MeVisLab Toolbox Reference
Sources Directory Reference


file  mlApplyDicomPixelModifiers.h [code]
 Header of the ML module class ApplyDicomPixelModifiers which provides the modification of an ML image according to DICOM tags such as RGB palette information, rescale/slope data etc.
file  mlDicomModifyBase.h [code]
 Header file of a base class which allows the modification of DICOM tags in a (cloned) DICOM tree.
file  mlDicomModifyCreateTree.h [code]
 Header of the ML module class DicomModifyCreateTree which creates a DICOM tree, applies connected filters to it, and provides it via a base object at its output.
file  MLDicomModifyDoc.h [code]
 MLDicomModify - a library providing tools and classes to modify DICOM tags in DCMTrees, either ordinary, sequence or private tags.
file  mlDicomModifyFieldAddOnBase.h [code]
 Header file of the DicomModifyFieldAddOnBase class dedicated to manage fields for ML modules and instances derived from DicomModifyBase to combine field handling and tag modification functionality to modify DCMTree's.
file  mlDicomModifyFieldAddOnList.h [code]
 Header file of a class managing many DicomModifFieldAddOns to simplify usage of multiple AddOns.
file  mlDicomModifyImageTagsFieldAddOn.h [code]
 Header of the DicomModifyFieldAddOnBase class DicomModifyImageTagsFieldAddOn which replaces the image pixel tag in DICOM trees with image data from the image connector and tries to adapt as many as possible related tags accordingly to create mostly DICOM compliant DCMTrees.
file  mlDicomModifyImageTagsPlugin.h [code]
 Header of the ML module class DicomModifyImageTagsPlugin which makes use of DicomModifyImageTagsFieldAddOn which replaces the image pixel tag in DICOM trees with image data from the image connector and tries to adapt as many as possible related tags accordingly to create mostly DICOM compliant DCMTrees.
file  mlDicomModifyList.h [code]
 Header file of a class which manages a list of DicomModifyBase objects and an input which allows the concatenation of further DicomModifyList or derived objects.
file  mlDicomModifyMultiFileVolumeExport.h [code]
 Header of the ML module class DicomModifyMultiFileVolumeExport which exports a MultiFileVolume composed of DICOM frames as files with modified DICOM information into a destination directory.
file  mlDicomModifyOrdinary.h [code]
 Header file of a concrete class derived from DicomModifyBase which allows the modification of ordinary, non-private, non-sequence DICOM tags in a (cloned) DICOM tree.
file  mlDicomModifyOrdinaryFieldAddOn.h [code]
 Header file of the DicomModifyFieldAddOnBase class DicomModifyOrdinaryFieldAddOn managing fields to represent functionality from DicomModifyOrdinary to modify ordinary DICOM tags.
file  mlDicomModifyOtherTagOperations.h [code]
 Header file of a concrete class derived from DicomModifyBase which allows some operations on tag groups in a (cloned) DICOM tree such as removal or modification of all Type 2 or Type 3 tags.
file  mlDicomModifyOtherTagOperationsFieldAddOn.h [code]
 Header file of the DicomModifyFieldAddOnBase class DicomModifyOtherTagOperationsFieldAddOn which manages fields to represent functionality from DicomModifyOtherTagOperations to modify some specific DICOM tag manipulations.
file  mlDicomModifyPrivateAdd.h [code]
 Header file of a concrete class derived from DicomModifyBase which allows adding or replacement of a non-ordinary, non-sequence, private tag(s) in a (cloned) DICOM tree; see also DicomModifyPrivateAddFieldAddOn.
file  mlDicomModifyPrivateAddFieldAddOn.h [code]
 Header file of the DicomModifyFieldAddOnBase class DicomModifyPrivateAddFieldAddOn managing fields to represent functionality to add or replace private tags and creators; see also DicomModifyPrivateAdd.
file  mlDicomModifyPrivateRemove.h [code]
 Header file of a concrete class derived from DicomModifyBase which allows the removal of non-ordinary, non-sequence, private tags in a (cloned) DICOM tree.
file  mlDicomModifyPrivateRemoveFieldAddOn.h [code]
 Header file of the DicomModifyFieldAddOnBase class DicomModifyPrivateRemoveFieldAddOn managing fields to represent functionality from DicomModifyPrivate to modify private DICOM tags.
file  mlDicomModifySequence.h [code]
 Header file of a concrete class derived from DicomModifyBase which allows the modification of a non-ordinary, non-private, sequence tag in a (cloned) DICOM tree.
file  mlDicomModifySequenceFieldAddOn.h [code]
 Header file of the DicomModifyFieldAddOnBase class DicomModifySequenceFieldAddOn managing fields to represent functionality from DicomModifySequence to modify sequence DICOM tags.
file  mlDicomModifySubTreeSelectorFieldAddOn.h [code]
 Header of the DicomModifyFieldAddOnBase class DicomModifySubTreeSelectorFieldAddOn which manages fields to select sequence or MeVis SMF Tree subtrees which then can be modified by appended DicomModify instances.
file  mlDicomModifySubTreeSelectorPlugin.h [code]
 Header of the ML module class DicomModifySubTreeSelectorPlugin which allows the selection of DCMTrees inside of Sequence tags or MeVis SMF trees to make it possible that other DicomModifyTagPlugins manipulate them.
file  MLDicomModifySystem.h [code]
 Project global and OS specific declarations.
file  mlDicomModifyTagsPlugin.h [code]
 Header of the ML module class DicomModifyTagsPlugin which provides a number of DCMTree::Tag manipulators which can be applied to DCMTree::Trees.
file  mlDicomModifyTagsVariousFieldAddOns.h [code]
 Header of the DicomModifyTagsVariousFieldAddOns class which composes many typical DicomModifyFieldAddOnBase classes to a single new and easy to use one and which provides input/output base fields to concatenate many of them to pipelines.
file  mlDicomModifyTree.h [code]
 Header of the ML module class DicomModifyTree for modifying DICOM trees.
file  mlDicomModifyTreeAndImage.h [code]
 Header of the ML module class DicomModifyTreeAndImage for composing and decomposing ML Images and DICOM trees as well as for modifying DICOM trees.
file  mlTreeAndVolumeInputFieldAddOn.h [code]
 Header file of a FieldAddOn managing fields and functionality for a multi- purpose input connector for MultiFileVolumeList(s) and DICOM-Tree(s).