83 #define SO_COMPOSE__HEADER(Name) \
87 virtual void evaluate(); \
90 static void initClass()
Disable some annoying warnings on MSVC 6.
#define SO_COMPOSE__HEADER(Name)
This internal macro defines the standard methods for the composition engines.
Matrix composition engine.
SoEngineOutput matrix
Transformation matrix that transforms from object space into the space specified by the inputs.
SoMFRotation scaleOrientation
Rotational space for scaling.
SoMFVec3f scaleFactor
Scale factors in x, y, and z.
SoMFVec3f center
Center point for scaling and rotating.
SoMFRotation rotation
SoMFVec3f translation
Translation in x, y, and z.
Composes a rotation that rotates from one vector into another.
SoMFVec3f from
Vector before the rotation.
SoEngineOutput rotation
A rotation that transforms one vector into another.
SoMFVec3f to
Vector after the rotation.
Rotation composition engines.
SoMFVec3f axis
Axis of rotation.
SoEngineOutput rotation
Rotation field, defined by the inputs.
SoMFFloat angle
Angle of rotation.
Vector composition engines.
SoMFFloat y
The y component.
SoMFFloat x
The x component.
SoEngineOutput vector
Vector composed of x and y components.
Composes 3D vectors from floating-point values.
SoMFFloat z
The z component.
SoEngineOutput vector
Vector composed of x, y, and z.
SoMFFloat y
The y component.
SoMFFloat x
The x component.
Composes 4D vectors from floating-point values.
SoMFFloat x
The x component.
SoMFFloat w
The w component.
SoMFFloat y
The y component.
SoEngineOutput vector
Vector composed of x, y, z, and w.
SoMFFloat z
The z component.
Matrix decomposition engine.
SoMFVec3f center
The center of transformations.
SoMFMatrix matrix
The 4x4 transformation matrix.
SoEngineOutput scaleOrientation
Derived rotational space for scaling.
SoEngineOutput rotation
Derived rotation.
SoEngineOutput translation
Derived translation in x, y, and z.
SoEngineOutput scaleFactor
Derived scale values in x, y, and z.
Rotation decomposition engine.
SoMFRotation rotation
Rotation to be decomposed.
SoEngineOutput angle
Angle (in radians) derived from the input.
SoEngineOutput axis
Axis of rotation derived from the input.
Vector decomposition engines.
SoMFVec2f vector
Vector to be decomposed.
SoEngineOutput x
First component of the vector.
SoEngineOutput y
Second component of the vector.
Decomposes 3D vectors into floating-point values.
SoMFVec3f vector
Vector to be decomposed.
SoEngineOutput z
Third component of the vector.
SoEngineOutput y
Second component of the vector.
SoEngineOutput x
First component of the vector.
Decomposes 4D vectors into floating-point values.
SoEngineOutput z
Third component of the vector.
SoMFVec4f vector
Vector to be decomposed.
SoEngineOutput w
Fourth component of the vector.
SoEngineOutput y
Second component of the vector.
SoEngineOutput x
First component of the vector.
Class for all engine outputs.
Base class for all engines.
Multiple-value field containing any number of floating point values.
Multiple-value field containing any number of 4x4 matrices.
Multiple-value field containing any number of SbRotations.
Multiple-value field containing any number of two-dimensional vectors.
Multiple-value field containing any number of three-dimensional vectors.
Multiple-value field containing any number of four-dimensional vectors.