
The MultiFileVolumeListWaveformOutput is a derived version of the MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput module to provide an additional information output about waveform DICOM volumes by the DirectDicomImport module. It operates similar to the MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput module. See also the documentations of the modules DirectDicomImportRTOutput, MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput, MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput, DirectDicomImportSROutput, and DirectDicomImport for further information.

For all parameters not documented here refer to the documentation of module MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: inputAccessConnector, type: MLBase

If Use Base Input is enabled then the volume is read from the DirectDicomImport module connected to the base input; otherwise the cache file specified in Cache File Path is read.

see also MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput.inputAccessConnector


name: inputMessageFilterPlugin, type: MLBase

A connector for message filter to suppress log messages in DirectDicomImport and/or modules derived from MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput. See DicomConfigurableMessageFilter for a connectible module.

Output Fields


name: outXMarkerList, type: MLBase

The waveform data is provided as a list of XMarkers for further processing.


name: outputCurveList, type: MLBase

The waveform data is provided as a CurveList Base object for further processing. This output typically can be connected to a Diagram or ExtDiagram module for displaying the waveform data.


name: outputAccessConnector, type: MLBase

see MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput.outputAccessConnector

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Annotate: Bool issues: String Suspend: Trigger
Auto Load Result Cache: Bool Load Result Cache: Trigger Tag Dump: String
Cache File Path: String Num shown binary bytes: Integer Tag Dump Size: Integer
Curve Translation YScale: Double Num Volumes: Integer updateBaseOutputInformationDone: Trigger
Dump Private Tag Values: Bool Play: Trigger updateWaveformOutputInformationDone: Trigger
Filter: String Resume: Trigger Use Base Input: Bool
Info: String Stacking Mode: Enum Volume Index: Integer
isAudioDICOM: Bool Stop: Trigger Volume Info Dump: String

Visible Fields

Use Base Input

name: useBaseInput, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled the the volume is read from the DirectDicomImport module connected to the base input; otherwise the specified cache file is read.

see also MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput.useBaseInput

Load Result Cache

name: loadResultCache, type: Trigger

Loads a volume list from cached result volume.

see also MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput.loadResultCache

Auto Load Result Cache

name: autoLoadResultCache, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If enabled then the cache file is loaded automatically from file.

Cache File Path

name: cacheFilePath, type: String

File containing a list of cached image volumes.

see also MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput.cacheFilePath

Volume Index

name: outVolIdx, type: Integer, default: 0, minimum: -1

This read-only field shows the index of the volume currently selected in the volume list.

see also MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput.outVolIdx

Num Volumes

name: numVolumes, type: Integer, default: 0

This read-only field shows number of available volumes.

see also MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput.numVolumes

Volume Info Dump

name: volumeInfoDump, type: String, persistent: no

Shows a collection of available information about the currently selected volume.

see also MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput.volumeInfoDump

Tag Dump Size

name: tagDumpSize, type: Integer, default: 10000

This is the maximum number of characters allowed for the dump of DICOM tags.

see also MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput.tagDumpSize

Dump Private Tag Values

name: dumpPrivateTagValues, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If this flag is enabled then the tag dump also shows content of private tags if they can be decoded with currently registered private tag decoders. Otherwise only the normally shown tags are displayed. Note that decoders for private tags might be less stable than normal tag dump functionality.

see also MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput.dumpPrivateTagValues

Num shown binary bytes

name: numShownBinaryEntries, type: Integer, default: 8

Number of shown entries of binary tags.

see also MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput.numShownBinaryEntries


name: annotate, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If enabled then tags are annotated with further descriptive information such as possible types (1=Mandatory, 1C=Conditionally Mandatory, 2=Mandatory, may have zero or one item, 2C=Conditionally Mandatory, but may be empty, 3=Optional) and possible meanings of the tag. Note that no context analysis is performed for that information and therefore all possible and perhaps redundant meanings are shown.

see also MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput.annotate


name: regExLineFilter, type: String

If not empty then the regular expression is used to filter all lines of the tag dump. Examples:

Expression Description
.* Matches all paths.
.*logo.* Matches anything containing ‘logo’ (case sensitive)
.*[lL][oO][gG][oO].* Matches anything containing ‘logo’ (case insensitive)
.*.[jJ][pP][gG] Matches anything ending with .jpg where jpg is case insensitive.
.*.JPG|.*.jpg Matches all paths ending with either ‘.jpg’ or with ‘.JPG’.
.*d.* Matches all paths containing at least one digit.
.*[[:digit:]].* Same as above.
.*[[:xdigit:]].* Matches all paths containing at least one hexadecimal digit.
.*l.* Matches all paths containing at least one lower case character.
.*[[:lower:]].* Same as above.
.*u.* Matches all paths containing at least one upper case character.
.*[[:upper:]].* Same as above.
.*s.* Matches all paths containing at least one white space character.
.*[[:space:]].* Same as above.
.*[[:blank:]].* Matches all paths containing at least one non-line-separating whitespace.
.*[[:word:]].* Matches all paths containing at least one word character (alphanumeric characters plus the underscore).
.*[[:w:]].* Same as above.
.*[[:graph:]].* Matches all paths containing at least one graphical character.
.*[5-7].* Matches all paths containing at least one of the digits 5, 6 or 7.

see also MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput.regExLineFilter

Tag Dump

name: tagDump, type: String, persistent: no

Shows the DICOM tag list of currently selected volume (the dump will be clamped to ‘Tag Dump Size’ characters if necessary).

see also MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput.tagDump


name: info, type: String, persistent: no

Shows status information about the loaded DICOM file if there is any.

Stacking Mode

name: stackingMode, type: Enum, default: Stack

How curves are drawn, as a stack or overlapping.


Title Name Description
Overlap Overlap This leaves all waveform values unchanged which typically causes that - when drawing the curves - curves with similar values are drawn at the same position. this is useful to compare different curves.
Stack Stack When drawing the curves they are shown non overlapping, starting with first curve at the bottom, last curve at the top. This is done by increasing the y-values in all curves but the first one by a vertical shift. WARNING: This modifies the waveform values read from the DICOM file!

Curve Translation YScale

name: curveTranslationYScale, type: Double, default: 0.1

Scale factor which determines the vertical shift between one curve and its previous one.


name: play, type: Trigger

Experimental: Plays audio DICOM data (insensitive if DICOM file has no Audio modality).


name: suspend, type: Trigger

Experimental: Stops sound playing temporarily (insensitive if DICOM file has no Audio modality).


name: resume, type: Trigger

Experimental: Continue audio playing or start play if still not started (insensitive if DICOM file has no Audio modality).


name: stop, type: Trigger

Experimental: Stops sound playing of DICOM data (insensitive if DICOM file has no Audio modality).

Hidden Fields


name: issues, type: String

see MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput.issues


name: updateBaseOutputInformationDone, type: Trigger

Field which is touched after the completion of updates of all fields belonging to the same class type this field belongs to. Note that derived classes may update their fields later.

see also MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput.updateBaseOutputInformationDone


name: isAudioDICOM, type: Bool, default: FALSE

This flag indicates that the currently selected volume has a DICOM modality AU (audio). It is used to make other user interface fields sensitive or insensitive, but can also be used for other audio dependent selections.


name: updateWaveformOutputInformationDone, type: Trigger

Field which is touched after the completion of updates of all fields belonging to the same class type this field belongs to. Note that derived classes may update their fields later.