298 BoolField *_postErrorsToMLErrorHandlerFld;
Project global and OS specific declarations.
DLL export macro definition.
An instance of this class creates singleton proxies for DICOMCachedIO cache classes such that all cac...
Field to encapsulate a pointer to an ML base object.
Field to encapsulate a boolean value.
Class to collect messages and errors related to a given frame handle.
ML module class DicomModifyMultiFileVolumeExport which exports a MultiFileVolume composed of DICOM fr...
static std::string _filterDCMTree(DCMTree::TreePtr dcmTree, BaseField *inFilterBase, const Matrix4 *w2vMatrix, const DICOMTagTools::ZTUIndex *ztuPos)
If a DicomModifyTagsPluginBase at inFilterBase is connected then it is applied to dcmTree.
void _exportFilteredFileSet(const std::vector< DICOMCachedIOFileHandle > &allFiles, std::string &oldToNewSOPInstanceUIDList, const Matrix4 *w2vMatrix, const ZTUFileNameSet &originalInFileSet, DicomMessageCollector &dcmMsgCollector)
Get all DCMFiles from the given file set and writes the files into the destination directory.
void _exportFilteredDicomBaseObject(DCMTree::Const_TreePtr inDCMTree, std::string &oldToNewSOPInstanceUIDList, const Matrix4 *w2vMatrix, DicomMessageCollector &dcmMsgCollector)
If necessary then modify the passed DICOM tree and write it into the destination directory where the ...
void _export()
Stores the (modified) DICOM frames in the destination directory.
const ZTUFileNameSet * _getInputVolumeFileSet(Matrix4 *w2vMatrix=nullptr, bool *validMatrix=nullptr) const
Return the input ZTUFileNameSet either from the currently connected MultiFileVolume or from the speci...
std::string _applyDCMTreeChanges(DCMTree::TreePtr dcmTree, std::string &oldSOPInstanceUID, std::string &newSOPInstanceUID)
Applies all necessary DICOM tree changes to dcmTree before writing it to disk.
void handleNotification(Field *field) override
Handles field changes.
void _createExportTree(const DICOMCachedIOFileHandle &inOrigFilePath, DCMTree::Const_TreePtr inDCMTree, DICOMCachedIOFileHandle &recentMFFileHandle, DCMTree::Const_TreePtr &recentMFTree, DCMTree::TreePtr &modifiableExportTree, DCMTree::Const_TreePtr &constExportTree, DicomMessageCollector &dcmMsgCollector)
Creates/determines the DICOM tree which can be modified and exported.
DICOMTagTools::ZTUVector _getZTUSuppressions(std::string &parseInfo, const ZTUFileNameSet &inFileSet) const
Returns a list of ztu positions which are described in _ztuFrameSuppressionsFld.
bool _requiresModifications() const
Returns true if any modification is implied by the module parameters, for example by a connected filt...
DICOMTagTools::ZTUIndex _getZTUPos(const DICOMCachedIOFileHandle &fileHandle, const ZTUFileNameSet &fileSet, DicomMessageCollector &dcmMsgCollector)
Gets the SOPInstanceUID of fileHandle, searches it in fileSet and returns the ztu position of the fil...
void _saveDCMTree(DCMTree::Const_TreePtr dcmTree, const DICOMCachedIOFileHandle &srcFilePath, size_t fileIdx, const std::string &dstDirBase, const std::string &dstFileNameSuffix, std::string &dstFilePath, DicomMessageCollector &dcmMsgCollector)
Stores dcmTree in file dstFileName.
void _setUpImageTypeTag(DCMTree::TreePtr dcmTree, std::string &errStr)
Sets up the value(s) of the ImageType tag in dcmTree according to the field settings,...
void _exportFile(const DICOMCachedIOFileHandle &inOrigFilePath, DCMTree::Const_TreePtr inDCMTree, size_t inFileIdx, BaseField *inFilterBase, const std::string &dstDirBase, const std::string &dstFileNameSuffix, std::string &oldSOPInstanceUID, std::string &newSOPInstanceUID, DICOMCachedIOFileHandle &recentMFFileHandle, DCMTree::Const_TreePtr &recentMFTree, const Matrix4 *w2vMatrix, const DICOMTagTools::ZTUIndex *ztuPos, DicomMessageCollector &dcmMsgCollector)
Loads the DICOM file from origFilePath, filters it with a DicomModifyTagsPluginBase possible connecte...
void activateAttachments() override
Handles changes which were applied without notifications.
Field to encapsulate an enumerated value.
Base class for all fields used in the ML.
Base class for an image processing module of the ML.
Field without value for notifications.
Field to encapsulate a string value.
The field class StringLineMultiField which manages a vector of std::string lines typically separated ...
Class to manage a 3D set of handles describing frames or volumes to be composed to a higher dimension...
#define ML_MODULE_CLASS_HEADER(className)
Like ML_CLASS_HEADER for the usage of derived classes from Module.
Header of FileHandle class which should be used in DICOM importing modules to resolve the filename fo...
An instance of this class creates singleton proxies for DICOMCachedIO cache classes such that all cac...
Header file of a class which manages a list of DicomModifyBase objects and an input which allows the ...
Target mlrange_cast(Source arg)
Generic version of checked ML casts.
Header file of class to manage a 3D set of handles describing frames or volumes to be composed to a h...
boost::shared_ptr< const Tree > Const_TreePtr
boost::shared_ptr< Tree > TreePtr
shared pointer to a DCMTree::Tree