
MultiFileVolumeListREGOutput is dedicated to display contents of MultiFileVolumes which contain spatial registration information described with homogeneous matrices. It tries to determine indexes to other volumes in the possibly connected MultiFileVolumeList, which may be related to the currently selected registration. It has outputs where the currently selected image or segment can be taken from, and tabs which show the corresponding segment and image information.

It also provides configurable input settings and connector to get access to MultiFileVolumes from different sources; the typical way is to use the inputAccessConnector with enabled Use Base Input as source where a DirectDicomImport module is connected which has imported a list of volumes and possible REG modality data.

Note that MultiFileVolumeListREGOutput does not display specific information of REG DICOM files containing deformable registration information. Thier deformation field can be retrieved as vector field data at the image output of, for example, a MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput or a DirectDicomImport module.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: inputAccessConnector, type: MLBase

see MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.inputAccessConnector


name: inputMessageFilterPlugin, type: MLBase

see MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.inputMessageFilterPlugin

Output Fields


name: outputAccessConnector, type: MLBase

see MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput.outputAccessConnector


name: outputCurrentRegistrationSequenceTree, type: MLBase

A DCMtree with only the The Registration Sequence (0070,0308) tag from the currently selected volume or an empty DCMTree if invalid. Note that the tag in the DCMTree at this connector is only a section of a larger DCMTree and does not represent a valid DICOM object.

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Annotate: Bool Tag Dump: String Valid (matrixValid12): Bool
Auto Load Result Cache: Bool Tag Dump Size: Integer Valid (concatenatedMatrixValid1): Bool
Cache File Path: String Transpose Matrices: Bool Valid (matrixValid20): Bool
Content Creators Name: String Type (matrixType00): String Valid (matrixValid21): Bool
Content Description: String Type (matrixType01): String Valid (matrixValid22): Bool
Content Label: String Type (matrixType02): String Valid (concatenatedMatrixValid2): Bool
Derivation Description: String Type (matrixType10): String Values (matrixValues00): Matrix
Dump Private Tag Values: Bool Type (matrixType11): String Values (matrixValues01): Matrix
Enable Related Volumes: Bool Type (matrixType12): String Values (matrixValues02): Matrix
Filter: String Type (matrixType20): String Values (concatenatedMatrix0): Matrix
First Related Volume Index: Integer Type (matrixType21): String Values (matrixValues10): Matrix
First Shared Frame Of Reference Volume Index: Integer Type (matrixType22): String Values (matrixValues11): Matrix
First Volume Index Derived From: Integer updateBaseOutputInformationDone: Trigger Values (matrixValues12): Matrix
Frame Of Reference UID 0: String updateImageOutputInformationDone: Trigger Values (concatenatedMatrix1): Matrix
Frame Of Reference UID 1: String updateREGOutputInformationDone: Trigger Values (matrixValues20): Matrix
Frame Of Reference UID 2: String Use Base Input: Bool Values (matrixValues21): Matrix
Info: String Valid (matrixValid00): Bool Values (matrixValues22): Matrix
Load Result Cache: Trigger Valid (matrixValid01): Bool Values (concatenatedMatrix2): Matrix
Num shown binary bytes: Integer Valid (matrixValid02): Bool Volume Index: Integer
Number of volumes: Integer Valid (concatenatedMatrixValid0): Bool Volume Indexes Derived From: String
Related Volume Indexes: String Valid (matrixValid10): Bool Volume Info Dump: String
Shared Frame Of Reference Volume Indexes: String Valid (matrixValid11): Bool  

Visible Fields

Use Base Input

name: useBaseInput, type: Bool, default: TRUE

see MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.useBaseInput

Load Result Cache

name: loadResultCache, type: Trigger

Loads a volume list from cached result volume.

see also MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.loadResultCache

Auto Load Result Cache

name: autoLoadResultCache, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If enabled then the cache file is loaded automatically from file.

see also MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.autoLoadResultCache

Cache File Path

name: cacheFilePath, type: String

File containing a list of cached image volumes.

see also MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.cacheFilePath

Volume Index

name: outVolIdx, type: Integer, default: 0, minimum: -1

Sets the index of the volume currently selected in the volume list, -1 invalidates the selected volume outputCurrentRegistrationSequenceTree.

see also MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.outVolIdx

Number of volumes

name: numVolumes, type: Integer, default: 0

This read-only field shows number of available volumes.

see also MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.numVolumes

Volume Info Dump

name: volumeInfoDump, type: String, persistent: no

Shows a collection of available information about the currently selected volume.

see also MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.volumeInfoDump

Tag Dump Size

name: tagDumpSize, type: Integer, default: 10000

Maximum number of characters shown in the Tag Dump field. Too large values can degrade performance when viewing the DICOM tag list, too short values clamp the tag dump at the specified number of tags; this is typically indicated with “… tag list shortened and not shown completely” at the end of the dump.

see also MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.tagDumpSize

Dump Private Tag Values

name: dumpPrivateTagValues, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If enabled then values of private tags are decoded if decoders are available.

see also MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.dumpPrivateTagValues

Num shown binary bytes

name: numShownBinaryEntries, type: Integer, default: 8

Number of shown entries of binary tags.

see also MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.numShownBinaryEntries


name: annotate, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If enabled then tags are annotated with further descriptive information such as possible types (1=Mandatory, 1C=Conditionally Mandatory, 2=Mandatory, may have zero or one item, 2C=Conditionally Mandatory, but may be empty, 3=Optional) and possible meanings of the tag. Note that no context analysis is performed for that information and therefore all possible and perhaps redundant meanings are shown.

see also MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.annotate


name: regExLineFilter, type: String

See MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.regExLineFilter for details.

see also MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput.regExLineFilter

Tag Dump

name: tagDump, type: String, persistent: no

Shows the DICOM tag list of currently selected volume (the dump will be clamped if the tag list is too large).

see also MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.tagDump

First Volume Index Derived From

name: firstVolumeIndexDerivedFrom, type: Integer, persistent: no

The module tries to determine the volume(s) (or to be more precise: the frames) from which the image has been derived. If this or these volumes are also part of the volume list connected to the input of this module, then First Volume Index Derived From shows the volume index of the first of these volumes. Note that no, one or multiple of such volumes can exist. The default is -1 if no volume has been found. See also Volume Indexes Derived From.

see also MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.firstVolumeIndexDerivedFrom

Volume Indexes Derived From

name: volumeIndexesDerivedFrom, type: String, persistent: no

As described for First Volume Index Derived From the module tries to determine the volume(s) (or to be more precise: the frames) from which the image has been derived. If this or these volumes are also part of the volume list connected to the input of this module, then Volume Indexes Derived From shows a space separated list of all these volumes. The default is empty if no volume has been found. See also First Volume Index Derived From.

see also MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.volumeIndexesDerivedFrom

First Shared Frame Of Reference Volume Index

name: firstSharedFrameOfReferenceVolumeIndex, type: Integer, persistent: no

The module tries to determine the volume(s) (or to be more precise: the frames) which share the same FrameOfReferenceUID. If this or these volumes are also part of the volume list connected to the input of this module, then First Shared Frame Of Reference Volume Index shows the volume index of the first of these volumes. Note that no, one or multiple of such volumes can exist. The default is -1 if no volume has been found. See also Shared Frame Of Reference Volume Indexes.

see also MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.firstSharedFrameOfReferenceVolumeIndex

Shared Frame Of Reference Volume Indexes

name: sharedFrameOfReferenceVolumeIndexes, type: String, persistent: no

As described for First Shared Frame Of Reference Volume Index the module tries to determine the volume(s) (or to be more precise: the frames) which share the same FrameOfReferenceUID. If this or these volumes are also part of the volume list connected to the input of this module, then Shared Frame Of Reference Volume Indexes shows a space separated list of all these volumes. The default is empty if no volume has been found. See also First Shared Frame Of Reference Volume Index.

see also MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.sharedFrameOfReferenceVolumeIndexes

Transpose Matrices

name: transposeMatrices, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If enabled then all matrices are displayed transposed directly before displaying them in fields. The Values etc. fields is displayed transposed after calculating the concatenation.


name: info, type: String, default: No volume available.

Shows a collection of important overview information about the currently selected SEG volume.

Content Label

name: contentLabel, type: String, persistent: no

Output field to provide the value of Content Label tag (0070,0080) of currently selected volume or empty if invalid or empty.

Content Description

name: contentDescription, type: String, persistent: no

Output field to provide the value of Content Description tag (0070,0081) of currently selected volume or empty if invalid or empty.

Content Creators Name

name: contentCreatorsName, type: String, persistent: no

Output field to provide the value of Content Creators’s Name tag (0070,0084) of currently selected volume or empty if invalid or empty.

Derivation Description

name: derivationDescription, type: String, persistent: no

Output field to provide the value of Derivation Description tag (0008,2111) of currently selected volume or empty if invalid or empty.

Frame Of Reference UID 0

name: frameOfReferenceUID0, type: String, persistent: no

Shows the Frame of Reference UID (0020,0052) of the first item of the Registration Sequence (0070,0308) or an empty string if empty or not available.

Values (matrixValues00)

name: matrixValues00, type: Matrix, persistent: no

The first Frame of Reference Transformation Matrix (3006,006C) tag in the Matrix Sequence (0070,030A) in the Matrix Registration Sequence (0070,0309) in the first entry of the Registration Sequence (0070,0308).

Type (matrixType00)

name: matrixType00, type: String, persistent: no

The value of the Frame of Reference Transformation Matrix Type (0070,030C) tag of the first entry of the Matrix Sequence (0070,030A) (Values).

Enumerated Values:


Valid (matrixValid00)

name: matrixValid00, type: Bool, persistent: no

Validity flag for the first entry of MatrixSequence, displayed in Values and Type.

Values (matrixValues01)

name: matrixValues01, type: Matrix, persistent: no

Second Frame of Reference Transformation Matrix (3006,006C) from the MatrixSequence, for details see Values.

Type (matrixType01)

name: matrixType01, type: String, persistent: no

Matrix Type of second entry of MatrixSequence, for details see Valid.

Valid (matrixValid01)

name: matrixValid01, type: Bool, persistent: no

Validity flag for second entry of MatrixSequence, for details see Valid.

Values (matrixValues02)

name: matrixValues02, type: Matrix, persistent: no

Third Second Frame of Reference Transformation Matrix (3006,006C) from the MatrixSequence, for details see Values.

Type (matrixType02)

name: matrixType02, type: String, persistent: no

Matrix Type of third entry of MatrixSequence, for details see Valid.

Valid (matrixValid02)

name: matrixValid02, type: Bool, persistent: no

Validity flag for third entry of MatrixSequence, for details see Valid.

Values (concatenatedMatrix0)

name: concatenatedMatrix0, type: Matrix, persistent: no

The concatenated matrix from all valid Frame of Reference Transformation Matrix (3006,006C) tags in the Matrix Sequence (0070,030A) in the Matrix Registration Sequence (0070,0309) in the first entry of the Registration Sequence (0070,0308).

Valid (concatenatedMatrixValid0)

name: concatenatedMatrixValid0, type: Bool, persistent: no

True if all matrix values Values are valid, false otherwise.

Frame Of Reference UID 1

name: frameOfReferenceUID1, type: String, persistent: no

Same as Frame Of Reference UID 0, but for the second sequence item.

Values (matrixValues10)

name: matrixValues10, type: Matrix, persistent: no

Same as Values, only from the second entry of the Registration Sequence (0070,0308).

Type (matrixType10)

name: matrixType10, type: String, persistent: no

Same as Type, only from the second entry of the Registration Sequence (0070,0308).

Valid (matrixValid10)

name: matrixValid10, type: Bool, persistent: no

Same as Valid, only for the second entry of the Registration Sequence (0070,0308).

Values (matrixValues11)

name: matrixValues11, type: Matrix, persistent: no

Same as Values, only from the second entry of the Registration Sequence (0070,0308).

Type (matrixType11)

name: matrixType11, type: String, persistent: no

Same as Type, only from the second entry of the Registration Sequence (0070,0308).

Valid (matrixValid11)

name: matrixValid11, type: Bool, persistent: no

Same as Valid, only for the second entry of the Registration Sequence (0070,0308).

Values (matrixValues12)

name: matrixValues12, type: Matrix, persistent: no

Same as Values, only from the second entry of the Registration Sequence (0070,0308).

Type (matrixType12)

name: matrixType12, type: String, persistent: no

Same as Type, only from the second entry of the Registration Sequence (0070,0308).

Valid (matrixValid12)

name: matrixValid12, type: Bool, persistent: no

Same as Valid, only for the second entry of the Registration Sequence (0070,0308).

Values (concatenatedMatrix1)

name: concatenatedMatrix1, type: Matrix, persistent: no

Same as Values only for the second entry of the Registration Sequence (0070,0308).

Valid (concatenatedMatrixValid1)

name: concatenatedMatrixValid1, type: Bool, persistent: no

True if all matrix values Values are valid, false otherwise.

Frame Of Reference UID 2

name: frameOfReferenceUID2, type: String, persistent: no

Same as Frame Of Reference UID 0, but for the third sequence item.

Values (matrixValues20)

name: matrixValues20, type: Matrix, persistent: no

Same as Values, only from the third entry of the Registration Sequence (0070,0308).

Type (matrixType20)

name: matrixType20, type: String, persistent: no

Same as Type, only from the third entry of the Registration Sequence (0070,0308).

Valid (matrixValid20)

name: matrixValid20, type: Bool, persistent: no

Same as Valid, only for the third entry of the Registration Sequence (0070,0308).

Values (matrixValues21)

name: matrixValues21, type: Matrix, persistent: no

Same as Values, only from the third entry of the Registration Sequence (0070,0308).

Type (matrixType21)

name: matrixType21, type: String, persistent: no

Same as Type, only from the third entry of the Registration Sequence (0070,0308).

Valid (matrixValid21)

name: matrixValid21, type: Bool, persistent: no

Same as Valid, only for the third entry of the Registration Sequence (0070,0308).

Values (matrixValues22)

name: matrixValues22, type: Matrix, persistent: no

Same as Values, only from the third entry of the Registration Sequence (0070,0308).

Type (matrixType22)

name: matrixType22, type: String, persistent: no

Same as Type, only from the third entry of the Registration Sequence (0070,0308).

Valid (matrixValid22)

name: matrixValid22, type: Bool, persistent: no

Same as Valid, only for the third entry of the Registration Sequence (0070,0308).

Values (concatenatedMatrix2)

name: concatenatedMatrix2, type: Matrix, persistent: no

Same as Values only for the third entry of the Registration Sequence (0070,0308).

Valid (concatenatedMatrixValid2)

name: concatenatedMatrixValid2, type: Bool, persistent: no

True if all matrix values Values are valid, false otherwise.

Hidden Fields


name: updateBaseOutputInformationDone, type: Trigger

Field which is touched after the completion of updates of all fields belonging to the same class type this field belongs to. Note that derived classes may update their fields later.

see also MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.updateBaseOutputInformationDone


name: updateImageOutputInformationDone, type: Trigger

Field which is touched after the completion of updates of all fields belonging to the same class type this field belongs to. Note that derived classes may update their fields later.

see also MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.updateImageOutputInformationDone


name: updateREGOutputInformationDone, type: Trigger

Field which is touched after the completion of updates of all fields belonging to the same class type this field belongs to. Note that derived classes may update their fields later.