13 #ifndef ML_FILE_SYSTEM_H
14 #define ML_FILE_SYSTEM_H
44 #include <ThirdPartyWarningsDisable.h>
47 #include <ThirdPartyWarningsRestore.h>
57 #define ML_O_APPEND _O_APPEND
60 #define ML_O_BINARY _O_BINARY
63 #define ML_O_CREAT _O_CREAT
66 #define ML_O_RANDOM _O_RANDOM
69 #define ML_O_RDONLY _O_RDONLY
72 #define ML_O_RDWR _O_RDWR
75 #define ML_O_TEXT _O_TEXT
78 #define ML_O_TRUNC _O_TRUNC
81 #define ML_O_WRONLY _O_WRONLY
84 #define ML_O_LARGEFILE 0
87 #define ML_S_IWRITE _S_IWRITE
90 #define ML_S_IREAD _S_IREAD
93 #define ML_S_IEXEC _S_IEXEC
101 #define ML_S_IRUSR ML_S_IREAD
105 #define ML_S_IXUSR ML_S_IEXEC
109 #define ML_S_IWGRP ML_S_IWRITE
113 #define ML_S_IRGRP ML_S_IREAD
117 #define ML_S_IXGRP ML_S_IEXEC
121 #define ML_S_IWOTH ML_S_IWRITE
125 #define ML_S_IROTH ML_S_IREAD
129 #define ML_S_IXOTH ML_S_IEXEC
134 #define ML_O_APPEND O_APPEND
137 #define ML_O_BINARY 0
140 #define ML_O_CREAT O_CREAT
143 #define ML_O_RANDOM O_RANDOM
146 #define ML_O_RDONLY O_RDONLY
149 #define ML_O_RDWR O_RDWR
155 #define ML_O_TRUNC O_TRUNC
158 #define ML_O_WRONLY O_WRONLY
164 #define ML_S_IWRITE S_IWRITE
167 #define ML_S_IREAD S_IREAD
170 #define ML_S_IEXEC S_IEXEC
174 #define ML_S_IWUSR S_IWUSR
178 #define ML_S_IRUSR S_IRUSR
182 #define ML_S_IXUSR S_IXUSR
186 #define ML_S_IWGRP S_IWGRP
190 #define ML_S_IRGRP S_IRGRP
194 #define ML_S_IXGRP S_IXGRP
198 #define ML_S_IWOTH S_IWOTH
202 #define ML_S_IROTH S_IROTH
206 #define ML_S_IXOTH S_IXOTH
260 const char *newName);
313 #define MLGetNonExistingRandomFileNameWithPostFix_Is_Available
373 const char *strData);
466 int useCurrentPosition);
MLint32 MLErrorCode
Type of an ML Error code.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLErrorCode MLrename(const char *oldName, const char *newName)
Renames a file with name oldName to newName.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT char * MLGetTempPath()
Returns the path to the temporary directory of the current user or NULL on failure.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLint MLFileGetSizeFromName(const char *fileName)
Returns the size of the file given by the NULL-terminated file name fileName.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT char * MLFileReadAllAsString(const char *fileName)
Reads the complete file with a fileName as a string, returns NULL on error.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLuint8 * MLFileReadChunkAsBinary(const char *fileName, MLuint startPosition, MLuint numBytes)
Reads a data segment starting at startPosition from the file given by fileName and returns NULL on er...
ML_UTILS_EXPORT int MLFileIsReadable(const char *fileName)
Returns 1 if the given fileName exists and is readable, 0 otherwise.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLuint MLFileReadChunkAsBinaryFromDescToBuffer(int fileDescriptor, MLuint8 *buffer, MLuint startPosition, MLuint numBytes)
Reads a data segment starting at startPosition from the file given by fileDescriptor and returns the ...
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLint MLFileGetSizeFromDescriptor(int fileDescriptor)
Returns the size of the file given by the file descriptor fileDescriptor.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLErrorCode MLFileAppendBinaryData(const char *fileName, const MLuint8 *data, size_t numBytes)
Appends numBytes of data given by data to the file given by name fileName, creating a new file if it ...
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLErrorCode MLFileWriteBinaryDataAt(int fileDescriptor, MLuint startPosition, const MLuint8 *data, size_t numBytes)
Overwrites a section of the file given by file descriptor fileDescriptor, which must have been opened...
ML_UTILS_EXPORT std::filesystem::path MLGetFileSystemPath(const std::string &filename)
Returns a file path object for the given filename that can be used as input for a file stream.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLuint8 * MLFileReadChunkAsBinaryFromDesc(int fileDescriptor, MLuint startPosition, MLuint numBytes, int useCurrentPosition)
Reads a data segment starting at startPosition from the file given by fileDescriptor and returns NULL...
ML_UTILS_EXPORT int MLopen(const char *fileName, int openFlags, int pMode)
Opens the file with name fileName with the given openFlags and returns a file descriptor or -1 on err...
ML_UTILS_EXPORT FILE * MLfopen(const char *fileName, const char *mode)
Opens the file with name fileName with the access permissions given by mode, and returns a FILE point...
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLErrorCode MLFileWriteStringData(const char *fileName, const char *str)
Creates, opens, and overwrites the given file with name fileName with the given non-NULL,...
ML_UTILS_EXPORT int MLFileIsWritable(const char *fileName)
Returns 1 if the given file with name fileName exists and is writable, 0 otherwise.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLErrorCode MLFileAppendBinaryDataWithDescriptor(int fileDescriptor, const MLuint8 *data, size_t numBytes)
Appends numBytes of data given by data to the file given by file descriptor fileDescriptor,...
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLint MLFileGetSizeFromFilePointer(FILE *file)
Returns the size of the file given by the FILE pointer file A negative value is returned on any error...
ML_UTILS_EXPORT char * MLGetNonExistingRandomFileNameWithPostFix(const char *prefix, const char *postFix)
Same as MLGetNonExistingRandomFileName() with the difference that the resulting unique file name also...
ML_UTILS_EXPORT void MLTranslateErrorCode(MLErrorCode *err)
Error code translation from global fileIO error code given by errno to ML error code *err if err is p...
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLErrorCode MLclose(int fileDescriptor)
Closes an open file given by a the file descriptor fileDescriptor and returns ML_RESULT_OK on success...
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLErrorCode MLFileWriteBinaryData(const char *fileName, const MLuint8 *data, size_t numBytes)
Creates, opens, and overwrites the given file with name fileName with the given data of a given numBy...
ML_UTILS_EXPORT char * MLGetNonExistingRandomFileName(const char *prefix)
If prefix is NULL or empty, then a file name is returned, which does not exist in the temp file direc...
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLint MLFileGetBytePos(int fileDescriptor)
Returns current file position of the file given by descriptor fileDescriptor; it returns the positive...
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLErrorCode MLFileAppendStringData(const char *fileName, const char *strData)
Appends the given NULL-terminated string strData to the file given by name fileName,...
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLuint8 * MLFileReadAllAsBinary(const char *fileName)
Reads the complete file with a fileName as binary data, returns NULL on error.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLint MLFileSetBytePos(int fileDescriptor, MLuint position)
Sets the pointer of a file given by descriptor fileDescriptor to a position and returns the positive ...
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLErrorCode MLCreateDirectory(const char *path)
The directory path is created.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLErrorCode MLremove(const char *fileName)
Deletes file with name fileName.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT MLErrorCode MLfclose(FILE *file)
Closes an open file given by descriptor file and returns 0 on success and non-zero values on failure.
ML_UTILS_EXPORT char * MLFileReadChunkAsString(const char *fileName, MLuint startPosition, MLuint numBytes)
Reads a string segment starting at startPosition from the file given by fileName as a string and retu...
ML_UTILS_EXPORT char * MLFileReadChunkAsStringFromDesc(int fileDescriptor, MLuint startPosition, MLuint numBytes)
Reads a string segment starting at startingPosition from the file given by fileDescriptor as a string...
ML_UTILS_EXPORT int MLFileExists(const char *fileName)
Returns 1 if the given with name fileName exists, 0 otherwise or if fileName is NULL.
MLuint64 MLuint
An unsigned ML integer type with at least 64 bits used for index calculations on very large images ev...
MLint64 MLint
A signed ML integer type with at least 64 bits used for index calculations on very large images even ...