
Converts point data from VTK to a XMarkerList. Most VTK modules that generate data that could be interpreted as points can be converted using this module. Examples are vtkConeSource, vtkSplineFilter… See inputVtkObjectInputWrapper


Connect a VTK object containing points to the input.


If the connected VTK module can not be converted to a VTKDataSet or VTKPoints, then the outputs of the module are searched for a compatible type.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: inputVtkObjectInputWrapper, type: VTKObjectWrapper(MLBase)

Connect a VTK object wrapper that might provide point data in some way. Supported are:

  • VTK clases derived from VTKDataSet
  • VTK clases derived from VTKPoints
  • VTK clases that have outputs derived from the classes mentioned above

Output Fields


name: outputMarkerList, type: XMarkerList(MLBase)

The output marker list

For accessing this object via scripting see the Scripting Reference: MLXMarkerListWrapper.

Parameter Fields

Visible Fields


name: status, type: String, persistent: no

Shows modules state