physical Examination
CODE 22-Admitting Diagnosis CODE_22-Admitting Diagnosis
CODE 23-Laboratory Data on Admission CODE_23-Laboratory Data on Admission
CODE 24-Hospital Course and Treatment CODE_24-Hospital Course and Treatment
CODE 25-Surgical Procedures CODE_25-Surgical Procedures
CODE 26-Discharge Diagnosis CODE_26-Discharge Diagnosis
CODE 27-Teeth Present CODE_27-Teeth Present
CODE 28-Orthodontic/Pediatric Assessment CODE_28-Orthodontic/Pediatric Assessment
CODE 29-Other CODE_29-Other
SH.06-Findings SH.06-Findings
IR.02-Best illustration of finding IR.02-Best illustration of finding
OR.01-Physician OR.01-Physician

Code Meaning04

name: codeMeaning04, type: String

The meaning of the field content for the case that ‘Usewr Defined’ is selected in ‘Coding Value And Meaning’.

Sub Section Container Title04

name: subSectionContainerTitle04, type: String

If ‘OpenSubSection’ is true then this defines the title of the container of the subsection; otherwise it is ignored.

Sub Section Title04

name: subSectionTitle04, type: String

If ‘OpenSubSection’ is true then this defines the title of the subsection; otherwise it is ignored.

Subsection Text (subSectionText04)

name: subSectionText04, type: String

If ‘OpenSubSection’ is true then this defines the text content of the subsection; otherwise it is ignored.

Text (sectionText04)

name: sectionText04, type: String

A text section of the structured report to be created.


name: input00, type: String

Field whose value can be inserted in the structured report by using the tag $(input00).


name: input01, type: String

Field whose value can be inserted in the structured report by using the tag $(input01).


name: input02, type: String

Field whose value can be inserted in the structured report by using the tag $(input02).


name: input03, type: String

Field whose value can be inserted in the structured report by using the tag $(input03).


name: input04, type: String

Field whose value can be inserted in the structured report by using the tag $(input04).


name: input05, type: String

Field whose value can be inserted in the structured report by using the tag $(input05).


name: input06, type: String

Field whose value can be inserted in the structured report by using the tag $(input06).


name: input07, type: String

Field whose value can be inserted in the structured report by using the tag $(input07).


name: input08, type: String

Field whose value can be inserted in the structured report by using the tag $(input08).


name: input09, type: String

Field whose value can be inserted in the structured report by using the tag $(input09).

Hidden Fields


name: warnNonExistingFileOnBrowsing, type: Bool, default: TRUE


name: warnDirectoriesOnBrowsing, type: Bool, default: TRUE


name: tagDumpSize, type: Integer, default: 10000


name: dumpPrivateTagValues, type: Bool, default: FALSE


name: numShownBinaryEntries, type: Integer, default: 8


name: annotate, type: Bool, default: FALSE


name: regExLineFilter, type: String


name: tagDump, type: String, persistent: no