MeVisLab Toolbox Reference
WEMGeometry.h File Reference

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 Main documentation file for ML users and developers.
 Tool namespace for performing geometric operations on a WEMPatch.


MLWEM_EXPORT bool ml::WEMGeometry::isPointInsideWEMPatch (const Vector3 &position, WEMPatch *wemPatch)
 Returns whether the given point is inside the given WEMPatch. More...
MLWEM_EXPORT bool ml::WEMGeometry::isLineIntersectingFace (const Vector3 &startPos, const Vector3 &endPos, WEMFace *face, WEMPatch *wemPatch=nullptr)
 Returns whether the given line (from startPos to endPos) intersects the given WEMFace. The wemPatch parameter is not in use and per default NULL. More...
MLWEM_EXPORT bool ml::WEMGeometry::isLineIntersectingFace (Vector3 &intersectionPoint, const Vector3 &startPos, const Vector3 &endPos, WEMFace *face, WEMPatch *wemPatch=nullptr)
 Returns whether the given line (from startPos to endPos) intersects the given WEMFace and fills up the intersection point. More...
MLWEM_EXPORT bool ml::WEMGeometry::pointInsidePolygon (const Vector3 &point, const Vector3 *polygon, unsigned int numPoints)
 Returns whether the given point lies inside the polygon, given by the list of points. More...
MLWEM_EXPORT bool ml::WEMGeometry::isPointOnEdgeOrNode (const Vector3 &position, WEMFace *face)
 Returns whether the given point lies on any node or edge of the given face. More...
MLWEM_EXPORT bool ml::WEMGeometry::isPointOnFace (const Vector3 &position, WEMFace *face)
 Returns whether the given point lies on any face of the given face. More...
MLWEM_EXPORT bool ml::WEMGeometry::isPointInsideFace (const Vector3 &point, const WEMFace *face)
 Returns whether the given point is in the given face. More...
MLWEM_EXPORT bool ml::WEMGeometry::checkForEdgeNodeCrossing (const Vector3 &rayStart, const Vector3 &rayEnd, WEMFace *face)
 Returns whether the given ray crosses any edge or node of the given face. More...
MLWEM_EXPORT double ml::WEMGeometry::computeSegmentSegmentDistance (const Vector3 &start0, const Vector3 &end0, const Vector3 &start1, const Vector3 &end1, Vector3 &intersectionPoint)
 Returns the minimum distance between the two given segments. If this distance is 0, the intersectionPoint is valid. More...
MLWEM_EXPORT double ml::WEMGeometry::computePointSegmentDistance (const Vector3 &point, const Vector3 &segmentStart, const Vector3 &segmentEnd)
 Returns the shortest distance of a given point to a segment, given by its start and end point. More...
MLWEM_EXPORT double ml::WEMGeometry::computePointPlaneDistance (const Vector3 &point, const WEMFace *face)
 Returns the distance of the given point to a plane, defined by the WEMFace (first position and normal of the face). More...
MLWEM_EXPORT double ml::WEMGeometry::computePointTriangleDistance (const Vector3 &point, const WEMTriangle *triangle)
 Returns the distance of the given point to the given triangle. More...
bool ml::WEMGeometry::doLineSegmentsIntersect2D (const Vector2 &s1, const Vector2 &e1, const Vector2 &s2, const Vector2 &e2)
bool ml::WEMGeometry::isOnSegmentFor2DSegmentIntersectionTest (double xi, double yi, double xj, double yj, double xk, double yk)
char ml::WEMGeometry::computeDirectionFor2DSegmentIntersectionTest (double xi, double yi, double xj, double yj, double xk, double yk)