Field to encapsulate a pointer to an ML base object.
Base object class BaseList which stores a list of BaseContainerItem entries.
Field to encapsulate a boolean value.
Engine module ComposeBaseList composing two base objects.
BoolField * _cascadeModeFld
Compose mode.
StringField * _leftObjectNameFld
Name of object at left input.
IntField * _rightObjectIdFld
Id of list item generated from right input object. If 0, no ID is assigned.
BaseField * _inputBase1Fld
Base input 1:
StringField * _rightObjectNameFld
Name of object at right input.
BaseField * _outputBaseListFld
Base output:
IntField * _leftObjectIdFld
Id of list item generated from left input object. If 0, no ID is assigned.
BaseField * _inputBase0Fld
Base input 0:
~ComposeBaseList() override
void activateAttachments() override
calls handleNotification once after the module is loaded on the network and all field values are assi...
IntField * _outputSizeFld
size (noElements) of the output list.
BaseList * _outputList
Composed list:
BoolField * _useLeftObjectTypeFld
Create name of object at left input automatically:
void composeBaseList()
Compose the input objects to an output BaseList object:
void handleNotification(Field *field) override
handle field changes
BoolField * _useRightObjectTypeFld
Create name of object at right input automatically:
Base class for all ML Engines that are derived from Module, and have no inputs or outputs but impleme...
Base class for all fields used in the ML.
Field to encapsulate an integer value.
Field to encapsulate a string value.
#define ML_MODULE_CLASS_HEADER(className)
Similar to ML_CLASS_HEADER for the usage of derived classes from Module.
defined Header file mlBaseInit.h