A quick search for networks is available with the keyboard shortcut “Find” found in Section 4.3.10, “Preferences — Shortcuts”. It opens in the top right corner of the network view.
The search results are sorted by categories: Modules, Fields, and Files.
Search options are available by clicking on the magnifier icon:
Substring: If selected, the search is extended to substrings of module, field, or file names, effectively working as if adding wildcards, such as *image*.
Match Case: If selected, the search differentiates between lower- and uppercase letters.
Search In Internal Networks: If selected, the search is performed recursively within the internal networks of macro modules.
Clicking Show All opens the results in a new, persistent window. This way, you can have several search result lists open.
Double-clicking a search result has different effects depending on the result type:
Double-clicking a field highlights and zooms in to the module that contains the field.
Double-clicking a module highlights and zooms in to the module.
Double-clicking a file opens it in the integrated text editor MATE.
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