MeVisLab Toolbox Reference
MLPCLSurface Overview

MLPCLSurface Class Library

The MLPCLSurface project contains:

  • PCLConcaveHull: ML Module class processing an input point cloud and calculating the concave hull from it using the pcl::ConcaveHull algorithm.
  • PCLConvexHull: ML Module class processing an input point cloud and calculating the convex hull from it using the pcl::ConvexHull algorithm.
  • PCLMarchingCubesHoppe: ML Module class processing an input point cloud and creating a pcl::Surface and a pcl::PointCloud from it using the pcl::MarchingCubesHoppe algorithm.
  • PCLMarchingCubesRBF: ML Module class processing an input point cloud and creating a pcl::Surface and a pcl::PointCloud from it using the pcl::MarchingCubesRBF algorithm. This filter is currently excluded since it currently is not stable.
  • PCLMovingLeastSquares: ML Module class processing a point cloud with the MLS (Moving Least Squares) algorithm pcl::MovingLeastSquares from the Point Cloud Library.