13 #ifndef ML_IOHANDLER_H
14 #define ML_IOHANDLER_H
53 static const char* IO_MODE_TOKENS[];
Handles the different possible IO modes.
static IO_MODE getModeFromExtension(const char *fileName)
Returns the mode that fits to file's extension (using getDefaultFileExtension);.
static IO_MODE getModeFromContents(const char *fileName)
Returns the mode that fits to file's contents (only a small part of the file's contents is evaluated)
static const char * getDefaultFileExtension(IO_MODE ioMode)
Get the default file extension Register your own TreeNode type here.
static TreeNode * createRootTreeNode(IO_MODE ioMode, TreeNode::ConstructionMode conMode)
Creates a root node for reading or writing.
Register your parser type here.
import/export in XML format
auto detect format
The class TreeNodeException is the base class for all exceptions thrown by the class TreeNode and all...
The class TreeNode is the abstract base class for the import/export of ML objects.
TreeNode construction modes.
The class XMLTreeNode implements the abstract class TreeNode to allow export and import of ML objects...
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