41#ifndef __SoMouseWheelEvent_H
42#define __SoMouseWheelEvent_H
Disable some annoying warnings on MSVC 6.
*** note: many of the macros use the "do { ... } while(0)" *** hack to define multiline blocks as a s...
Base class for all events.
Open Inventor SoEvent that represents a MouseWheel movement.
short getWheelRotation() const
get the wheel rotation value (may be positive or neagtive depending on the move direction)
static void initClass(void)
void setWheelOrientation(Orientation orient)
set the wheel's orientation
void setWheelRotation(short rot)
set the wheel rotation (should only be called by the event producer, not by the event user
Orientation getWheelOrientation() const
get the wheel's orientation