ML Reference
#include "mlUtilsSystem.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include <ThirdPartyWarningsDisable.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <ThirdPartyWarningsRestore.h>
#include <string>
#include <filesystem>
Go to the source code of this file.
Macros | |
#define | ML_O_APPEND _O_APPEND |
Defines an API to the file system for WIN32 and Unix systems. More... | |
#define | ML_O_BINARY _O_BINARY |
Mode to open file in binary mode; note that binary and text mode are not distinguished on Unix systems. More... | |
#define | ML_O_CREAT _O_CREAT |
Mode to create a new file. More... | |
#define | ML_O_RANDOM _O_RANDOM |
Mode to open/create a file optimized for random access. More... | |
#define | ML_O_RDONLY _O_RDONLY |
Mode to open a file only for reading. More... | |
#define | ML_O_RDWR _O_RDWR |
Mode to open a file for reading and writing. More... | |
#define | ML_O_TEXT _O_TEXT |
Mode to open file in text mode; note that binary and text mode are not distinguished on Unix systems. More... | |
#define | ML_O_TRUNC _O_TRUNC |
Mode to open a file throwing away its contents. More... | |
#define | ML_O_WRONLY _O_WRONLY |
Mode to open a file only for writing. More... | |
#define | ML_O_LARGEFILE 0 |
Mode to open a file with large file support; this exists only on Unix systems. More... | |
#define | ML_S_IWRITE _S_IWRITE |
Platform independent file open pMode flag setting the write bit on file creation. More... | |
#define | ML_S_IREAD _S_IREAD |
Platform independent file open pMode flag setting the read bit on file creation. More... | |
#define | ML_S_IEXEC _S_IEXEC |
Platform independent file open pMode flag setting the execution bit on file creation. More... | |
#define | ML_S_IWUSR ML_S_IWRITE |
Platform independent file open pMode flag setting write permissions on file creation for the file owner; implemented as ML_S_IWRITE on Windows platforms. More... | |
#define | ML_S_IRUSR ML_S_IREAD |
Platform independent file open pMode flag setting read permissions on file creation for the file owner; implemented as ML_S_IREAD on Windows platforms. More... | |
#define | ML_S_IXUSR ML_S_IEXEC |
Platform independent file open pMode flag setting execute permissions on file creation for the file owner; implemented as ML_S_IEXEC on Windows platforms. More... | |
#define | ML_S_IWGRP ML_S_IWRITE |
Platform independent file open pMode flag setting write permissions on file creation for group users; implemented as ML_S_IWRITE on Windows platforms. More... | |
#define | ML_S_IRGRP ML_S_IREAD |
Platform independent file open pMode flag setting read permissions on file creation for group users; implemented as ML_S_IREAD on Windows platforms. More... | |
#define | ML_S_IXGRP ML_S_IEXEC |
Platform independent file open pMode flag setting execute permissions on file creation for group users; implemented as ML_S_IEXEC on Windows platforms. More... | |
#define | ML_S_IWOTH ML_S_IWRITE |
Platform independent file open pMode flag setting write permissions on file creation for other users; implemented as ML_S_IWRITE on Windows platforms. More... | |
#define | ML_S_IROTH ML_S_IREAD |
Platform independent file open pMode flag setting read permissions on file creation for other users; implemented as ML_S_IREAD on Windows platforms. More... | |
#define | ML_S_IXOTH ML_S_IEXEC |
Platform independent file open pMode flag setting execute permissions on file creation for other users; implemented as ML_S_IEXEC on Windows platforms. More... | |
Functions | |
ML_UTILS_EXPORT void | MLTranslateErrorCode (MLErrorCode *err) |
Error code translation from global fileIO error code given by errno to ML error code *err if err is passed as non-NULL; if err is passed as NULL, then the call is ignored. More... | |
File access functions working with valid UTF-8 Unicode file names | |
#define | MLGetNonExistingRandomFileNameWithPostFix_Is_Available |
ML_UTILS_EXPORT FILE * | MLfopen (const char *fileName, const char *mode) |
Opens the file with name fileName with the access permissions given by mode , and returns a FILE pointer or NULL on failure. More... | |
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLErrorCode | MLfclose (FILE *file) |
Closes an open file given by descriptor file and returns 0 on success and non-zero values on failure. More... | |
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLErrorCode | MLremove (const char *fileName) |
Deletes file with name fileName . More... | |
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLErrorCode | MLrename (const char *oldName, const char *newName) |
Renames a file with name oldName to newName . More... | |
ML_UTILS_EXPORT int | MLopen (const char *fileName, int openFlags, int pMode) |
Opens the file with name fileName with the given openFlags and returns a file descriptor or -1 on error. More... | |
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLErrorCode | MLclose (int fileDescriptor) |
Closes an open file given by a the file descriptor fileDescriptor and returns ML_RESULT_OK on success and on failure, an MLErrorCode describing the problem. More... | |
ML_UTILS_EXPORT int | MLFileExists (const char *fileName) |
Returns 1 if the given with name fileName exists, 0 otherwise or if fileName is NULL. More... | |
ML_UTILS_EXPORT char * | MLGetTempPath () |
Returns the path to the temporary directory of the current user or NULL on failure. More... | |
ML_UTILS_EXPORT char * | MLGetNonExistingRandomFileName (const char *prefix) |
If prefix is NULL or empty, then a file name is returned, which does not exist in the temp file directory determined with MLGetTempPath(). More... | |
ML_UTILS_EXPORT char * | MLGetNonExistingRandomFileNameWithPostFix (const char *prefix, const char *postFix) |
Same as MLGetNonExistingRandomFileName() with the difference that the resulting unique file name also has a suffix given by postFix. More... | |
ML_UTILS_EXPORT int | MLFileIsReadable (const char *fileName) |
Returns 1 if the given fileName exists and is readable, 0 otherwise. More... | |
ML_UTILS_EXPORT int | MLFileIsWritable (const char *fileName) |
Returns 1 if the given file with name fileName exists and is writable, 0 otherwise. More... | |
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLErrorCode | MLFileWriteStringData (const char *fileName, const char *str) |
Creates, opens, and overwrites the given file with name fileName with the given non-NULL, NULL-terminated data string str , and returns ML_RESULT_OK on success or an MLErrorCode describing the problem on failure. More... | |
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLErrorCode | MLFileWriteBinaryData (const char *fileName, const MLuint8 *data, size_t numBytes) |
Creates, opens, and overwrites the given file with name fileName with the given data of a given numBytes , and returns ML_RESULT_OK on success or on failure an MLErrorCode describing the problem. More... | |
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLErrorCode | MLFileWriteBinaryDataAt (int fileDescriptor, MLuint startPosition, const MLuint8 *data, size_t numBytes) |
Overwrites a section of the file given by file descriptor fileDescriptor , which must have been opened with mode ML_O_RDWR or ML_O_WRONLY at position startPosition with the given data with numBytes . More... | |
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLErrorCode | MLFileAppendStringData (const char *fileName, const char *strData) |
Appends the given NULL-terminated string strData to the file given by name fileName , creating a new file if it does not exist. More... | |
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLErrorCode | MLFileAppendBinaryData (const char *fileName, const MLuint8 *data, size_t numBytes) |
Appends numBytes of data given by data to the file given by name fileName , creating a new file if it does not exist. More... | |
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLErrorCode | MLFileAppendBinaryDataWithDescriptor (int fileDescriptor, const MLuint8 *data, size_t numBytes) |
Appends numBytes of data given by data to the file given by file descriptor fileDescriptor , which must be valid and indicate a writable file. More... | |
ML_UTILS_EXPORT char * | MLFileReadAllAsString (const char *fileName) |
Reads the complete file with a fileName as a string, returns NULL on error. More... | |
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLuint8 * | MLFileReadAllAsBinary (const char *fileName) |
Reads the complete file with a fileName as binary data, returns NULL on error. More... | |
ML_UTILS_EXPORT char * | MLFileReadChunkAsString (const char *fileName, MLuint startPosition, MLuint numBytes) |
Reads a string segment starting at startPosition from the file given by fileName as a string and returns NULL on error. More... | |
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLuint8 * | MLFileReadChunkAsBinary (const char *fileName, MLuint startPosition, MLuint numBytes) |
Reads a data segment starting at startPosition from the file given by fileName and returns NULL on error. More... | |
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLuint8 * | MLFileReadChunkAsBinaryFromDesc (int fileDescriptor, MLuint startPosition, MLuint numBytes, int useCurrentPosition) |
Reads a data segment starting at startPosition from the file given by fileDescriptor and returns NULL on error. More... | |
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLuint | MLFileReadChunkAsBinaryFromDescToBuffer (int fileDescriptor, MLuint8 *buffer, MLuint startPosition, MLuint numBytes) |
Reads a data segment starting at startPosition from the file given by fileDescriptor and returns the number of read bytes. More... | |
ML_UTILS_EXPORT char * | MLFileReadChunkAsStringFromDesc (int fileDescriptor, MLuint startPosition, MLuint numBytes) |
Reads a string segment starting at startingPosition from the file given by fileDescriptor as a string and returns NULL on error. More... | |
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLint | MLFileGetSizeFromDescriptor (int fileDescriptor) |
Returns the size of the file given by the file descriptor fileDescriptor . More... | |
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLint | MLFileGetSizeFromFilePointer (FILE *file) |
Returns the size of the file given by the FILE pointer file A negative value is returned on any error, if file is invalid or on files larger than 2^63-1 bytes. More... | |
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLint | MLFileGetSizeFromName (const char *fileName) |
Returns the size of the file given by the NULL-terminated file name fileName . More... | |
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLint | MLFileSetBytePos (int fileDescriptor, MLuint position) |
Sets the pointer of a file given by descriptor fileDescriptor to a position and returns the positive position on success and -1 on failure. More... | |
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLint | MLFileGetBytePos (int fileDescriptor) |
Returns current file position of the file given by descriptor fileDescriptor ; it returns the positive position (>= 0) on success and -1 on failure. More... | |
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLErrorCode | MLCreateDirectory (const char *path) |
The directory path is created. More... | |
ML_UTILS_EXPORT std::filesystem::path | MLGetFileSystemPath (const std::string &filename) |
Returns a file path object for the given filename that can be used as input for a file stream. More... | |
Defines an API to the file system for WIN32 and Unix systems.
All methods support UTF-8 unicode strings to access files that contain unicode chars in their absolute filename.
Diagnostic information is usually described specifically in each function documentation. Most functions report errors by an MLErrorCode return value describing any problem or returning ML_RESULT_OK on success. Functions having no such return value usually set the errno variable similar to normal system functions. On success, this variable is not defined and should not be evaluated then. Only on function failure denoted by the return value, it describes the nature of any error. Functions returning an MLErrorCode usually do not set errno (unless documented differently). Typical errno values used/set by this library are:
Definition at line 57 of file mlFileSystem.h.
Mode to open file in binary mode; note that binary and text mode are not distinguished on Unix systems.
Definition at line 60 of file mlFileSystem.h.
#define ML_O_CREAT _O_CREAT |
Mode to create a new file.
Definition at line 63 of file mlFileSystem.h.
#define ML_O_LARGEFILE 0 |
Mode to open a file with large file support; this exists only on Unix systems.
Definition at line 84 of file mlFileSystem.h.
Mode to open/create a file optimized for random access.
Definition at line 66 of file mlFileSystem.h.
Mode to open a file only for reading.
Definition at line 69 of file mlFileSystem.h.
#define ML_O_RDWR _O_RDWR |
Mode to open a file for reading and writing.
Definition at line 72 of file mlFileSystem.h.
#define ML_O_TEXT _O_TEXT |
Mode to open file in text mode; note that binary and text mode are not distinguished on Unix systems.
Definition at line 75 of file mlFileSystem.h.
#define ML_O_TRUNC _O_TRUNC |
Mode to open a file throwing away its contents.
Definition at line 78 of file mlFileSystem.h.
Mode to open a file only for writing.
Definition at line 81 of file mlFileSystem.h.
#define ML_S_IEXEC _S_IEXEC |
Platform independent file open pMode flag setting the execution bit on file creation.
Definition at line 93 of file mlFileSystem.h.
#define ML_S_IREAD _S_IREAD |
Platform independent file open pMode flag setting the read bit on file creation.
Definition at line 90 of file mlFileSystem.h.
Platform independent file open pMode flag setting read permissions on file creation for group users; implemented as ML_S_IREAD on Windows platforms.
Definition at line 113 of file mlFileSystem.h.
Platform independent file open pMode flag setting read permissions on file creation for other users; implemented as ML_S_IREAD on Windows platforms.
Definition at line 125 of file mlFileSystem.h.
Platform independent file open pMode flag setting read permissions on file creation for the file owner; implemented as ML_S_IREAD on Windows platforms.
Definition at line 101 of file mlFileSystem.h.
Platform independent file open pMode flag setting write permissions on file creation for group users; implemented as ML_S_IWRITE on Windows platforms.
Definition at line 109 of file mlFileSystem.h.
Platform independent file open pMode flag setting write permissions on file creation for other users; implemented as ML_S_IWRITE on Windows platforms.
Definition at line 121 of file mlFileSystem.h.
Platform independent file open pMode flag setting the write bit on file creation.
Definition at line 87 of file mlFileSystem.h.
Platform independent file open pMode flag setting write permissions on file creation for the file owner; implemented as ML_S_IWRITE on Windows platforms.
Definition at line 97 of file mlFileSystem.h.
Platform independent file open pMode flag setting execute permissions on file creation for group users; implemented as ML_S_IEXEC on Windows platforms.
Definition at line 117 of file mlFileSystem.h.
Platform independent file open pMode flag setting execute permissions on file creation for other users; implemented as ML_S_IEXEC on Windows platforms.
Definition at line 129 of file mlFileSystem.h.
Platform independent file open pMode flag setting execute permissions on file creation for the file owner; implemented as ML_S_IEXEC on Windows platforms.
Definition at line 105 of file mlFileSystem.h.
#define MLGetNonExistingRandomFileNameWithPostFix_Is_Available |
Definition at line 313 of file mlFileSystem.h.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLErrorCode MLclose | ( | int | fileDescriptor | ) |
Closes an open file given by a the file descriptor fileDescriptor
and returns ML_RESULT_OK on success and on failure, an MLErrorCode describing the problem.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLErrorCode MLCreateDirectory | ( | const char * | path | ) |
The directory path
is created.
path | valid and NULL-terminated UTF-8 path of the directory. |
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLErrorCode MLfclose | ( | FILE * | file | ) |
Closes an open file given by descriptor file
and returns 0 on success and non-zero values on failure.
file | Must be a valid pointer for an open file. |
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLErrorCode MLFileAppendBinaryData | ( | const char * | fileName, |
const MLuint8 * | data, | ||
size_t | numBytes | ||
) |
Appends numBytes
of data given by data
to the file given by name fileName
, creating a new file if it does not exist.
It returns ML_RESULT_OK on success or on failure an MLErrorCode describing the problem. Supports UTF-8 encoded unicode file names.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLErrorCode MLFileAppendBinaryDataWithDescriptor | ( | int | fileDescriptor, |
const MLuint8 * | data, | ||
size_t | numBytes | ||
) |
Appends numBytes
of data given by data
to the file given by file descriptor fileDescriptor
, which must be valid and indicate a writable file.
It returns MLErrorCode on success or on failure an MLErrorCode describing the problem.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLErrorCode MLFileAppendStringData | ( | const char * | fileName, |
const char * | strData | ||
) |
Appends the given NULL-terminated string strData
to the file given by name fileName
, creating a new file if it does not exist.
It returns ML_RESULT_OK on success or on failure an MLErrorCode describing the problem. Supports UTF-8 encoded unicode file names.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT int MLFileExists | ( | const char * | fileName | ) |
Returns 1 if the given with name fileName
exists, 0 otherwise or if fileName is NULL.
Sets errno if 0 is returned, use MLTranslateErrorCode to get an appropriate MLErrorCode for it. Supports UTF-8 encoded unicode file names.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLint MLFileGetBytePos | ( | int | fileDescriptor | ) |
Returns current file position of the file given by descriptor fileDescriptor
; it returns the positive position (>= 0) on success and -1 on failure.
File sizes > 2^63-1 are handled as error. If < 0 is returned then errno describes the error.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLint MLFileGetSizeFromDescriptor | ( | int | fileDescriptor | ) |
Returns the size of the file given by the file descriptor fileDescriptor
A negative value is returned on any error if fileDescriptor
is invalid or on files larger than 2^63-1 bytes. If < 0 is returned, then errno describes the error.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLint MLFileGetSizeFromFilePointer | ( | FILE * | file | ) |
Returns the size of the file given by the FILE pointer file A negative value is returned on any error, if file is invalid or on files larger than 2^63-1 bytes.
If < 0 is returned, then errno describes the error.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLint MLFileGetSizeFromName | ( | const char * | fileName | ) |
Returns the size of the file given by the NULL-terminated file name fileName
A negative value is returned on any error if fileName
is NULL or on files larger than 2^63-1 bytes. Supports UTF-8 encoded unicode file names. If < 0 is returned then errno describes the error.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT int MLFileIsReadable | ( | const char * | fileName | ) |
Returns 1 if the given fileName
exists and is readable, 0 otherwise.
Sets errno if 0 is returned, use MLTranslateErrorCode to get an appropriate MLErrorCode for it. Supports UTF-8 encoded unicode file names.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT int MLFileIsWritable | ( | const char * | fileName | ) |
Returns 1 if the given file with name fileName
exists and is writable, 0 otherwise.
Sets errno if 0 is returned, use MLTranslateErrorCode to get an appropriate MLErrorCode for it. Supports UTF-8 encoded unicode file names.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLuint8* MLFileReadAllAsBinary | ( | const char * | fileName | ) |
Reads the complete file with a fileName
as binary data, returns NULL on error.
The returned data chunk needs to be destroyed by calling MLFree() or Memory::freeMemory(). Supports UTF-8 encoded unicode file names.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT char* MLFileReadAllAsString | ( | const char * | fileName | ) |
Reads the complete file with a fileName
as a string, returns NULL on error.
The returned string will be NULL-terminated. The returned string needs to be destroyed by calling MLFree() or Memory::freeMemory(). Supports UTF-8 encoded unicode file names.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLuint8* MLFileReadChunkAsBinary | ( | const char * | fileName, |
MLuint | startPosition, | ||
MLuint | numBytes | ||
) |
Reads a data segment starting at startPosition
from the file given by fileName
and returns NULL on error.
If the file ends before numBytes
can be read, the returned data chunk will not be shorter but only partially filled with data. If numBytes
is 0, a valid memory allocation of 0 bytes takes place that also needs to be freed. Note that this function supports only files up to 2^63 bytes, because internally, the sign flag is lost. The returned string needs to be destroyed by calling MLFree() or Memory::freeMemory(). Supports UTF-8 encoded unicode file names. If NULL is returned, then errno describes the error.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLuint8* MLFileReadChunkAsBinaryFromDesc | ( | int | fileDescriptor, |
MLuint | startPosition, | ||
MLuint | numBytes, | ||
int | useCurrentPosition | ||
) |
Reads a data segment starting at startPosition
from the file given by fileDescriptor
and returns NULL on error.
If the file ends before numBytes
can be read, the returned data chunk will not be shorter but only partially filled with data. If numBytes
is 0, a valid memory allocation of 0 bytes takes place that also needs to be freed. Note that this function supports only files up to 2^63 bytes, because internally, the sign flag is lost. The returned string needs to be destroyed by calling MLFree() or Memory::freeMemory(). In case of (fileIO) errors, the file is not closed. If NULL is returned, then errno describes the error. If useCurrentPosition
is 1, the current file position is taken and used to overwrite startPosition
. If useCurrentPosition
is 0, the startPosition
is used normally. Other useCurrentPosition
values are handled as an error.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLuint MLFileReadChunkAsBinaryFromDescToBuffer | ( | int | fileDescriptor, |
MLuint8 * | buffer, | ||
MLuint | startPosition, | ||
MLuint | numBytes | ||
) |
Reads a data segment starting at startPosition
from the file given by fileDescriptor
and returns the number of read bytes.
The data is read into the buffer
, so the buffer needs to be large enough to hold at least numBytes.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT char* MLFileReadChunkAsString | ( | const char * | fileName, |
MLuint | startPosition, | ||
MLuint | numBytes | ||
) |
Reads a string segment starting at startPosition
from the file given by fileName
as a string and returns NULL on error.
The returned string will be NULL-terminated and one byte larger than numBytes
for the num-terminating character. If the file ends before numBytes
can be read, the string will be shorter and also be NULL-terminated. If numBytes
is 0, a valid memory allocation of 0 bytes takes place that also needs to be freed. Note that this function supports only files up to 2^63 bytes, because internally, the sign flag is lost. On 32-bit system numBytes must not exceed 2^31 or NULL is returned as error. The returned string needs to be destroyed by calling MLFree() or Memory::freeMemory(). Supports UTF-8 encoded unicode file names.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT char* MLFileReadChunkAsStringFromDesc | ( | int | fileDescriptor, |
MLuint | startPosition, | ||
MLuint | numBytes | ||
) |
Reads a string segment starting at startingPosition
from the file given by fileDescriptor
as a string and returns NULL on error.
The returned string will be NULL-terminated and one byte larger than numBytes
for the num-terminating character. If the file ends before numBytes
can be read, the string will be shorter and also be NULL-terminated. If numBytes
is 0, a valid memory allocation of 0 bytes takes place which also needs to be freed. Note that this function supports only files up to 2^63 bytes, because internally, the sign flag is lost. On 32-bit system, numBytes must not exceed 2^31 or NULL is returned as an error. The returned string needs to be destroyed by calling MLFree() or Memory::freeMemory(). In case of (fileIO) errors, the file is not closed. If NULL is returned, then errno describes the error.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLint MLFileSetBytePos | ( | int | fileDescriptor, |
MLuint | position | ||
) |
Sets the pointer of a file given by descriptor fileDescriptor
to a position
and returns the positive position on success and -1 on failure.
The position is valid only up to 2^63-1 because internally the sign flag is used. If < 0 is returned then errno describes the error.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLErrorCode MLFileWriteBinaryData | ( | const char * | fileName, |
const MLuint8 * | data, | ||
size_t | numBytes | ||
) |
Creates, opens, and overwrites the given file with name fileName
with the given data
of a given numBytes
, and returns ML_RESULT_OK on success or on failure an MLErrorCode describing the problem.
The file is closed after write operation. Supports UTF-8 encoded unicode file names.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLErrorCode MLFileWriteBinaryDataAt | ( | int | fileDescriptor, |
MLuint | startPosition, | ||
const MLuint8 * | data, | ||
size_t | numBytes | ||
) |
Overwrites a section of the file given by file descriptor fileDescriptor
, which must have been opened with mode ML_O_RDWR or ML_O_WRONLY at position startPosition
with the given data
with numBytes
It returns ML_RESULT_OK on success or on failure an MLErrorCode describing the problem. The file is NOT closed after writing.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLErrorCode MLFileWriteStringData | ( | const char * | fileName, |
const char * | str | ||
) |
Creates, opens, and overwrites the given file with name fileName
with the given non-NULL, NULL-terminated data string str
, and returns ML_RESULT_OK on success or an MLErrorCode describing the problem on failure.
The file will be closed after write operation. Supports UTF-8 encoded unicode file names.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT FILE* MLfopen | ( | const char * | fileName, |
const char * | mode | ||
) |
Opens the file with name fileName
with the access permissions given by mode
, and returns a FILE pointer or NULL on failure.
This method is equivalent to the stdio fopen implementation, see the fopen documentation for available mode flags ("r","w","a",...). In contrast to the original fopen method, this method accepts an UTF-8 encoded string and uses the unicode WIN32 API on Windows. On Unix systems, this method maps to fopen directly. If NULL is returned, then errno describes the error.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT std::filesystem::path MLGetFileSystemPath | ( | const std::string & | filename | ) |
Returns a file path object for the given filename
that can be used as input for a file stream.
Assumes that filename
is provided in UTF-8 encoding.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT char* MLGetNonExistingRandomFileName | ( | const char * | prefix | ) |
If prefix is NULL or empty, then a file name is returned, which does not exist in the temp file directory determined with MLGetTempPath().
Otherwise, prefix
is used as path to the directory in which the filename shall be generated. If prefix is not a path, then the file name is prefixed with prefix and located in the current directory. The file name is suffixed with a random number so that a file name results that is unique in the directory. Note: The file name generation with this function can easily lead to a race condition where other processes or threads can create identical file names in parallel. It is left to the caller to solve this problem. The returned value must be freed with MLFree() or Memory::free(). Supports UTF-8 encoded unicode prefix strings. If NULL is returned, then errno describes the error.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT char* MLGetNonExistingRandomFileNameWithPostFix | ( | const char * | prefix, |
const char * | postFix | ||
) |
Same as MLGetNonExistingRandomFileName() with the difference that the resulting unique file name also has a suffix given by postFix.
If postFix is NULL or empty, then this routine behaves identically to MLGetNonExistingRandomFileName().
ML_UTILS_EXPORT char* MLGetTempPath | ( | ) |
Returns the path to the temporary directory of the current user or NULL on failure.
The returned value must be freed with MLFree() or Memory::free().
ML_UTILS_EXPORT int MLopen | ( | const char * | fileName, |
int | openFlags, | ||
int | pMode | ||
) |
Opens the file with name fileName
with the given openFlags
and returns a file descriptor or -1 on error.
This method is equivalent to the stdio open implementation, see the open documentation for available open flags. In contrast to the original open method, this method accepts an UTF-8 encoded string and uses the unicode WIN32 API on Windows. On Unix systems, this method maps to open directly. pMode
specifies the access permissions of the opened file, see ML_S_IREAD and ML_S_IWRITE. If < 0 is returned, then errno describes the error.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLErrorCode MLremove | ( | const char * | fileName | ) |
Deletes file with name fileName
fileName | Valid and NULL-terminated UTF-8 name of the existing file. |
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLErrorCode MLrename | ( | const char * | oldName, |
const char * | newName | ||
) |
Renames a file with name oldName
to newName
oldName | Valid and NULL-terminated UTF-8 old name of the existing file. |
newName | Valid and NULL-terminated UTF-8 new file name. |
ML_UTILS_EXPORT void MLTranslateErrorCode | ( | MLErrorCode * | err | ) |
Error code translation from global fileIO error code given by errno to ML error code *err
if err is passed as non-NULL; if err is passed as NULL, then the call is ignored.
This method can be used to translate the current errno state to an appropriate ML error code for those functions that do not return an explicit ML error code. If errno cannot be converted appropriately or no adequate MLErrorCode exists, then ML_FILE_IO_ERROR is returned.