The DicomTree class can be used to transport a DCMTree::Const_TreePtr as a ml::RefCountedBase object.
void setTree(const DCMTree::Const_TreePtr &tree)
This method is intentionally protected, it is only here to be used in FME RT modules that need to set...
DCMTree::Const_TreePtr getTree() const
Returns the tree pointer.
DicomTree(const DCMTree::Const_TreePtr &tree)
Wraps the given DCMTree::Const_TreePtr.
RefCountedBase class adds intrusive reference counting support to the Base class.
Macro that defines convenience Ptr/ConstPtr typedefs to be used instead of intrusive_ptr templates.
#define ML_CLASS_HEADER(className)
Same like ML_CLASS_HEADER_EXPORTED with a non-existing export symbol.
boost::shared_ptr< const Tree > Const_TreePtr