
DicomEnhancedSave creates and composes a DICOM file of a modality/IOD defined in Export as and provides/composes the necessary tags to fulfill the requirements of the DICOM Standard. As reference for the DICOM standard mainly DICOM PS3.3 2020a was used.

Currently Export as only supports Legacy Converted Enhanced MR as described in the DICOM standard in section A.71. This is generally meant to compose several MR (single frame) files in single files to reduce the amount of files to be transferred. Future versions may also support other IODs or legacy converted modalities.

Nevertheless the module can also be used to export non-DICOM or data from other modalities/IODs as Legacy Converted Enhanced MR if Perform stricter checks is disabled. Although this should be used with care, it is a powerful option to convert any image data to PACS compatible DICOM files.


  • The module usually provides only interfaces for required or conditionally required tags. Only in a few cases User tags are provided for convenience. Tags directly derived from input data such as pixel or image properties (Row, Colunm, pixel data content etc.) are not presented at the user interface, but exported without the option to modify them before exporting them.
  • The module is in an early development stage and there is not much experience with the acceptance in PACSs or in standard compliance. Especially references to other SOP instances or classes as well as derivation information should be observed carefully for correctness. The acceptance of files created with compression Transfer Syntaxes (Transfer Syntax UID) should be tested whether the recipient supports it.
  • Exported DICOM files do not necessarily fit exactly the stored files when reimporting them. Reasons are, for example, that the configuration how the original data was created may differ from the one used when storing and reimporting it. This can include changes in precision of numerical tag or pixel values, minimum/maximum values, voxel sizes and many other tags. Stored minimum and maximum values are always calculated from the image data and incoming ones from the image properties are ignored.


  1. Connect the image to be exported to input0.
  2. If the image connected to input0 does not contain the DICOM information for the image then connect it to inputBase and set Input Selector to BaseConnector.
  3. Press Inherit DICOM Information (CTRL+R). This sets up all fields and internals with new settings to matching as good as possible the connected input image and DICOM tags.

3a) Optionally modify any settings.

3b) Optionally connect modification plugins to inputModifierList which can modify DICOM tags before they are exported.

  1. Set the the output file name in File Name into which the DICOM file shall be written.
  2. Press Save (Ctrl+S) to create and export the DICOM file.
  3. Check Status for success (”Output created/saved.”) or possible error messages. If necessary then modify settings to solve the problem and retry saving the file.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: input0, type: Image

The connector to the image data to be exported. It may also be used as source for DICOM information if Input Selector is ImageConnector.


name: inputBase, type: MLBase

This is a Base connector which can be used to provide DICOM information from which tags can be inherited with Inherit DICOM Information (CTRL+R); it is only used if Input Selector is set to BaseConnector accordingly. It supports DICOM tree and MultiFileVolumeList Base objects as inputs.


name: inputModifierList, type: MLBase

This is an optional input where modification plugins can be connected. They are applied as last operation on the final DICOM information directly before it is written to file. This can be used, for example, to handle private tags, or to apply final cleanups before the DICOM file is created. See for example DicomModifyTagsPlugin, DicomModifySubTreeSelectorPlugin, or DicomModifyImageTagsPlugin, which are useful for final modifications on the DICOM information.

Parameter Fields

Field Index

#Volumes: Integer imageTypeValue3SelectableValues: String Patient Birth Date Month: Enum
Accession Number: String imageTypeValue4: String Patient Birth Date Month String: String
Always write PresentationLUTShape (2050,0020): Bool imageTypeValue4CheckConsistency: Bool Patient Birth Date Year: Enum
Annotate: Bool imageTypeValue4InheritMode: Enum Patient Birth Date Year String: String
Auto: Bool imageTypeValue4SelectableValues: String Patient ID: String
autoCreateDeviceSerialNumber: Enum Inherit DICOM Information (CTRL+R): Trigger Patient Sex: Enum
autoCreateDeviceSerialNumberForContributedEquipmentSequence: Enum Inherit Series Number: Bool Patient Sex String: String
autoCreateManufacturer: Enum Inherit Specific Character Set: Bool Patients Name: String
autoCreateManufacturerForContributedEquipmentSequence: Enum inheritAndCopyTagsOtherAcquisitionContextModuleTags: Bool Perform stricter checks: Bool
autoCreateManufacturerModelName: Enum inheritAndCopyTagsOtherBulkMotionSynchronizationTags: Bool pixelRepresentation: String
autoCreateManufacturerModelNameForContributedEquipmentSequence: Enum inheritAndCopyTagsOtherCardiacSynchronizationTags: Bool pixelRepresentationCheckConsistency: Bool
autoCreateSeriesInstanceUID: Enum inheritAndCopyTagsOtherClinicalTrialSeriesTags: Bool pixelRepresentationInheritMode: Enum
autoCreateSoftwareVersions: Enum inheritAndCopyTagsOtherClinicalTrialStudyTags: Bool pixelRepresentationSelectableValues: String
autoCreateSoftwareVersionsForContributedEquipmentSequence: Enum inheritAndCopyTagsOtherClinicalTrialSubjectTags: Bool Position Reference Indicator: String
Body Part Examined: String inheritAndCopyTagsOtherContrastBolusTags: Bool Post Bad Param Errors: Bool
bodyPartExaminedValues: String inheritAndCopyTagsOtherDeviceTags: Bool Recognizable Visual Features (0028,0302): Bool
Burned In Annotation (0028,0301): Bool inheritAndCopyTagsOtherEnhancedContrastBolusTags: Bool Referring Physician Name: String
Content Date: String inheritAndCopyTagsOtherEnhancedImageAndSpectroscopyMacroTags: Bool Save (Ctrl+S): Trigger
Content Time: String inheritAndCopyTagsOtherEnhancedMRImageModuleTags: Bool Series Description: String
Copy Other Input Tags: Bool inheritAndCopyTagsOtherGeneralEquipmentTags: Bool Series Number: String
Create new UID: Trigger inheritAndCopyTagsOtherGeneralEquipmentTagsForContributedEquipmentSequence: Bool seriesInstanceUID: String
Create Or Extend Contributing Equipment Sequence: Bool inheritAndCopyTagsOtherGeneralSeriesTags: Bool Set Default: Trigger
createDeviceSerialNumber: Trigger inheritAndCopyTagsOtherGeneralStudyTags: Bool softwareVersions: String
createDeviceSerialNumberForContributedEquipmentSequence: Trigger inheritAndCopyTagsOtherImagePixelDescriptionMacroAttributesTags: Bool softwareVersionsForContributedEquipmentSequence: String
createManufacturer: Trigger inheritAndCopyTagsOtherMRImageModuleTags: Bool Sop Class UID: String
createManufacturerForContributedEquipmentSequence: Trigger inheritAndCopyTagsOtherPatientDemographicTags: Bool Sop Instance UID: String
createManufacturerModelName: Trigger inheritAndCopyTagsOtherPatientIdentificationTags: Bool Specific Character Set: String
createManufacturerModelNameForContributedEquipmentSequence: Trigger inheritAndCopyTagsOtherPatientMedicalTags: Bool Status: String
createSeriesInstanceUID: Trigger inheritAndCopyTagsOtherPatientRelationshipTags: Bool Study Date: String
createSoftwareVersions: Trigger inheritAndCopyTagsOtherPatientStudyTags: Bool Study Description: String
createSoftwareVersionsForContributedEquipmentSequence: Trigger inheritAndCopyTagsOtherRespiratorySynchronizationTags: Bool Study ID: String
Default (defaultValueBurnedInAnnotation): Bool inheritAndCopyTagsOtherSpecimenTags: Bool Study Instance UID: String
Default (defaultValueRecognizableVisualFeatures): Bool inheritAndCopyTagsOtherSynchronizationTags: Bool Study Time: String
defaultManufacturer: String inheritDeviceSerialNumber: Enum Suppress Unassigned Content Write: Bool
defaultManufacturerForContributedEquipmentSequence: String inheritDeviceSerialNumberForContributedEquipmentSequence: Enum Tag Dump: String
defaultManufacturerModelName: String inheritManufacturer: Enum Tag Dump Size: Integer
defaultManufacturerModelNameForContributedEquipmentSequence: String inheritManufacturerForContributedEquipmentSequence: Enum Transfer Syntax UID: Enum
deviceSerialNumber: String inheritManufacturerModelName: Enum True File Name: String
deviceSerialNumberForContributedEquipmentSequence: String inheritManufacturerModelNameForContributedEquipmentSequence: Enum Update Write On Inherit (updateWriteOnInheritBurnedInAnnotation): Bool
Dump Private Tag Values: Bool inheritSeriesInstanceUID: Enum Update Write On Inherit (updateWriteOnInheritRecognizableVisualFeatures): Bool
Export as: Enum inheritSoftwareVersions: Enum Use Empty Laterality Tag If Not Found On Inheritance: Bool
File Name (unresolvedFileName): String inheritSoftwareVersionsForContributedEquipmentSequence: Enum useMMSUIDPrefix: Bool
File Name (fileName): String InIdx: Integer volumeBasedCalculationTechnique: String
Filter: String Input Selector: Enum volumeBasedCalculationTechniqueCheckConsistency: Bool
Frame Of Reference UID: String Laterality: Enum volumeBasedCalculationTechniqueInheritMode: Enum
imageTypeValue1: String Laterality Checks: Enum volumeBasedCalculationTechniqueSelectableValues: String
imageTypeValue1CheckConsistency: Bool makeFrameOfReferenceGUIInsensitive: Bool volumetricProperties: String
imageTypeValue1InheritMode: Enum manufacturer: String volumetricPropertiesCheckConsistency: Bool
imageTypeValue1SelectableValues: String manufacturerForContributedEquipmentSequence: String volumetricPropertiesInheritMode: Enum
imageTypeValue2: String manufacturerModelName: String volumetricPropertiesSelectableValues: String
imageTypeValue2CheckConsistency: Bool manufacturerModelNameForContributedEquipmentSequence: String warnDirectoriesOnBrowsing: Bool
imageTypeValue2InheritMode: Enum Num shown binary bytes: Integer warnNonExistingFileOnBrowsing: Bool
imageTypeValue2SelectableValues: String On Inherit: (inheritBurnedInAnnotation): Enum Write (writeBurnedInAnnotation): Bool
imageTypeValue3: String On Inherit: (inheritRecognizableVisualFeatures): Enum Write (writeRecognizableVisualFeatures): Bool
imageTypeValue3CheckConsistency: Bool Patient Birth Date Day: Enum Write Body Part Examined: Bool
imageTypeValue3InheritMode: Enum Patient Birth Date Day String: String Write Specific Character Set: Bool

Visible Fields

File Name (unresolvedFileName)

name: unresolvedFileName, type: String, deprecated name: unresolvedDcmInputFileName

If a loading operation from disk is selected as input in the Input Selector then the file name from which the DICOM tree shall be loaded is specified here. Otherwise this field is insensitive.

True File Name

name: absoluteFileName, type: String, persistent: no, deprecated name: dcmInputFileName

Absolute file path updated from File Name.

Input Selector

name: inputSelector, type: Enum, default: ImageConnector, deprecated name: inheritanceInput

Selects from which connector a DICOM tree shall be loaded or retrieved.


Title Name Description
Image Connector ImageConnector DICOM information is inherited from the input0.
Base Connector BaseConnector DICOM information is inherited from the inputBase.
File File DICOM information is inherited from the file specified in File Name / True File Name.


name: inputVolumeIndex, type: Integer, default: 0, minimum: 0, deprecated name: ddiOutVolIdx

If a MultiFileVolumeList is connected or loaded then one of multiple volumes can be selected with this field. The number of available volumes is shown in the #Volumes. Otherwise this should always be 0.


name: numVolumes, type: Integer, persistent: no, deprecated name: numDDIVolumes

This read-only field shows the number of available volumes. For most inputs this will be 0 if no DICOM tree is available, 1 if there is any, or any other number for a lists of volumes at inputBase if a MultiFileVolumeListRefCounted base object is connected and selected in Input Selector.

Tag Dump Size

name: tagDumpSize, type: Integer, default: 10000

Maximum number of characters shown in the Tag Dump field. Note that too large values can degrade performance when viewing the DICOM tag list.

Dump Private Tag Values

name: dumpPrivateTagValues, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If enabled then values of private tags are decoded if decoders are available.

Num shown binary bytes

name: numShownBinaryEntries, type: Integer, default: 8

Number of shown bytes of binary tags.


name: annotate, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If enabled then tags are annotated with further descriptive information such as possible types ( 1=Mandatory, 1C=Conditionally Mandatory, 2=Mandatory, may have zero or one item, 2C=Conditionally Mandatory, but may be empty, 3=Optional) and possible meanings of the tag. Note that no context analysis is performed for that information and therefore all possible and perhaps redundant meanings are shown.


name: regExLineFilter, type: String

If not empty then the regular expression is used to filter all lines of Tag Dump; see that field for more details. Examples:

======================= ==================================
Expression              Description
======================= ==================================
.*                     Matches all string/lines.
.*(0008,0032).*        Matches all lines containing this tag ID.
.*logo.*               Matches anything containing 'logo' (case sensitive)
.*[lL][oO][gG][oO].*   Matches anything containing 'logo' (case insensitive)
.*.[jJ][pP][gG]        Matches anything ending with .jpg where jpg is case insensitive.
.*.JPG|.*.jpg          Matches all paths ending with either '.jpg' or with '.JPG'.
.*\d.*                 Matches all paths containing at least one digit.
.*[[:digit:]].*        Same as above.
.*[[:xdigit:]].*       Matches all paths containing at least one hexadecimal digit.
.*\l.*                 Matches all paths containing at least one lower case character.
.*[[:lower:]].*        Same as above.
.*\u.*                 Matches all paths containing at least one upper case character.
.*[[:upper:]].*        Same as above.
.*\s.*                 Matches all paths containing at least one white space character.
.*[[:space:]].*        Same as above.
.*[[:blank:]].*        Matches all paths containing at least one non-line-separating whitespace.
.*[[:word:]].*         Matches all paths containing at least one word character (alphanumeric characters plus the underscore).
.*[[:w:]].*            Same as above.
.*[[:graph:]].*        Matches all paths containing at least one graphical character.
.*[5-7].*              Matches all paths containing at least one of the digits 5, 6 or 7.
======================= ==================================

Tag Dump

name: tagDump, type: String, persistent: no

Shows a dump of the DICOM tags; if necessary it will be clamped at a size given by Tag Dump Size and the message ‘tag list shortened and not shown completely’ is appended.

Inherit DICOM Information (CTRL+R)

name: inheritDICOMTags, type: Trigger

If notified then DICOM and image related information is inherited from the input selected in Input Selector. This is principally meant to reduce the work to configure all settings and usually does most set up work needed in DicomEnhancedSave. Note that some DICOM tags of the input may not be inherited, or they are not passed to the exported file to prevent that they cause trouble in the output file. If Perform stricter checks is off then inheriting information from the input may be also performed if no DICOM data is available; then only the connected input image information is used to get as much information as possible. This is especially useful to export non-DICOM files as DICOM.

Copy Other Input Tags

name: copyOtherInputTags, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If disabled then only the required and important DICOM tags are written into the output file. If enabled then all other tags from the input are also copied even if they are not related to the written modality. WARNING: IF THIS IS ENABLED ALSO INAPPROPRIATE TAGS MIGHT BE COPIED TO THE CREATED FILE!

Save (Ctrl+S)

name: save, type: Trigger

If this button is pressed then the given information from inputs and fields are composed to a DICOM file with the modality/IOD determined in Export as and then saved in the file determined by File Name. Any same named destination file is overwritten without any notice.

File Name (fileName)

name: fileName, type: String

The path and name of the file to be written.

Post Bad Param Errors

name: postBadParamErrors, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled then bad parameters are posted as ML error, otherwise they are only shown in status field.


name: status, type: String, persistent: no

Shows general information and messages.

Export as

name: supportedIODs, type: Enum, default: LegacyConvertedEnhancedMR

List of supported IODs:

Legacy Converted Enhanced MR: Exports enhanced MR according to A.71 Legacy Converted Enhanced MR Image IOD in DICOM Standard

Transfer Syntax UID

name: compression, type: Enum, default: Explicit VR Little-endian, no compression

List of supported Transfer Syntax UIDs:

Note: Compressing binary segmentation data is only supported by
‘1.2.840.10008., Deflated Explicit VR Little Endian’.

1.2.840.10008.1.2.1, Explicit VR Little-endian: The normally used one, no compression.

1.2.840.10008., Explicit VR Big-endian: Normally rarely used, no compression.

1.2.840.10008.1.2, Implicit VR-Litte-endian: The only mandatory one but also the worst, no compression.

1.2.840.10008., JPEG Lossless, Non-Hierarchical, First-Order Prediction (Process 14 [Selection Value 1]): Shall always be supported according to Part 5, 10.2 Transfer Syntax for a DICOM Default of Lossless JPEG Compression Slightly faster than 1.2.840.10008., same algorithm, lower compression, only other predictor.

1.2.840.10008., JPEG-LS Lossless Image Compression: Modern compression, usually best good compression and speed, however, perhaps no good real-world support. Best trade off if supported by recipients.

1.2.840.10008., JPEG Lossless, Non-Hierarchical (Process 14): Marked as slightly faster than 1.2.840.10008., perhaps less real-world support.

1.2.840.10008.1.2.5, RLE Lossless: Widely supported, however, usually no good compression.

1.2.840.10008., Deflated Explicit VR Little Endian: Deflate-algorithm based codec which compresses the entire data set regardless of its contents, i.e. it is well suited for non-image data compression, floating point or binary pixel data which may not be supported by many other transfer syntaxes. Usually reaches best compression ratios if the size of pixel data is not the largest part of the written data set.

Suppress Unassigned Content Write

name: suppressUnassignedContentWrite, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If true then no contents are written into Unassigned[PerFrame|Shared]ConvertedAttributesSequence in LegacyConvertedEnhanced IODs even there are any; basically this is for testing since some tools complain about them; for proper operation, however, this flag always should be disabled.

Perform stricter checks

name: strictChecks, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled then some additional checks are performed which prevent writing incompliant DICOM tags. When disabling this, the written DICOM file will possibly still be read by PACSs, however, some DICOM information may not be fully available or consistent there. For example that:

  • MIXED value is correctly used in Image Type (0008,0008) tag.
  • Input modality matches the aimed Modality (0008,0060) (for example that input is of Modality MR when Legacy Converted Enhanced MR is exported).
  • Input DICOM information contains only one C.7.3.1 General Series Module (or to be more precise that there are no frame specific Series Instance UID (0020,000E) tags).

Patients Name

name: patientsName, type: String

DICOM tag: The patient name (0010,0010) to be written. Note that DICOM checkers often complain about typically used names. A typical and standard compliant name is, for example, Familyname^Firstname. See http://dicom.nema.org/dicom/2013/output/chtml/part05/sect_6.2.html for definition and http://dicom.nema.org/dicom/2013/output/chtml/part05/sect_6.2.html#sect_6.2.1.1 for examples.

Patient ID

name: patientID, type: String

DICOM tag: String/number used to identify the patient see tag (0010,0020).

Patient Birth Date Year

name: patientBirthDateYearEnum, type: Enum, default: 1900

The selectable year of birth of the patient; ‘User Defined’ allows manual specification. See DICOM tag Patient’s Birth Day (0010,0030).


Title Name
User Defined User Defined
1900 1900
1901 1901
1902 1902
1903 1903
1904 1904
1905 1905
1906 1906
1907 1907
1908 1908
1909 1909
1910 1910
1911 1911
1912 1912
1913 1913
1914 1914
1915 1915
1916 1916
1917 1917
1918 1918
1919 1919
1920 1920
1921 1921
1922 1922
1923 1923
1924 1924
1925 1925
1926 1926
1927 1927
1928 1928
1929 1929
1930 1930
1931 1931
1932 1932
1933 1933
1934 1934
1935 1935
1936 1936
1937 1937
1938 1938
1939 1939
1940 1940
1941 1941
1942 1942
1943 1943
1944 1944
1945 1945
1946 1946
1947 1947
1948 1948
1949 1949
1950 1950
1951 1951
1952 1952
1953 1953
1954 1954
1955 1955
1956 1956
1957 1957
1958 1958
1959 1959
1960 1960
1961 1961
1962 1962
1963 1963
1964 1964
1965 1965
1966 1966
1967 1967
1968 1968
1969 1969
1970 1970
1971 1971
1972 1972
1973 1973
1974 1974
1975 1975
1976 1976
1977 1977
1978 1978
1979 1979
1980 1980
1981 1981
1982 1982
1983 1983
1984 1984
1985 1985
1986 1986
1987 1987
1988 1988
1989 1989
1990 1990
1991 1991
1992 1992
1993 1993
1994 1994
1995 1995
1996 1996
1997 1997
1998 1998
1999 1999
2000 2000
2001 2001
2002 2002
2003 2003
2004 2004
2005 2005
2006 2006
2007 2007
2008 2008
2009 2009
2010 2010
2011 2011
2012 2012
2013 2013
2014 2014
2015 2015
2016 2016
2017 2017
2018 2018
2019 2019
2020 2020
2021 2021
2022 2022
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2024 2024
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2046 2046
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2048 2048
2049 2049
2050 2050
2051 2051
2052 2052
2053 2053
2054 2054
2055 2055
2056 2056
2057 2057
2058 2058
2059 2059

Patient Birth Date Year String

name: patientBirthDateYearString, type: String, default: 1900

The year of the patient birth as string. Can be modified manually only if ‘Patient Sex’ is ‘User Defined’. See DICOM tag Patient’s Birth Day (0010,0030).

Patient Birth Date Month

name: patientBirthDateMonthEnum, type: Enum, default: 01-January

The selectable month of birth of the patient; ‘User Defined’ allows manual specification. See DICOM tag Patient’s Birth Day (0010,0030).


Title Name
User Defined User Defined
01-January 01-January
02-February 02-February
03-March 03-March
04-April 04-April
05-May 05-May
06-June 06-June
07-July 07-July
08-August 08-August
09-September 09-September
10-October 10-October
11-November 11-November
12-December 12-December

Patient Birth Date Month String

name: patientBirthDateMonthString, type: String, default: 01-January

The month of the patient birth as string. Can be modified manually only if ‘Patient Birth Date Month’ is ‘User Defined’. See DICOM tag Patient’s Birth Day (0010,0030).

Patient Birth Date Day

name: patientBirthDateDayEnum, type: Enum, default: 01

The selectable Day of birth of the patient; ‘User Defined’ allows manual specification. See DICOM tag Patient’s Birth Day (0010,0030).


Title Name
User Defined User Defined
01 01
02 02
03 03
04 04
05 05
06 06
07 07
08 08
09 09
10 10
11 11
12 12
13 13
14 14
15 15
16 16
17 17
18 18
19 19
20 20
21 21
22 22
23 23
24 24
25 25
26 26
27 27
28 28
29 29
30 30
31 31

Patient Birth Date Day String

name: patientBirthDateDayString, type: String, default: 01

The day of the patient birth as string. Can be modified manually only if ‘Patient Birth Date Day’ is ‘User Defined’. See DICOM tag Patient’s Birth Day (0010,0030).

Patient Sex

name: patientSexEnum, type: Enum, default: Other

The selectable sex of the patient; ‘User Defined’ allows manual specification. See DICOM tag Patient Sex (0010,0040).


Title Name
Other Other
Female Female
Male Male
User Defined User Defined

Patient Sex String

name: patientSexString, type: String, default: Other

The sex of the patient as string. Can be modified manually only if ‘Patient Sex’ is ‘User Defined’. See DICOM tag Patient Sex (0010,0040).


name: inheritAndCopyTagsOtherPatientRelationshipTags, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled then other input Patient Relationship tags are buffered during Inherit DICOM Information (CTRL+R) and added to the output during Save (Ctrl+S); otherwise only the mandatory tags and/or fields are added to the output.


name: inheritAndCopyTagsOtherPatientIdentificationTags, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled then other input Patient Identification tags are buffered during Inherit DICOM Information (CTRL+R) and added to the output during Save (Ctrl+S); otherwise only the mandatory tags and/or fields are added to the output.


name: inheritAndCopyTagsOtherPatientDemographicTags, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled then other input Patient Demographic tags are buffered during Inherit DICOM Information (CTRL+R) and added to the output during Save (Ctrl+S); otherwise only the mandatory tags and/or fields are added to the output.


name: inheritAndCopyTagsOtherPatientMedicalTags, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled then other input Patient Medical tags are buffered during Inherit DICOM Information (CTRL+R) and added to the output during Save (Ctrl+S); otherwise only the mandatory tags and/or fields are added to the output.

Study Instance UID

name: studyInstanceUID, type: String

DICOM tag: Study Instance UID (0020,000D) Unique identifier for the study. If available then see Update Automatically On Changes of StudyInstanceUID and C.12.2 Common Instance Reference Module in the DICOM standard for details and important dependent settings. Must contain up to 64 characters from ‘0’-‘9’ or ‘.’.

Create new UID

name: createStudyInstanceUID, type: Trigger

Creates a new Study Instance UID


name: autoCreateStudyInstanceUID, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled for each written file a new Study Instance UID is created. If disabled the currently set one is used.

Study Date

name: studyDate, type: String

DICOM tag: Study Date (0008,0020). The date the study started. May be empty.

Study Time

name: studyTime, type: String

DICOM tag: Study Time (0008,0030). The time the study started. May be empty.

Referring Physician Name

name: referringPhysicianName, type: String

DICOM tag: Referring Physician’s Name (0008,0090). Name of the patient’s referring physician. May be empty. See Patients Name for details about valid format.

Study ID

name: studyID, type: String, deprecated name: studyUID

DICOM tag: Study ID (0020,0010). User or equipment generated study ID. May be empty.

Accession Number

name: accessionNumber, type: String

DICOM tag: Accession Number (0008,0050). A RIS generated number that identifies the order of the Study. May be empty.

Study Description

name: studyDescription, type: String

DICOM tag: Study Description (0008,1030). Institution-generated description or classification of the Study (component) performed. Optional, may be empty.


name: inheritAndCopyTagsOtherGeneralStudyTags, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled then other input General Study tags are buffered during Inherit DICOM Information (CTRL+R) and added to the output during Save (Ctrl+S); otherwise only the mandatory tags and/or fields are added to the output.


name: inheritAndCopyTagsOtherPatientStudyTags, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled then other input Patient Study tags are buffered during Inherit DICOM Information (CTRL+R) and added to the output during Save (Ctrl+S); otherwise only the mandatory tags and/or fields are added to the output.


name: seriesInstanceUID, type: String

DICOM tag: Series Instance UID (0020,000E). Unique identifier of the series, must be non-empty in case of some enhanced contexts. Must contain up to 64 characters from ‘0’-‘9’ or ‘.’.


name: inheritSeriesInstanceUID, type: Enum, default: CreateNew

Which value to set on inheriting:

DoNotInherit: Do not inherit SeriesInstanceUID from input and leave value unchanged.

InheritFromTopLevel: Inherit SeriesInstanceUID from top level of input DCMTree; value is set empty if not found.

InheritRecursively: Inherit SeriesInstanceUID from recursive search in input DCMTree; value is set empty if not found.

CreateNew: Create a new SeriesInstanceUID instead of inheriting one.

CreateNewIfNeeded: Same as CreateNew, but only if SeriesInstanceUID is empty.


name: autoCreateSeriesInstanceUID, type: Enum, default: CreateIfNeeded

DoNotAutoCreate: Do not create a new SeriesInstanceUID whatever happens.

AutoCreateAlways: Always create a new SeriesInstanceUID even if another valid one is set.

CreateIfNeeded: Create a new SeriesInstanceUID if SeriesInstanceUID field is empty.


name: createSeriesInstanceUID, type: Trigger

Creates a new unique SeriesInstanceUID if notified.

Series Number

name: seriesNumber, type: String

DICOM tag: Series Number (0020,0011). Integer number with at most 12 digits; tag must exist and in most contexts it must have a non-empty value; in a few IODs it is allowed to be empty.

Inherit Series Number

name: inheritSeriesNumber, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Sometimes it is not desired to inherit the Series Number tag from the input, because it’s set by the module user. For this purpose it can be disabled.


name: laterality, type: Enum, default: DoNotWriteTagValue

DICOM tag: Laterality (0020,0060). Allowed values: ‘L’ (Left), ‘R’ (Right), and empty value (WriteEmptyTagValue). Note that not writing the tag value may violate the DICOM standard under some circumstances.


Title Name
Do Not Write Tag Value DoNotWriteTagValue
Write Empty Tag Value WriteEmptyTagValue

Use Empty Laterality Tag If Not Found On Inheritance

name: useEmptyLateralityTagIfNotFoundOnInheritance, type: Bool, default: TRUE

In may contexts the Laterality tag (0020,0060) must be available but is allowed to be empty, however, often it cannot be inherited since it is not part of the DICOM. This field allows to inherit a state that always an empty tag value is written instead of skipping it which perhaps would violate the DICOM standard. Also depends on other Laterality tags.

Laterality Checks

name: lateralityChecks, type: Enum, default: AsWarning

The combinations of values of Laterality tag(s) and BodyPartExamined cannot be checked reliably in all situations; therefore a deactivation or only warning logs may be useful in some cases.


Title Name
As Error AsError
As Warning AsWarning
Ignore Ignore

Series Description

name: seriesDescription, type: String

DICOM tag: Series Description (0008,103E). Optional, may be empty.

Write Body Part Examined

name: writeBodyPartExamined, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If enabled then the Body Part Examined (0018,0015) tag is written into output files, otherwise not.

Body Part Examined

name: bodyPartExamined, type: String

DICOM tag: Body Part Examined (0018,0015). Text description of the part of the body examined. See Annex L ‘Correspondence of Anatomic Region Codes and Body Part Examined Defined Terms’ in PS3.16 for Defined Terms


name: inheritAndCopyTagsOtherGeneralSeriesTags, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled then other input General Series tags are buffered during Inherit DICOM Information (CTRL+R) and added to the output during Save (Ctrl+S); otherwise only the mandatory tags and/or fields are added to the output.

Frame Of Reference UID

name: frameOfReferenceUID, type: String

Unique ID referencing the DICOM frame on which the saved data set is based. It should reference the UID of the frame on which this file ‘bases’; usually derived from the ‘FrameOfReferenceUID’ tag of the connected input image. Must contain up to 64 characters from ‘0’-‘9’ or ‘.’.

Position Reference Indicator

name: positionReferenceIndicator, type: String

Part of the imaging target used as a reference. See C. in DICOM standard; usually derived from the ‘PositionReferenceIndicator’ tag of the connected input image.


name: manufacturer, type: String

DICOM tag: Manufacturer (0008,0070). Company creating the DICOM file. In enhanced contexts it must have a value but in some other contexts it may be empty.

Defaults to ‘Fraunhofer MEVIS’ if not set otherwise in hidden defaultManufacturer field.


name: inheritManufacturer, type: Enum, default: InheritFromTopLevel

See inheritSeriesInstanceUID.


name: autoCreateManufacturer, type: Enum, default: CreateIfNeeded

See autoCreateSeriesInstanceUID.


name: createManufacturer, type: Trigger

See createSeriesInstanceUID.


name: defaultManufacturer, type: String, default: Fraunhofer MEVIS

This hidden field contains the default value for manufacturer if a new value is created with createManufacturer, during inheritance or saving. It can be changed by the application if the module is run by another manufacturer.


name: manufacturerModelName, type: String

DICOM tag: Manufacturer Model Name (0008,1090) determined by the manufacturer. In enhanced contexts it must have a value but sometimes it may be empty.


name: inheritManufacturerModelName, type: Enum, default: InheritFromTopLevel

See inheritSeriesInstanceUID.


name: autoCreateManufacturerModelName, type: Enum, default: CreateIfNeeded

See autoCreateSeriesInstanceUID.


name: createManufacturerModelName, type: Trigger

See createSeriesInstanceUID.


name: defaultManufacturerModelName, type: String, default: MeVisLab

This hidden field contains the default value for manufacturerModelName if a new value is created with createManufacturerModelName, during inheritance or saving. It can be changed by the application if the module is run by another manufacturer an/or on another model.


name: deviceSerialNumber, type: String

DICOM tag: Device Serial Number (0018,1000). The serial number of the device. In enhanced contexts it must have a value but sometimes it may be empty.


name: inheritDeviceSerialNumber, type: Enum, default: InheritFromTopLevel

See inheritSeriesInstanceUID.


name: autoCreateDeviceSerialNumber, type: Enum, default: CreateIfNeeded

See autoCreateSeriesInstanceUID.


name: createDeviceSerialNumber, type: Trigger

See createSeriesInstanceUID.


name: softwareVersions, type: String

DICOM tag: Manufacturer’s software version (0018,1020). In enhanced contexts it must have a value but sometimes it may be empty.


name: inheritSoftwareVersions, type: Enum, default: InheritFromTopLevel

See inheritSeriesInstanceUID.


name: autoCreateSoftwareVersions, type: Enum, default: CreateIfNeeded

See autoCreateSeriesInstanceUID.


name: createSoftwareVersions, type: Trigger

See createSeriesInstanceUID.


name: inheritAndCopyTagsOtherGeneralEquipmentTags, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled then other input General Equipment tags are buffered during Inherit DICOM Information (CTRL+R) and added to the output during Save (Ctrl+S); otherwise only the mandatory tags and/or fields are added to the output.

Content Date

name: contentDate, type: String

DICOM tag: Content Date (0008,0023). The date the image pixel data creation started. May be empty in some contexts, but not in all.

Content Time

name: contentTime, type: String

DICOM tag: Content Time (0008,0033). The time the image pixel data creation started. May be empty in some contexts, but not in all.


name: inheritAndCopyTagsOtherAcquisitionContextModuleTags, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled then other input Acquisition Context Module tags are buffered during Inherit DICOM Information (CTRL+R) and added to the output during Save (Ctrl+S); otherwise only the mandatory tags and/or fields are added to the output.


name: imageTypeValue1CheckConsistency, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled then verify for valid field content before writing it to file; if disabled then write the value even if it might be invalid or conflict with the standard.


name: imageTypeValue1InheritMode, type: Enum, default: InheritValidOtherwiseDefault

Describes how imageTypeValue1 settings are inherited when Inherit DICOM Information (CTRL+R) is notified.


Title Name Description
Inherit Valid Only InheritValidOnly Inherit from input only known and supported values; if that is not possible leave the value unchanged.
Inherit Valid Otherwise Default InheritValidOtherwiseDefault Inherit valid and supported values if possible, otherwise automatically determine one or - in the worst case - use a default one.
Inherit Any InheritAny Inherit any incoming value even if it is not in the table of know valid values.
Do Not Inherit DoNotInherit Leave the value in the field unchanged, the user has to set it up correctly.


name: imageTypeValue1, type: String, default: ORIGINAL

ORIGINAL: An image or frame is original if its pixel data was directly reconstructed from the original data that is obtained from the sensors of the imaging equipment, Image Type (0008,0008) Value 4 is NONE, and Volume Based Calculation Technique (0008,9207) is NONE.


  • For MR, original data is data directly reconstructed from k-space data.
  • For CT, original frames are those directly reconstructed from projection data.

DERIVED: An image or frame is derived if its pixel data was calculated from original or other derived pixel data (i.e., it is not original).

MIXED: Used only as a value in Image Type (0008,0008) if frames within the SOP Instance contain different values for Value 1 in their Frame Type (0008,9007).


name: imageTypeValue2CheckConsistency, type: Bool, default: TRUE

See imageTypeValue1SelectableValues.


name: imageTypeValue2InheritMode, type: Enum, default: InheritValidOtherwiseDefault

See imageTypeValue1InheritMode.


name: imageTypeValue2, type: String, default: PRIMARY

PRIMARY: identifies a Primary Image.

SECONDARY (if available): identifies a Secondary Image.


name: imageTypeValue3CheckConsistency, type: Bool, default: TRUE

See imageTypeValue1CheckConsistency.


name: imageTypeValue3InheritMode, type: Enum, default: InheritValidOnly

See imageTypeValue1InheritMode.


name: imageTypeValue3, type: String, default: ANGIO

Standard compliant values for Export as LegacyConvertedEnhancedMR:

ANGIO: Collected for the purpose of angiography

CARDIAC: Images of the heart

CARDIAC_GATED: Cardiac gated images, other than of the heart

CARDRESP_GATED: Cardiac and respiratory gated images

DYNAMIC: An image in which the same anatomical volume is imaged at multiple times in order to capture images of a non-cyclic, time varying event. For example, imaging of the uptake of a tracer or contrast in a specific organ over time. Note: This is different from gating techniques, in which the same anatomical volume is imaged during some portion of a cyclic event, e.g., inspiration or R-R Interval.

FLUOROSCOPY: Real-time collection of single slices (e.g., CT or MR Fluoroscopy)

LOCALIZER: Collected for the purpose of planning other images.

MOTION: Collected for looking at body motion

PERFUSION: Collected for the purposes of perfusion calculations.

PRE_CONTRAST: Collected before contrast was administered

POST_CONTRAST: Collected during or after contrast was administered

RESP_GATED: Respiratory gated images

REST: Cardiac rest image set

STATIC: A group of frames at varying spatial locations acquired at the same time.

STRESS: Cardiac stress image set

VOLUME: Set of frames that define a regularly sampled volume

NON_PARALLEL: Set of frames that are not parallel

PARALLEL: Set of frames that are parallel but do not constitute a regularly sampled volume

WHOLE_BODY: A group of frames of the whole body; the frames may be acquired at various times (as distinct from STATIC).

ANGIO_TIME: Angio time acquisition (peripheral vascular/carotid)

ASL: Arterial Spin Labeling

CINE: Cardiac CINE

DIFFUSION: Collected to show diffusion effects.

DIXON: Dixon Water Fat Imaging Techniques.

FLOW_ENCODED: Flow Encoded

FLUID_ATTENUATED: Fluid Attenuated T2 weighted

FMRI: Collected for functional imaging calculations.

MAX_IP: Maximum Intensity Projection

MIN_IP: Minimum Intensity Projection

M_MODE: Image line over time

METABOLITE_MAP: Metabolite Maps from spectroscopy data

MULTIECHO: Multiple echoes with different contrast weighting (e.g., proton density and T2 weighted)

PROTON_DENSITY: Proton density weighted

REALTIME: Real-time collection of single slices

STIR: Short Tau Inversion Recovery

TAGGING: Images with superposition of thin saturation bands

TEMPERATURE: Images record temperature

T1: T1 weighted

T2: T2 weighted

T2_STAR: T2* weighted

TOF: Time Of Flight weighted

VELOCITY: Velocity encoded


name: imageTypeValue4CheckConsistency, type: Bool, default: TRUE

See imageTypeValue1CheckConsistency.


name: imageTypeValue4InheritMode, type: Enum, default: InheritValidOnly

See imageTypeValue1InheritMode.


name: imageTypeValue4, type: String, default: ADDITION

Value 4 shall be used to indicate derived pixel contrast - generally, contrast created by combining or processing images with the same geometry. Value 4 shall have a value of NONE when Value 1 is ORIGINAL. Value 4 may have the value QUANTITY if the derived pixel contrast is described in the Quantity Definition Sequence (0040,9220) of the Real World Value Mapping Functional Group Macro.


  • If more than one of the following derived types is applicable, then it is up to the generating application to specify the value that best characterizes the derived image.
  • Value 4 of Image Type (0008,0008) and Value 4 of Frame Type (0008,9007) shall not be zero length unless the SOP Class UID is 1.2.840.10008. or 1.2.840.10008. or 1.2.840.10008. (Legacy Converted).

ADDITION: Created through Pixel by pixel addition operation

DIVISION: Created through Pixel by pixel division operation

MASKED: Created through Pixel by pixel masking operation

MAXIMUM: Created through Pixel by Pixel maximum operation

MEAN: Created through Pixel by pixel mean operation

MINIMUM: Created through Pixel by Pixel minimum operation

MULTIPLICATION: Created through Pixel by pixel multiplication operation

RESAMPLED: Pixels have been spatially re-sampled, e.g., MPR

STD_DEVIATION: Standard Deviation

SUBTRACTION: Created through Pixel by pixel subtraction operation

NONE: Not a calculated image

QUANTITY: Derived pixel values are a quantity described by Quantity Definition Sequence (0040,9220) of the Real World Value Mapping Functional Group Macro.

MIXED: Used only as value in Image Type (0008,0008) if frames within the image SOP Instance contain different values for value 4 in their Frame Type (0008,9007) Attribute.


name: pixelRepresentationCheckConsistency, type: Bool, default: TRUE

See imageTypeValue1CheckConsistency.


name: pixelRepresentationInheritMode, type: Enum, default: InheritValidOnly

See imageTypeValue1InheritMode.


name: pixelRepresentation, type: String, default: MONOCHROME

COLOR: Image is best displayed in color using Supplemental Palette Color LUTs, but can be displayed in grayscale if current display does not support color. See Section C.

MONOCHROME: Image is intended to be displayed in grayscale only. No Supplemental Palette Color LUTs are supplied.

MIXED: Used only as a value in Pixel Presentation (0008,9205) in the Enhanced MR Image Module or Enhanced CT Image Module if frames within the image SOP Instance contain different values for the Pixel Presentation Attribute in the MR Image Frame type Functional Group or CT Image Frame Type Functional Group.

TRUE_COLOR: Image can be displayed in color only


name: volumetricPropertiesCheckConsistency, type: Bool, default: TRUE

See imageTypeValue1CheckConsistency.


name: volumetricPropertiesInheritMode, type: Enum, default: InheritValidOnly

See imageTypeValue1InheritMode.


name: volumetricProperties, type: String, default: VOLUME

VOLUME: Enumerated Value Description Image contains pixels that represent the volume specified for the image (Examples: Volume Based Calculation Technique (0008,9207) is NONE or MPR).

SAMPLED: The specified frame or each frame within the image will not contain a representation of the average information in the slice direction because the frame was calculated by the non-linear re-sampling of a volume where each pixels of the resulting frame does not contain an average representation of the voxel represented by the frame’s pixel. For example a projection (MAX_IP) frame uses the maximum value along a ray for each pixel rather than the average value of the represented voxel.

DISTORTED: Image contains significantly distorted information from what is specified by the image volume Attributes. For example this image should not be used in planning or for 3D volume. An example of this image type is a curved reformatted image (CURVED_MPR).

MIXED: Used only as a value in Volumetric Properties (0008,9206) in the Enhanced MR Image Module Attribute Description or Enhanced CT Image Module if frames within the image SOP Instance contain different values for Volumetric Properties (0008,9206) in the MR Image Frame Type Functional Group or CT Frame Type Functional Group.


name: volumeBasedCalculationTechniqueCheckConsistency, type: Bool, default: TRUE

See imageTypeValue1CheckConsistency.


name: volumeBasedCalculationTechniqueInheritMode, type: Enum, default: InheritValidOnly

See imageTypeValue1InheritMode.


name: volumeBasedCalculationTechnique, type: String, default: VOLUME_RENDER

MAX_IP: Maximum Intensity Projection

MIN_IP: Minimum Intensity Projection

VOLUME_RENDER: Volume Rendering Projection Volume Rendering Image represents 3D voluminar information constructed from measured voxel intensities covering a 3D volume.

SURFACE_RENDER: Surface Rendering Projection Surface Rendering Image represents 3D surface information constructed from measured voxel intensities covering a 3D volume.

MPR: Multi-Planar Reformat

CURVED_MPR: Curved Multi-Planar Reformat

NONE: Pixels not derived geometrically

MIXED: Used only as a value in Volume Based Calculation Technique (0008,9207) Attribute in the Enhanced MR Image Module or MR Spectroscopy Module if frames within the image SOP Instance contain different terms for the Volume Based Calculation Technique Attribute in MR Frame Type Functional Group or MR Spectroscopy Frame Type Functional Group.


name: inheritAndCopyTagsOtherEnhancedImageAndSpectroscopyMacroTags, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled then other input Enhanced Image And Spectroscopy Macro tags are buffered during Inherit DICOM Information (CTRL+R) and added to the output during Save (Ctrl+S); otherwise only the mandatory tags and/or fields are added to the output.


name: inheritAndCopyTagsOtherMRImageModuleTags, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled then other input MR Image Module tags are buffered during Inherit DICOM Information (CTRL+R) and added to the output during Save (Ctrl+S) (possibly to the Unassigned Shared Functional Group); otherwise only the mandatory tags and/or fields are added to the output. Note that many MR Image tags are not part of Enhanced MR Image and have no direct representation there. They are be copied to the Unassigned Shared Converted Attributes in Shared Functional Group Sequence (5200,9229) therefore.


name: inheritAndCopyTagsOtherEnhancedMRImageModuleTags, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled then other input Enhanced MR Image Module tags are buffered during Inherit DICOM Information (CTRL+R) and added to the output during Save (Ctrl+S); otherwise only the mandatory tags and/or fields are added to the output.


name: inheritAndCopyTagsOtherImagePixelDescriptionMacroAttributesTags, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled then other input Image Pixel Description Macro Attributes tags are buffered during Inherit DICOM Information (CTRL+R) and added to the output during Save (Ctrl+S); otherwise only the mandatory tags and/or fields are added to the output. Note that these tags are not copied by default since it is unclear whether the exported pixel data has been mofified or not and whether the settings are still required. If the data, its look- up tables and color models are unchanged, then it may be needed to activate this flag.

Burned In Annotation (0028,0301)

name: burnedInAnnotation, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Indicates whether or not image contains sufficient burned in annotation to identify the patient and date the image was acquired. If this Attribute is absent, then the image may or may not contain burned in annotation.

On Inherit: (inheritBurnedInAnnotation)

name: inheritBurnedInAnnotation, type: Enum, default: InheritFromTopLevel

Which value to set on inheriting:

DoNotInherit: Do not inherit Burned In Annotation (0028,0301) from input and leave value unchanged.

InheritFromTopLevel: Inherit Burned In Annotation (0028,0301) from top level of input DCMTree; use default if invalid or not found.

InheritRecursively: Inherit Burned In Annotation (0028,0301) from recursive search in input DCMTree; use default if invalid or not found.

Write (writeBurnedInAnnotation)

name: writeBurnedInAnnotation, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Selects whether the tag is added to output or not.

Default (defaultValueBurnedInAnnotation)

name: defaultValueBurnedInAnnotation, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Used value if no valid value can be inherited.

Update Write On Inherit (updateWriteOnInheritBurnedInAnnotation)

name: updateWriteOnInheritBurnedInAnnotation, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Enable/Disable ‘Write’ on valid/invalid value inheritance.

Recognizable Visual Features (0028,0302)

name: recognizableVisualFeatures, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Indicates whether or not the image contains sufficiently recognizable visual features to allow the image or a reconstruction from a set of images to identify the Patient. If this Attribute is absent, then the image may or may not contain recognizable visual features.

On Inherit: (inheritRecognizableVisualFeatures)

name: inheritRecognizableVisualFeatures, type: Enum, default: InheritFromTopLevel

Which value to set on inheriting:

DoNotInherit: Do not inherit Recognizable Visual Features (0028,0302) from input and leave value unchanged.

InheritFromTopLevel: Inherit Recognizable Visual Features (0028,0302) from top level of input DCMTree; use default if invalid or not found.

InheritRecursively: Inherit Recognizable Visual Features (0028,0302) from recursive search in input DCMTree; use default if invalid or not found.

Write (writeRecognizableVisualFeatures)

name: writeRecognizableVisualFeatures, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Selects whether the tag is added to output or not.

Default (defaultValueRecognizableVisualFeatures)

name: defaultValueRecognizableVisualFeatures, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Used value if no valid value can be inherited.

Update Write On Inherit (updateWriteOnInheritRecognizableVisualFeatures)

name: updateWriteOnInheritRecognizableVisualFeatures, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Enable/Disable ‘Write’ on valid/invalid value inheritance.

Always write PresentationLUTShape (2050,0020)

name: alwaysWritePresentationLUTShape, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Flag to enable writing of PresentationLUTShape (2050,0020) even if not needed. This may be of interest to satisfy some IOD checkers which also want the tag if PhotometricInterpretation (0028,0004) is not MONOCHROME2, which, however, is too strict in some IODs (for example LegacyConvertedEnhancedMR) where the Enhanced MR Image macro requires it only if PhotometricInterpretation (0028,0004) is MONOCHROME2.

Sop Class UID

name: sopClassUID, type: String, default: 1.2.840.10008.

Read-only value: Uniquely defines the DICOM SOP class to be written by this module as described in DICOM Standard C. SOP Class UID, SOP Instance UID. Must contain up to 64 characters from ‘0’-‘9’ or ‘.’.

Sop Instance UID

name: sopInstanceUID, type: String

Read-only value: Uniquely defines the DICOM SOP Instance UID written by this module as described in DICOM Standard C. SOP Class UID, SOP Instance UID. Must contain up to 64 characters from ‘0’-‘9’ or ‘.’.

Specific Character Set

name: specificCharacterSet, type: String, default: ISO_IR 192

Specific Character Set (0008,0005) identifies the Character Set that expands or replaces the Basic Graphic Set (ISO 646) for values of Data Elements that have Value Representation of SH, LO, ST, PN, LT, UC or UT.

Recommended is ISO_IR 192 (which corresponds to the internal MeVisLab representation) or disable tag writing at all which also uses this term.

Enabling this term may cause that inconvertible characters are silently lost.

Currently supported values are

  • ISO_IR 6 // ASCII, not a real term but will drop to default, i.e. no tag will be written.
  • ISO_IR 100 // Latin alphabet No. 1
  • ISO_IR 101 // Latin alphabet No. 2
  • ISO_IR 109 // Latin alphabet No. 3
  • ISO_IR 110 // Latin alphabet No. 4
  • ISO_IR 144 // Cyrillic
  • ISO_IR 127 // Arabic
  • ISO_IR 126 // Greek
  • ISO_IR 138 // Hebrew
  • ISO_IR 148 // Latin alphabet No. 5
  • ISO_IR 13 // Japanese
  • ISO_IR 166 // Thai
  • ISO_IR 192 // Unicode in UTF-8 (multi-byte)
  • GB18030 // Chinese (multi-byte)
  • GBK // Chinese (multi-byte, subset of GB 18030

Write Specific Character Set

name: writeSpecificCharacterSet, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If enabled then Specific Character Set (0008,0005) is written into the output file, otherwise not.

Off is recomended for this field and for ‘Inherit Specific Character Set’ which then automatically uses ISO_IR 192 (=’UTF-8’ which is the internal MeVisLab representation).

Enabling this may cause that inconvertible characters are silently lost during save.

Inherit Specific Character Set

name: inheritSpecificCharacterSet, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If enabled then ‘Specific Character Set (0008,0005)’ and ‘Write specific character set’ are updated on inheritance according to the input data set.

Off is recomended for this field and for ‘Write specific character set’ which then automatically uses ISO_IR 192 (=’UTF-8’ which is the internal MeVisLab representation).

Enabling this may cause that non-ISO_IR 192 character sets are inherited and written and inconvertible characters from input are silently lost.

Set Default

name: setDefaultSpecificCharacterSet, type: Trigger

Sets the recommended ‘ISO_IR 192’ character set as default which matches the internal UTF-8 coding in MeVisLab and reduces risk of losing inconvertible characters.


name: useMMSUIDPrefix, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If false then the UID prefix for Fraunhofer MEVIS is used (not recommended), if true (the recommended default) then the MMS prefix is used.


name: manufacturerForContributedEquipmentSequence, type: String

See manufacturer.


name: inheritManufacturerForContributedEquipmentSequence, type: Enum, default: CreateNewIfNeeded

See inheritSeriesInstanceUID.


Title Name
Do Not Inherit DoNotInherit
Inherit From Top Level InheritFromTopLevel
Inherit Recursively InheritRecursively
Create New CreateNew
Create New If Needed CreateNewIfNeeded


name: autoCreateManufacturerForContributedEquipmentSequence, type: Enum, default: CreateIfNeeded

See autoCreateSeriesInstanceUID.


Title Name
Do Not Auto Create DoNotAutoCreate
Auto Create Always AutoCreateAlways
Create If Needed CreateIfNeeded


name: createManufacturerForContributedEquipmentSequence, type: Trigger

See createSeriesInstanceUID.


name: defaultManufacturerForContributedEquipmentSequence, type: String, default: Fraunhofer MEVIS

See defaultManufacturer.


name: manufacturerModelNameForContributedEquipmentSequence, type: String

See manufacturerModelName.


name: inheritManufacturerModelNameForContributedEquipmentSequence, type: Enum, default: CreateNewIfNeeded

See inheritSeriesInstanceUID.


Title Name
Do Not Inherit DoNotInherit
Inherit From Top Level InheritFromTopLevel
Inherit Recursively InheritRecursively
Create New CreateNew
Create New If Needed CreateNewIfNeeded


name: autoCreateManufacturerModelNameForContributedEquipmentSequence, type: Enum, default: CreateIfNeeded

See autoCreateSeriesInstanceUID.


Title Name
Do Not Auto Create DoNotAutoCreate
Auto Create Always AutoCreateAlways
Create If Needed CreateIfNeeded


name: createManufacturerModelNameForContributedEquipmentSequence, type: Trigger

See createSeriesInstanceUID.


name: defaultManufacturerModelNameForContributedEquipmentSequence, type: String, default: MeVisLab

See defaultManufacturerModelName.


name: deviceSerialNumberForContributedEquipmentSequence, type: String

See deviceSerialNumber.


name: inheritDeviceSerialNumberForContributedEquipmentSequence, type: Enum, default: CreateNew

See inheritSeriesInstanceUID.


Title Name
Do Not Inherit DoNotInherit
Inherit From Top Level InheritFromTopLevel
Inherit Recursively InheritRecursively
Create New CreateNew
Create New If Needed CreateNewIfNeeded


name: autoCreateDeviceSerialNumberForContributedEquipmentSequence, type: Enum, default: CreateIfNeeded

See autoCreateSeriesInstanceUID.


Title Name
Do Not Auto Create DoNotAutoCreate
Auto Create Always AutoCreateAlways
Create If Needed CreateIfNeeded


name: createDeviceSerialNumberForContributedEquipmentSequence, type: Trigger

See createSeriesInstanceUID.


name: softwareVersionsForContributedEquipmentSequence, type: String

See softwareVersions.


name: inheritSoftwareVersionsForContributedEquipmentSequence, type: Enum, default: CreateNew

See inheritSeriesInstanceUID.


Title Name
Do Not Inherit DoNotInherit
Inherit From Top Level InheritFromTopLevel
Inherit Recursively InheritRecursively
Create New CreateNew
Create New If Needed CreateNewIfNeeded


name: autoCreateSoftwareVersionsForContributedEquipmentSequence, type: Enum, default: CreateIfNeeded

See autoCreateSeriesInstanceUID.


Title Name
Do Not Auto Create DoNotAutoCreate
Auto Create Always AutoCreateAlways
Create If Needed CreateIfNeeded


name: createSoftwareVersionsForContributedEquipmentSequence, type: Trigger

See createSeriesInstanceUID.


name: inheritAndCopyTagsOtherGeneralEquipmentTagsForContributedEquipmentSequence, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If enabled then other input General Equipment tags are buffered during Inherit DICOM Information (CTRL+R) and added to the output during Save (Ctrl+S); otherwise only the mandatory tags and/or fields are added to the the new entry of the Contributing Equipment Sequence.

Create Or Extend Contributing Equipment Sequence

name: createOrExtendContributingEquipmentSequence, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled then a new entry is appended to the inherited Contributing Equipment Sequence (0018,A001) or a new one is generated if there is none in the input. Contributing Equipment Sequence (0018,A001) is of Type 3 (not required) but according to PS3.4 ‘C.3.5 New Instance Creation for Enhanced Multi-Frame Image Conversion’ ‘The new Composite Instance shall contain the Contributing Equipment Sequence (0018,A001)’ e.g. on LegacyEnhanced creation.


name: inheritAndCopyTagsOtherClinicalTrialSubjectTags, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled then other input ClinicalTrialSubject tags are buffered during Inherit DICOM Information (CTRL+R) and added to the output during Save (Ctrl+S); otherwise only the mandatory tags and/or fields are added to the output.


name: inheritAndCopyTagsOtherClinicalTrialStudyTags, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled then other input ClinicalTrialStudy tags are buffered during Inherit DICOM Information (CTRL+R) and added to the output during Save (Ctrl+S); otherwise only the mandatory tags and/or fields are added to the output.


name: inheritAndCopyTagsOtherClinicalTrialSeriesTags, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled then other input ClinicalTrialSeries tags are buffered during Inherit DICOM Information (CTRL+R) and added to the output during Save (Ctrl+S); otherwise only the mandatory tags and/or fields are added to the output.


name: inheritAndCopyTagsOtherSynchronizationTags, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled then other input Synchronization tags are buffered during Inherit DICOM Information (CTRL+R) and added to the output during Save (Ctrl+S); otherwise only the mandatory tags and/or fields are added to the output.


name: inheritAndCopyTagsOtherContrastBolusTags, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled then other input ContrastBolus tags are buffered during Inherit DICOM Information (CTRL+R) and added to the output during Save (Ctrl+S); otherwise only the mandatory tags and/or fields are added to the output.


name: inheritAndCopyTagsOtherEnhancedContrastBolusTags, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled then other input EnhancedContrastBolus tags are buffered during Inherit DICOM Information (CTRL+R) and added to the output during Save (Ctrl+S); otherwise only the mandatory tags and/or fields are added to the output.


name: inheritAndCopyTagsOtherCardiacSynchronizationTags, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled then other input CardiacSynchronization tags are buffered during Inherit DICOM Information (CTRL+R) and added to the output during Save (Ctrl+S); otherwise only the mandatory tags and/or fields are added to the output.


name: inheritAndCopyTagsOtherRespiratorySynchronizationTags, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled then other input RespiratorySynchronization tags are buffered during Inherit DICOM Information (CTRL+R) and added to the output during Save (Ctrl+S); otherwise only the mandatory tags and/or fields are added to the output.


name: inheritAndCopyTagsOtherBulkMotionSynchronizationTags, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled then other input BulkMotionSynchronization tags are buffered during Inherit DICOM Information (CTRL+R) and added to the output during Save (Ctrl+S); otherwise only the mandatory tags and/or fields are added to the output.


name: inheritAndCopyTagsOtherDeviceTags, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled then other input Device tags are buffered during Inherit DICOM Information (CTRL+R) and added to the output during Save (Ctrl+S); otherwise only the mandatory tags and/or fields are added to the output.


name: inheritAndCopyTagsOtherSpecimenTags, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled then other input Specimen tags are buffered during Inherit DICOM Information (CTRL+R) and added to the output during Save (Ctrl+S); otherwise only the mandatory tags and/or fields are added to the output.

Hidden Fields


name: warnNonExistingFileOnBrowsing, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Internal field to control whether selected non-existing files are warned or not, not to be used manually.


name: warnDirectoriesOnBrowsing, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Internal field to control whether selected directories are warned or not, not to be used manually.



Read-only: hidden field containing allowed values in Body Part Examined.


name: makeFrameOfReferenceGUIInsensitive, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Hidden field, not to be used manually: internally used field to control sensitivity of the Frame Of Reference tab and to indicate that it is perhaps temporarily not used; it does not affect any internal functionality.


name: imageTypeValue1SelectableValues, type: String, persistent: no

Read-only: hidden field containing allowed values in imageTypeValue1.


name: imageTypeValue2SelectableValues, type: String, persistent: no

See imageTypeValue1SelectableValues.


name: imageTypeValue3SelectableValues, type: String, persistent: no

See imageTypeValue1SelectableValues.


name: imageTypeValue4SelectableValues, type: String, persistent: no

See imageTypeValue1SelectableValues.


name: pixelRepresentationSelectableValues, type: String, persistent: no

See imageTypeValue1SelectableValues.


name: volumetricPropertiesSelectableValues, type: String, persistent: no

See imageTypeValue1SelectableValues.


name: volumeBasedCalculationTechniqueSelectableValues, type: String, persistent: no

See imageTypeValue1SelectableValues.