MLDICOMCachedIO_EXPORT void | ml::DICOMCachedIOTools::pushMessageCollecting () |
| Takes current message handles of DCMTree library and uses redirectStream() to push current handler and message states on a stack and sets up own handlers to collect all messages from that handler and from std::cerr stream; needs to be restored with popMessageCollecting();.
MLDICOMCachedIO_EXPORT void | ml::DICOMCachedIOTools::popMessageCollecting (DicomMessageCollector &dcmMsgCollector, const std::string &callersMessage, size_t outStrMaxSize=std::string::npos, bool addClampInfo=true) |
| Restores states which must have been saved before with pushMessageCollecting() and sends collected (and possibly processed) messages to dcmMsgCollector for further processing.
MLDICOMCachedIO_EXPORT void | ml::DICOMCachedIOTools::redirectStream (std::ostream &outputStream, std::streambuf *&tempBuf, std::stringbuf *&stringBuffer) |
| Redirect outputs to outputStream into the temporary buffer tmpBuf.
MLDICOMCachedIO_EXPORT std::string | ml::DICOMCachedIOTools::unRedirectStream (std::ostream &outputStream, std::streambuf *&tmpBuf, std::stringbuf *&stringBuffer, size_t outStrMaxSize=std::string::npos, bool addClampInfo=true) |
| Undo the redirected output of outputStream into the temporary buffer tmpBuf.
MLDICOMCachedIO_EXPORT void | ml::DICOMCachedIOTools::makeWarningsWarningsAndErrorsErrors (std::string &messageString) |
| Some messages for example from DCMTree(_OFFIS) are not marked with "error" or "warnings" and cannot be filtered correctly therefore in DicomMessageFilters.
MLDICOMCachedIO_EXPORT DCMTree::TreePtr | ml::DICOMCachedIOTools::getDirectDCMTree (const std::string &fName, DicomMessageCollector &dcmMsgCollector, bool loadPixelData=false) |
| Tries to open a file directly by reading it with the DCMTree interfaces and returns a non constant TreePtr pointer on success or a nullptr TreePtr on failure.
MLDICOMCachedIO_EXPORT DCMTree::TransferSyntax | ml::DICOMCachedIOTools::getLosslessStorageTransferSyntax (DCMTree::Const_TreePtr dcmTree) |
| If dcmTree has a TransferSyntaxUID tag matching one form LosslessTransferSyntaxUIDs then the corresponding DCMTree::TransferSyntax is returned, otherwise DCMTree::EXPLICIT_LITTLE_ENDIAN is returned.
MLDICOMCachedIO_EXPORT DCMTree::Const_TagPtr | ml::DICOMCachedIOTools::getPrivateTag (const std::string &privateCreatorString, unsigned short groupId, DCMTree::RawTagId lowerEightBitOfElementId, DCMTree::Const_TreePtr dcmTree) |
| If a private creator tag with value privateCreatorString in a private slot with groupId and a tag with element id lowerEightBitOfElementId is found then the private tag is returned; in all other cases nullptr is returned.
MLDICOMCachedIO_EXPORT bool | ml::DICOMCachedIOTools::isPhilips3D (DCMTree::Const_TreePtr dcmTree, MLint *spatialExtent=nullptr) |
| Looks for Philips3D format and if there is an extra spatial extent then it is returned in spatialExtent (if non-nullptr) and true is returned, in all other cases false is returned and spatialExtent is unchanged.
MLDICOMCachedIO_EXPORT unsigned int | ml::DICOMCachedIOTools::getNumberOfFrames (DCMTree::Const_TreePtr dcmTree, unsigned int *fromTagOnly=nullptr) |
| Returns the number of real frames in the data set from Number of Frames tag if possible including a possible private extensions such as Philips 3D; if the number of frames cannot be determined for any reason then 0 is returned; if fromTagOnly is not nullptr then the value of the Number Of Frames tag is returned or 0 if not possible.
MLDICOMCachedIO_EXPORT DCMTree::PixelData | ml::DICOMCachedIOTools::getPixelDataPtrFromTree (DCMTree::Const_TreePtr treePtr, size_t *valSizeInBytes, DicomMessageCollector &dcmMsgCollector) |
| Returns the pointer to the pixel data tag value.
MLDICOMCachedIO_EXPORT void | ml::DICOMCachedIOTools::removeAssociatedCacheEntries (const DICOMCachedIOFileHandle &fileHandle) |
| Flush all cached entries related to the given file handle.
MLDICOMCachedIO_EXPORT void | ml::DICOMCachedIOTools::clearDICOMCaches () |
| Clears all cached DICOM date including tags, trees, pixel frames and decomposed multi-frame trees.
Some DICOM related tools functions.
- Author
- Wolf Spindler
- Date
- 2010-01-26
Definition in file mlDICOMCachedIOTools.h.