Disable some annoying warnings on MSVC 6.
#define SO_ENGINE_HEADER(className)
Triggered integer counter.
SoSFShort reset
At the next trigger, reset the counter to the specified value.
SoSFShort max
Maximum value for the counter.
SoSFShort min
Minimum value for the counter.
SoEngineOutput syncOut
Triggers at cycle start.
SoSFTrigger trigger
Go to the next step.
SoEngineOutput output
Counts min-to-max in step increments.
virtual void inputChanged(SoField *whichInput)
This is called whenever the value of an input is changed.
SoSFShort step
Counter step value.
Class for all engine outputs.
Base class for all engines.
virtual void evaluate()=0
User-written evaluation engine.
Base class for all fields.
Field containing a short integer.
Field used to trigger engines or connection networks.