Project global and OS specific declarations.
DLL export macro definition.
A collection of some tool functions loading files with modules or other backends.
Registration in the ML runtime type system, ML_ABSTRACT_ROOT_CLASS_SOURCE is in ModuleLoadersBackends...
virtual ~CoreModuleLoaderBackendInterface()
Virtual destructor to make derived versions correctly deleted.
virtual void destroyMLImageFormatFileReaderInstance(MLImageFormat *&instance)=0
No-operation call if instance is nullptr, otherwise the MLImageFormat instance will be deleted and re...
virtual void getDCMTreeFromMLImageFile(const std::string &mlImageFileName, DCMTree::Const_TreePtr &treePtr, size_t &numVols, MLErrorCode &fileLoadError, MLErrorCode &treeExtractError)=0
Loads a Const_TreePtr from a valid .mlimage file given by the absolute file path fileName if possible...
virtual MLErrorCode loadWithImgFileLoader(const std::string &pageFileName, SubImage &outSubImg, const ImageVector &corrOffset, MLint dcmTiffExtZ, const bool isDCMTiff, bool loadFullImage=false)=0
Reads overlapping regions of the file pageFileName into outSubImg with the MFL interface.
virtual std::string getPreferredLoader(const std::string &fileName)=0
If it is possible to derive a preferred loader from the given fileName then the name of the loader is...
virtual MLErrorCode saveSubImgInFile(const SubImage &srcSubImg, const std::string &outFileName)=0
Write first 2D slice from srcSubImg in the file with name outFileName.
virtual MLErrorCode createAndSaveThumbNail(PagedImage &srcImg, const std::string &outFile, MLint ext, bool useMiddleSlice=true, bool buildNoPreviewImageOnInvalidImage=false)=0
Create a thumbnail with extent of extX * extY pixels from the ML image given with srcImg and writes i...
virtual MLErrorCode loadWithMLItkImageFileReader(const std::string &pageFileName, SubImage &outSubImg, const ImageVector &corrOffset, MLDataType fileDataType, Module **loader, DCMTree::Const_TreePtr constTreePtr, bool dstIsRGB, std::string *metaDataDump=nullptr, bool loadFullImage=false, size_t itkLoadDim=3, bool hideErrorPosts=false, const SubImageBox &expectedImageExtent=SubImageBox())=0
Reads overlapping regions of the file pageFileName into outSubImg with the ML itkImageFileReader.
virtual MLErrorCode loadWithMLImageFormat(const std::string &pageFileName, SubImage &outSubImg, const ImageVector &corrOffset, MLImageFormat **loader, bool loadFullImage=false)=0
Reads overlapping regions of the file pageFileName into outSubImg with the MLImageFileFormat.
virtual MLErrorCode saveAsMLImageFormat(PagedImage &imgToSave, const std::string &outFileName, const std::string &mliCompress, bool updateMinMaxAfterSave)=0
Save the ML PagedImage given by the output of the ddiOutput as .mlimage file with the compression giv...
virtual std::string getImagePropertiesWithImgFileReader(const std::string &fileName, PagedImage &pImgProps, std::string &fileFormat)=0
If possible then retrieve pImgProps from file fileName by using ImgFileReader::open_ImageFile and Img...
virtual MLErrorCode checkOrCreateReusableModule(const std::string &dllName, const std::string &moduleName, const std::vector< std::string > &expectedFields, Module **module, Module **moduleToUse)=0
If module is non nullptr then it is checked for the name moduleName and whether it contains all field...
virtual MLErrorCode loadWithHistoLoad(const std::string &fileName, SubImage &outSubImg, const ImageVector &corrOffset, Module **loaderToCreate, bool loadFullImage, PagedImage *pagedImg=nullptr, MLint level=0)=0
Reads overlapping regions of the file pageFileName into outSubImg with the ML itkImageFileReader.
virtual MLErrorCode getImagePropertiesWithMLImageFormatReader(const std::string &fileName, PagedImage &pImgProps)=0
If possible then retrieve pImgProps from file fileName by using an MLImageFormat and ML_RESULT_OK is ...
Base class for an image processing module of the ML.
Class which represents an image, which manages properties of an image and image data which is located...
This class manages/represents a rectangular 6d image region which is organized linearly in memory.
MLint32 MLDataType
MLint32 MLErrorCode
Type of an ML Error code.
Target mlrange_cast(Source arg)
Generic version of checked ML casts.
MLint64 MLint
A signed ML integer type with at least 64 bits used for index calculations on very large images even ...
boost::shared_ptr< const Tree > Const_TreePtr