
MERAVolumeInspector provides functionality to inspect volumes stored in a MERA volume storage given at location Absolute Volume Storage Directory. A subset of volumes can be defined with a printer-like id list Volume Index List whose corresponding volumes are loaded. See MERAQuery which also can be used to query MERAQuery.volumeIds from MERA storages and pass it directly into Volume Index List of MERAVolumeInspector. Information related to one loaded volume can be displayed in the tabs Meta Data, Report, Issues, Tags, Volume Info, and from which the latter three are described in detail in MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput.

The volumes defined in Volume Index List and loaded into the internal MultiFileVolumeList are passed to the output outputAccessConnector and can easily be used in connected modules that way.


Default Panel


Output Fields


name: outputAccessConnector, type: MLBase

Provides access to the internal MultiFileVolumeList whose Volumes are loaded from the given Volume Index List; note that Volumes may not contain DICOM or MLImageFileFormat information if Volume List Mode differs from Full.

see also MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput.outputAccessConnector


name: output0, type: Image

see MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.output0


name: output1, type: Image

see MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.output1

Parameter Fields

Field Index

# Loaded Volumes: Integer First Shared Frame Of Reference Volume Index: Integer Sort Mode: Enum
Absolute Volume Storage Directory: String First Volume Index Derived From: Integer Sort Upwards: Bool
Add Comments: Bool Icon Build Mode: Enum subsetBase: Integer
Annotate: Bool Id (userColumnTag0): String Tag Dump: String
Approximate Volumes In Storage: Integer Id (userColumnTag1): String Tag Dump Size: Integer
autoLoadResultCache: Bool Id (userColumnTag2): String Thumbnail Extent: Integer
cacheFilePath: String Idx Sort Tag Value: String updateBaseOutputInformationDone: Trigger
Column Config: String Issues: String updateImageOutputInformationDone: Trigger
Data Type: String List at most # Volumes: Integer updateThumbNails: Trigger
Directories (saveVolumeStorageDirectories): Bool Load at most # Volumes: Integer Use Numeric Tag Value Sorting: Bool
Directories (saveFileDirectories): Bool loadResultCache: Trigger useBaseInput: Bool
Dump Private Tag Values: Bool Max Vox Val: Double User Tag0: Bool
Enable Related Volumes: Bool Meta Data: String User Tag1: Bool
Ext C: Integer Min Vox Val: Double User Tag2: Bool
Ext T: Integer Num shown binary bytes: Integer useResultCaching: Bool
Ext U: Integer Num Vol Voxels: Integer Volume Ids: Bool
Ext X: Integer numInputIndexes: Integer Volume Index: Integer
Ext Y: Integer Refresh: Trigger Volume Index List: String
Ext Z: Integer Related Volume Indexes: String Volume Indexes Derived From: String
File Paths: Bool Replace: String Volume Info Dump: String
Filename: String Report: String Volume Infos: String
Files: Bool Save Report: Trigger Volume List Mode: Enum
Filter: String Shared Frame Of Reference Volume Indexes: String With: String
First Related Volume Index: Integer Show icon column in table: Bool  

Visible Fields

Volume Index

name: outVolIdx, type: Integer, default: -1, minimum: -1, maximum: -1

Selects the first volume to be shown in the list in the Volumes tab. It also selects a specific volum for processing, for example with Save Report. A value of -1 means not a single volume but the entire list.

see also MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.outVolIdx

# Loaded Volumes

name: numVolumes, type: Integer, default: 0

This read-only field shows number of volumes read according to the Volume Index List. If Volume Index List exceeds the maximum value specified in Load at most # Volumes then at most Load at most # Volumes are loaded and shown.

see also MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.numVolumes


name: issues, type: String

This read-only field contains a short description about known issues about the currently selected volume - if there are any.

see also MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput.issues

Volume Info Dump

name: volumeInfoDump, type: String

This read-only field shows a collection of available information about the currently selected volume.

see also MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.volumeInfoDump

Tag Dump Size

name: tagDumpSize, type: Integer, default: 10000

Maximum number of characters shown in the Tag Dump field. Note that too large values can degrade performance when viewing the DICOM tags.

see also MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.tagDumpSize

Dump Private Tag Values

name: dumpPrivateTagValues, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If enabled then values of private tags are decoded if decoders are available.

see also MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.dumpPrivateTagValues

Num shown binary bytes

name: numShownBinaryEntries, type: Integer, default: 8

Number of shown bytes of binary tags.

see also MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.numShownBinaryEntries


name: annotate, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If enabled then tags are annotated with further descriptive information such as possible types ( 1=Mandatory, 1C=Conditionally Mandatory, 2=Mandatory, may have zero or one item, 2C=Conditionally Mandatory, but may be empty, 3=Optional) and possible meanings of the tag. Note that no context analysis is performed for that information and therefore all possible and perhaps redundant meanings are shown.

see also MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.annotate


name: regExLineFilter, type: String

If not empty then the regular expression is used to filter all lines of Tag Dump; see that field for more details. Examples:

======================= ==================================
Expression              Description
======================= ==================================
.*                     Matches all string/lines.
.*(0008,0032).*        Matches all lines containing this tag ID.
.*logo.*               Matches anything containing 'logo' (case sensitive)
.*[lL][oO][gG][oO].*   Matches anything containing 'logo' (case insensitive)
.*.[jJ][pP][gG]        Matches anything ending with .jpg where jpg is case insensitive.
.*.JPG|.*.jpg          Matches all paths ending with either '.jpg' or with '.JPG'.
.*\d.*                 Matches all paths containing at least one digit.
.*[[:digit:]].*        Same as above.
.*[[:xdigit:]].*       Matches all paths containing at least one hexadecimal digit.
.*\l.*                 Matches all paths containing at least one lower case character.
.*[[:lower:]].*        Same as above.
.*\u.*                 Matches all paths containing at least one upper case character.
.*[[:upper:]].*        Same as above.
.*\s.*                 Matches all paths containing at least one white space character.
.*[[:space:]].*        Same as above.
.*[[:blank:]].*        Matches all paths containing at least one non-line-separating whitespace.
.*[[:word:]].*         Matches all paths containing at least one word character (alphanumeric characters plus the underscore).
.*[[:w:]].*            Same as above.
.*[[:graph:]].*        Matches all paths containing at least one graphical character.
.*[5-7].*              Matches all paths containing at least one of the digits 5, 6 or 7.
======================= ==================================

see also MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput.regExLineFilter

Tag Dump

name: tagDump, type: String, persistent: no

Shows a dump of the DICOM tags; if necessary it will be clamped at a size given by Tag Dump Size and the message ‘tag list shortened and not shown completely’ is appended.

see also MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.tagDump

Ext X

name: extX, type: Integer, default: 0

see MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.extX

Ext Y

name: extY, type: Integer, default: 0

see MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.extY

Ext Z

name: extZ, type: Integer, default: 0

see MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.extZ

Ext C

name: extC, type: Integer, default: 0

see MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.extC

Ext T

name: extT, type: Integer, default: 0

see MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.extT

Ext U

name: extU, type: Integer, default: 0

see MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.extU

Num Vol Voxels

name: numVolVoxels, type: Integer, default: 0

see MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.numVolVoxels

Data Type

name: dataType, type: String

see MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.dataType

Min Vox Val

name: minVoxVal, type: Double, default: 0

see MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.minVoxVal

Max Vox Val

name: maxVoxVal, type: Double, default: 0

see MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.maxVoxVal

First Volume Index Derived From

name: firstVolumeIndexDerivedFrom, type: Integer, persistent: no

see MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.firstVolumeIndexDerivedFrom

Volume Indexes Derived From

name: volumeIndexesDerivedFrom, type: String, persistent: no

see MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.volumeIndexesDerivedFrom

First Shared Frame Of Reference Volume Index

name: firstSharedFrameOfReferenceVolumeIndex, type: Integer, persistent: no

see MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.firstSharedFrameOfReferenceVolumeIndex

Shared Frame Of Reference Volume Indexes

name: sharedFrameOfReferenceVolumeIndexes, type: String, persistent: no

see MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.sharedFrameOfReferenceVolumeIndexes

Absolute Volume Storage Directory

name: absoluteVolumeStorageDirectory, type: String

The path to the directory of MERA volume storage to inspect.


name: report, type: String, persistent: no

This read-only field shows a report of the most recent operation, it also lists errors and failures.

Meta Data

name: metaData, type: String, persistent: no

This read-only field displays meta information possibly stored in the volume selected with Volume Index.

Approximate Volumes In Storage

name: approximateVolumesInStorage, type: Integer, persistent: no

This read-only field shows the number of possibly available volumes in the storage.

Load at most # Volumes

name: maxNumLoadedVolumes, type: Integer, default: 25, deprecated name: maxNumOutputVolumes

The maximum number of volumes actually loaded. Loading too many volumes may degrade performance and use much memory. Dependent on Volume List Mode, different maximum values are useful. Using modes Off of Light may allow loading many thousands of volumes without too long delays or memory usage, the mode Full may already lead to significant resource usage with a few hundred ones.

List at most # Volumes

name: maxNumListedVolumes, type: Integer, default: 25

The maximum number of volumes actually listed in the Volumes tab. This usually does not need to be higher than the display can show in vertical direction if scrolling is performed with Volume Index. Typically 25 are sufficient, but it may be increased significantly if for example, scrolling is desired with the scroll bar through larger volumes sets is desired. This, however, may require significant creation and display times of the list. If the list is scrolled to the bottom then a dotted line indicates if the list has been clamped due to List at most # Volumes.


name: refresh, type: Trigger

Reloads the index and updates related outputs; useful for example if the index on disk has changed.

Volume Index List

name: volumeIndexList, type: String

Like a printer page list describing the ids of volumes to load, such as ‘0-’ for all volumes, or ‘1,3’ for volumes with ids 1 and 3. The maximum allowed id is Approximate Volumes In Storage -1. The volumes specified in this list are loaded into the internal volume list, however, its size is clamped against Load at most # Volumes and contents may be limited according to Volume List Mode. A useful module providing ids is MERAQuery and its field MERAQuery.volumeIds.

Volume Infos

name: volumeInfos, type: String, default: ,

Shows a collection of available information about the currently selected volume.

Sort Mode

name: sortMode, type: Enum, default: NumVoxels

This field selects the mode how the volume list is sorted in the Idx column. To see the right order in the volume table make the Idx column sorted in the table.


Title Name Description
No Sort NoSort The volume list is displayed as it was generated during generation.
Valid Volumes ValidVolumes Sorting criteria is whether the volumes have valid image data.
Num Bytes NumBytes The volume are sorted according to their number of bytes in image data.
Num Voxels NumVoxels The volume are sorted according to their number of voxels in image data.
XExtent XExtent The volume are sorted according to the spatial x-extent of their image data.
YExtent YExtent The volume are sorted according to the spatial y-extent of their image data.
ZExtent ZExtent The volume are sorted according to the spatial z-extent of their image data.
CXExtent CXExtent The volume are sorted according to the color dimension extent of their image data.
TExtent TExtent The volume are sorted according to the time extent of their image data.
UExtent UExtent The volume are sorted according to the extent of user dimension of their image data.
Voxel Volume VoxelVolume The volume are sorted according to the geometrical volume of the entire image data.
Voxel Type Size VoxelTypeSize The volume are sorted according to the byte-size of the data type of their image data.
Voxel Voxel Components VoxelVoxelComponents The volume are sorted according to the number of components of the data type of their image data.
Num Slice Bytes NumSliceBytes The volume are sorted according to the number of bytes of a 2D x/y dimensional slice/frame in their image data.
Num Slice Voxels NumSliceVoxels The volume are sorted according to the number of voxels of a 2D x/y dimensional slice/frame in their image data.
Sort According Dcm Tag SortAccordingDcmTag Sorts according to the string value retrieved from a given DICOM tag. See Idx Sort Tag Value for details.
Filter Label FilterLabel Not applicable for MERAVolumeInspector: The volumes are sorted according to their volume label provided via a FileListFilterPlugin.

Sort Upwards

name: sortUpwards, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Large values of the value specified in ‘Sort Mode’ are sorted to the start of the volume list if this flag is true, otherwise they are sorted to the end. Note that for correct sort order the Idx column in the table must be selected for sorting.

Idx Sort Tag Value

name: idxSortTagValue, type: String

The string value of the DICOM tags with this tag id are used for sorting the volume list if Sort Mode is Sort According Dcm Tag, otherwise this value is ignored and the field is insensitive or invisible. If tag value cannot be retrieved from the volume for any reason then an empty string is used for sorting. The tag id string must have a format like (ABCD, EFGH) where ABCD and EFGH are hexadecimal numbers describing 16 bit unsigned integers where ABCD are the high and EFGH are the low bits of the word. Sorting according tags whose values are numerical but represented as string is influenced by the Use Numeric Tag Value Sorting.

Use Numeric Tag Value Sorting

name: useNumericTagValueSorting, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If enabled then tags with numeric string values are interpreted as sign 32 bit integers (and printed with “-” for negative values if necessary) and leading spaces to fill 8 characters to make all tag values sortable uniquely. If disabled then from the numeric string value tags the normal string values are read as they are stored in the tag. This flag is also used by sorting, see Sort Mode if the mode Sort According Dcm Tag is used.

Thumbnail Extent

name: thumbNailsExt, type: Integer, default: 40

Not applicable for MERAVolumeInspector: Defines the extent (in pixels) of thumb nails shown in the volume list. Note that this field is insensitive if Show icon column in table is disabled.

Id (userColumnTag0)

name: userColumnTag0, type: String

First tag Id of the tag whose value can be shown in a column in the volume list. The tag id string must have a format like (ABCD, EFGH) where ABCD and EFGH are hexadecimal numbers describing 16 bit unsigned integers where ABCD are the high and EFGH are the low bits of the word. See also User Tag0 where this column can be enabled.

Id (userColumnTag1)

name: userColumnTag1, type: String

Second tag Id of the tag whose value can be shown in a column in the volume list. The tag id string must have a format like (ABCD, EFGH) where ABCD and EFGH are hexadecimal numbers describing 16 bit unsigned integers where ABCD are the high and EFGH are the low bits of the word. See also User Tag1 where this column can be enabled.

Id (userColumnTag2)

name: userColumnTag2, type: String

Third tag Id of the tag whose value can be shown in a column in the volume list. The tag id string must have a format like (ABCD, EFGH) where ABCD and EFGH are hexadecimal numbers describing 16 bit unsigned integers where ABCD are the high and EFGH are the low bits of the word. See also User Tag2 where this column can be enabled.

Icon Build Mode

name: iconBuildMode, type: Enum, default: UseMiddleSlice

Not applicable for MERAVolumeInspector: Selects how/from which input slices the thumbnail icon in the volume table is generated from input image. Note that this field is insensitive if the checkbox Show Icon Column in Table is disabled.

  • Use First Slice Takes the first slice from the image to build the thumbnail.
  • Use Middle Slice Takes the middle slice from the image to build the thumbnail.


When activating Show Icon Column in Table this can degrate performance significantly, especially if a large number of volumes is created during the import process or if many large volumes are inside the list. Disable this flag for maximum import performance.


Title Name
First Slice UseFirstSlice
Middle Slice UseMiddleSlice

Show icon column in table

name: icon, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Still not applicable for MERAVolumeInspector: If enabled then an overview icon of the volume is shown in a column in the volume list. The extent and the way how the icon is generated is defined in the fields Thumbnail Extent and Icon Build Mode. Note that this field is insensitive if the checkbox Show Icon Column in Table is disabled.

User Tag0

name: userTag0, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If enabled the value of user tag 0 is shown as a a column in the volume list. See also Id where the Id of the user tag can be set.

User Tag1

name: userTag1, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If enabled the value of user tag 1 is shown as a a column in the volume list. See also Id where the Id of the user tag can be set.

User Tag2

name: userTag2, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If enabled the value of user tag 2 is shown as a a column in the volume list. See also Id where the Id of the user tag can be set.

Column Config

name: columnConfig, type: String, default: # Note: Comments must always be prefixed at line start with a '#'., , # Default setting:, validImage hasIssues fileType voxelType imgExt numVoxels numSlices numTimePoints numSrcFiles modality patientID patientSex patientsName studyID, , #modality studyDate acquisitionTime numSlices spacingBetweenSlices studyDescription seriesDescription acquisitionDate imageComments patientsName patientSex patientsBirthDate patientID referringPhysiciansName admittingDiagnosesDescription, , # Available values are:, #userTag0 userTag1 userTag2 validImage hasIssues importTime fileType voxelType imgExt voxelExtent numVoxels numSlices colorImage numTimePoints numSrcFiles firstOrigFile outFileName inputFilterLabel lossy compressionType humanReadableOrientation accessionNumber acquisitionDate acquisitionMatrix acquisitionNumber acquisitionTime aCR_NEMA_AcquisitionsInSeries aCR_NEMA_ImageOrientation aCR_NEMA_ImagePosition admittingDiagnosesDescription angioFlag bitsAllocated bitsStored bodyPartExamined codeMeaning codeValue columns contentDate contentTime contrastBolusAgent contrastBolusStartTime convolutionKernel currentPatientLocation derivationDescription echoTime echoTrainLength exposure exposureTime flipAngle frameOfReferenceUID gantryAngle gantryAngleTolerance gantryDetectorSlew gantryDetectorTilt gantryRotationDirection highBit imageComments imagedNucleus imageOrientationPatient imagePositionPatient imageType imagingFrequency instanceCreationDate instanceCreationTime instanceNumber institutionAddress institutionName inversionTime kVP largestImagePixelValue magneticFieldStrength manufacturer manufacturersModelName mediaStorageSOPInstanceUID modality mRAcquisitionType nameOfPhysiciansReadingStudy numberOfAverages numberOfFrames numberOfPhaseEncodingSteps numberOfTemporalPositions otherPatientNames patientComments patientID patientOrientation patientsAge percentSampling patientSex patientPosition patientsAddress patientsMothersBirthName patientsName patientsTelephoneNumbers patientsWeight patientsBirthDate performedProcedureStepDescription performedProcedureStepStartDate performedProcedureStepStartTime photometricInterpretation physiciansOfRecord pixelRepresentation pixelSpacing protocolName receiveCoilName reconstructionDiameter referringPhysiciansName repetitionTime requestedProcedureDescription requestingPhysician requestingService rescaleIntercept rescaleSlope rescaleType rows samplesPerPixel sAR scanningSequence scanOptions scheduledProcedureStepDescription sequenceName sequenceVariant seriesDate seriesDescription seriesInstanceUID seriesNumber seriesTime sliceLocation sliceThickness smallestImagePixelValue softwareVersions sOPClassUID sOPInstanceUID spacingBetweenSlices stationName studyDate studyDescription studyID studyInstanceUID studyTime windowCenter windowWidth xRayTubeCurrent

Defines the order and visibility of columns. All space separated entries in lines which do not start with ‘#’ will be interpreted as column codes. The first column in the Volume list will always be the volume index which shows the volume index according to Sort Mode as a column in the volume list. The second column will be - if enabled - the volume thumbnail. All other columns can be configured in lines which do not start with a ‘#’.

The following values are calculated:

  • validImage: Shows whether the volume is a valid image or not as a column in the volume list.
  • hasIssues: Shows whether the volume had warnings or errors while it was imported.
  • importTime: Time needed to compose this volume from already loaded DICOM files.
  • fileType: Shows the file format of the imported file as a column in the volume list, original:** if it is composed of multiple files:** the file format of the first file.
  • voxelType: Shows the voxel data type of the volume as a column in the volume list.
  • imgExt: Shows the extent of the volume as a column in the volume list.
  • voxelExtent: Shows the extent of voxels of the volume in millimeters as a column in the volume list.
  • numVoxels: Shows the number of voxels of the volume as a column in the volume list.
  • numSlices: Shows the number of slices of the volume as a column in the volume list.
  • colorImage: Shows whether the volume is a color image or not as a column in the volume list.
  • numTimePoints: Shows the number of time points of the volume as a column in the volume list.
  • numSrcFiles: Shows the number of files used to compose the volume as a column in the volume list.
  • firstOrigFile: Shows the path of the first file used to compose the volume as a column in the volume list.
  • outFileName: Shows the path to the created output file(s) without suffix (if created) as a column in the volume list.
  • inputFilterLabel: If enabled then a label assigned to any volume by an input filter will be shown as a column in the volume list view.
  • lossy: Shows the column in the volume list which indicates whether a volume is lossy compressed.
  • compressionType: Shows the column in the volume list which shows the compression type used to for this volume.

All other values represent the values of DICOM tags with corresponding names.

Volume List Mode

name: volumeListViewMode, type: Enum, default: Full

Modes controlling the amount of information created and displayed in the Volumes tab. Modes other than Full may save significant memory and performance when operating with large volume lists.

  • Full: All volumes are displayed in the Volumes tab according to the normal settings
  • Light: All except of DICOM information is displayed. This saves table sizes, DICOM trees are not loaded into memory. Warning: Some information will not be shown any more in the Volumes and the volume list at the output will not have some information either!
  • Off: The Volumes tab is left empty. Warning: Some information will not be shown any more in the Volumes and the volume list at the output will not have some information either!


Title Name
Full Full
Light Light
Off Off

Save Report

name: saveReport, type: Trigger

Save information of volume(s) in the Filename. If Volume Index is -1 then information about all volumes is exported into the files, otherwise only the information about the volume at the given index.

Volume Ids

name: saveVolumeStorageIds, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Writes all ids of the selected volume(s) into Filename.


name: saveVolumeStorageFiles, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Writes all files inside the volume storage which are related to the selected volume(s) into Filename.

Directories (saveVolumeStorageDirectories)

name: saveVolumeStorageDirectories, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Writes all directories inside the volume storage which are related to the selected volume(s) into Filename.

File Paths

name: saveFilePaths, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Writes all files related to the selected volume(s) into Filename.

Add Comments

name: addComments, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked then additional comments are added to the report file written into Filename before each block of listed volume files. The comment can list the reason why the files have been added to the report and/or the ID of the volume the files are from, however, the content of the comments may change in the future.

Directories (saveFileDirectories)

name: saveFileDirectories, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Writes all directories related to the selected volume(s) into Filename.


name: replace, type: String

When exporting directories and paths, often it is useful to be able to replace Replace path components with With ones, for example if they are relative to a local data base but the report shall be created for another directory root. If Replace is empty then no replace operation is performed.


name: with, type: String

See Replace.


name: reportPath, type: String

The file in which information about selected volumes is stored when Save Report is notified.

Hidden Fields


name: useBaseInput, type: Bool, default: FALSE

see MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.useBaseInput


name: loadResultCache, type: Trigger

see MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.loadResultCache


name: autoLoadResultCache, type: Bool, default: FALSE

see MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.autoLoadResultCache


name: cacheFilePath, type: String

see MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.cacheFilePath


name: updateBaseOutputInformationDone, type: Trigger

see MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.updateBaseOutputInformationDone


name: updateImageOutputInformationDone, type: Trigger

see MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput.updateImageOutputInformationDone


name: subsetBase, type: Integer, persistent: no


name: numInputIndexes, type: Integer, persistent: no


name: useResultCaching, type: Bool, default: FALSE


name: updateThumbNails, type: Trigger