MeVisLab Toolbox Reference
Go to the documentation of this file.
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3 ** Copyright 2007, MeVis Medical Solutions AG
4 **
5 ** The user may use this file in accordance with the license agreement provided with
6 ** the Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in a
7 ** written agreement between the user and MeVis Medical Solutions AG.
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13 #ifndef ML_GRAPH_H
14 #define ML_GRAPH_H
21 // Include dll-specific settings.
22 #include "mlVesselGraphSystem.h"
24 #include "VesselGraphTypes.h"
26 // ThirdParty/System includes
28 #include <boost/iterator/transform_iterator.hpp>
29 #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
30 #include <boost/function.hpp>
31 #include <map>
34 // MLVesselGraph includes
37 // Be sure that all your modules are part of the ml. So collisions
38 // with names in system files or other libraries are minimized.
41 // Forward-declarations
42 class GraphAction;
43 class VesselEdge;
44 class VesselNode;
63 class VESSELGRAPH_EXPORT Graph : public Base
64 {
66 friend class GraphAnalyser;
67 friend class SaveTreeData;
68 friend class LoadTreeData;
69 public:
73  enum {node,edge};
75  //----------------------------------------------------------
78  //----------------------------------------------------------
80  Graph();
83  Graph( const Graph& g, bool reorder=false );
86  Graph( const Graph& g, const VesselNode* root, bool reorder=false );
89  Graph( const Graph& g, const std::vector<const VesselNode*> &roots, bool reorder=false );
92  Graph( Graph& g, int clusterId, bool reorder=false);
96  Graph* deepCopy() const { return new Graph(*this); };
97 #else
98  Graph* deepCopy() const override { return new Graph(*this); };
99 #endif
102  ~Graph() override;
105  //---------------------------------------------------------
108  //---------------------------------------------------------
111  VesselEdge* createEdge(VesselNode* predNode, VesselNode* succNode, MLint useId=-1);
113  VesselEdge* createEdge(MLint predNodeId, MLint succNodeId, MLint useId=-1);
116  VesselNode* createNode(const Vector3& pos=Vector3(0), MLint useId=-1);
118  VesselNode* createNode(const ImageVector& pos, MLint useId=-1) { return this->createNode(Vector3(static_cast<MLdouble>(pos.x), static_cast<MLdouble>(pos.y), static_cast<MLdouble>(pos.z)), useId); };
121  void insertRoot(VesselNode* node);
126  //---------------------------------------------------------
129  //---------------------------------------------------------
132  void addGraph(const Graph& g) {
133  std::map<const VesselNode*, VesselNode*> nodeMapping;
134  std::map<const VesselEdge*, VesselEdge*> edgeMapping;
135  std::map<const VesselNode*, VesselNode*> rootMapping;
136  this->addGraph(g, nodeMapping, edgeMapping, rootMapping);
137  }
142  void addGraph(const Graph& g, std::map<const VesselNode*, VesselNode*>& nodeMapping, std::map<const VesselEdge*, VesselEdge*>& edgeMapping, std::map<const VesselNode*, VesselNode*>& rootMapping);
145  void addSubtrees(const std::vector<const VesselNode*>& roots);
149  void copyParts(const std::vector<const VesselNode*>& nodes, const std::vector<const VesselEdge*>& edges, const std::vector<const VesselNode*>& roots) {
150  std::map<const VesselNode*, VesselNode*> nodeMapping;
151  std::map<const VesselEdge*, VesselEdge*> edgeMapping;
152  std::map<const VesselNode*, VesselNode*> rootMapping;
153  this->copyParts(nodes, edges, roots, nodeMapping, edgeMapping, rootMapping);
154  }
159  void copyParts(const std::vector<const VesselNode*>& nodes, const std::vector<const VesselEdge*>& edges, const std::vector<const VesselNode*>& roots, std::map<const VesselNode*, VesselNode*>& nodeMapping, std::map<const VesselEdge*, VesselEdge*>& edgeMapping, std::map<const VesselNode*, VesselNode*>& rootMapping);
163  //--------------------------------------------------------
166  //--------------------------------------------------------
168  bool removeEdge(VesselEdge* edge, bool removeEmptyNodes=true);
170  bool removeNode(VesselNode* node);
174  void clearRoots();
176  void clearGraph();
181  typedef std::map<MLint, VesselNode*> NodeMap;
183  typedef boost::function< VesselNode* (const NodeMap::value_type &) > NodeAccess;
185  typedef boost::function< const VesselNode* (const NodeMap::value_type &) > ConstNodeAccess;
187  typedef boost::transform_iterator<NodeAccess, NodeMap::iterator> NodeIterator;
189  typedef boost::transform_iterator<ConstNodeAccess, NodeMap::const_iterator> ConstNodeIterator;
192  typedef std::map<MLint, VesselEdge*> EdgeMap;
194  typedef boost::function< VesselEdge* (const EdgeMap::value_type &) > EdgeAccess;
196  typedef boost::function< const VesselEdge* (const EdgeMap::value_type &) > ConstEdgeAccess;
198  typedef boost::transform_iterator<EdgeAccess, EdgeMap::iterator> EdgeIterator;
200  typedef boost::transform_iterator<ConstEdgeAccess, EdgeMap::const_iterator> ConstEdgeIterator;
202  //---------------------------------------------------------
205  //--------------------------------------------------------
208  NodeIterator beginNode() { return boost::make_transform_iterator( _nodes.begin(), &getSecond< VesselNode*, NodeMap::value_type > ); }
210  NodeIterator endNode () { return boost::make_transform_iterator( _nodes.end(), &getSecond< VesselNode*, NodeMap::value_type > ); }
213  ConstNodeIterator beginNode() const { return boost::make_transform_iterator( _nodes.begin(), &getSecond< const VesselNode*, NodeMap::value_type > ); }
215  ConstNodeIterator endNode () const { return boost::make_transform_iterator( _nodes.end(), &getSecond< const VesselNode*, NodeMap::value_type > ); }
218  EdgeIterator beginEdge() { return boost::make_transform_iterator( _edges.begin(), &getSecond< VesselEdge*, EdgeMap::value_type > ); }
220  EdgeIterator endEdge () { return boost::make_transform_iterator( _edges.end(), &getSecond< VesselEdge*, EdgeMap::value_type > ); }
223  ConstEdgeIterator beginEdge() const { return boost::make_transform_iterator( _edges.begin(), &getSecond< const VesselEdge*, EdgeMap::value_type > ); }
225  ConstEdgeIterator endEdge () const { return boost::make_transform_iterator( _edges.end(), &getSecond< const VesselEdge*, EdgeMap::value_type > ); }
228  NodeIterator beginRoot() { return boost::make_transform_iterator( _roots.begin(), &getSecond< VesselNode*, NodeMap::value_type > ); }
230  NodeIterator endRoot () { return boost::make_transform_iterator( _roots.end(), &getSecond< VesselNode*, NodeMap::value_type > ); }
233  ConstNodeIterator beginRoot() const { return boost::make_transform_iterator( _roots.begin(), &getSecond< const VesselNode*, NodeMap::value_type > ); }
235  ConstNodeIterator endRoot () const { return boost::make_transform_iterator( _roots.end(), &getSecond< const VesselNode*, NodeMap::value_type > ); }
238  size_t numNodes() const {return _nodes.size();};
240  size_t numEdges() const {return _edges.size();};
242  size_t numRoots() const {return _roots.size();};
245  const VesselNode* getIdNode(MLint id) const;
249  const VesselEdge* getIdEdge(MLint id) const;
254  const VesselNode* getNode(Vector3 pos) const;
258  const VesselEdge* getEdge(Vector3 pos) const;
262  const VesselNode* getRoot(Vector3 pos) const;
268  const VesselNode* getNode(size_t index) const;
271  VesselNode* getNode(size_t index);
275  const VesselEdge* getEdge(size_t index) const;
278  VesselEdge* getEdge(size_t index);
282  const VesselNode* getRoot(size_t index) const;
285  VesselNode* getRoot(size_t index);
288  size_t getIndex(const VesselNode* node) const;
290  size_t getIndex(const VesselEdge* edge) const;
297  PropertyManager::Pointer getNodePropertyManager() { return _nodePropertyManager; }
298  PropertyManager::ConstPointer getNodePropertyManager() const { return _nodePropertyManager; }
301  PropertyManager::Pointer getEdgePropertyManager() { return _edgePropertyManager; }
302  PropertyManager::ConstPointer getEdgePropertyManager() const { return _edgePropertyManager; }
305  PropertyManager::Pointer getSkeletonPropertyManager() { return _skeletonPropertyManager; }
306  PropertyManager::ConstPointer getSkeletonPropertyManager() const { return _skeletonPropertyManager; }
309  //---------------------------------------------------------
312  //---------------------------------------------------------
313  void transform(const Matrix4& m);
316  void setToWorldMatrix(const Matrix4 *m);
318  void setToWorldMatrix(const Matrix4 &m);
320  const Matrix4 *getToWorldMatrix() const;
322  void getToWorldMatrix(float *mat) const;
327  void setToWorld(void) {_isWorld=true;}
329  void setToVoxel(void) {_isWorld=false;}
331  bool isWorld() const {return _isWorld;}
336  void convertToVoxel(void);
339  void convertToWorld(void);
342  void setImgExt(ImageVector v) {_imgExt = v;}
343  ImageVector getImgExt() const {return _imgExt;}
344  MLint extX() const {return _imgExt.x;}
345  MLint extY() const {return _imgExt.y;}
346  MLint extZ() const {return _imgExt.z;}
348  void setVoxelExt(Vector3 v) {_voxelExt = v;}
349  Vector3 getVoxelExt() const {return _voxelExt;}
355  MLint splitEdge (MLint edgeID, size_t skeletonIndex);
356  bool mergeEdges(VesselEdge* parent, VesselEdge* child);
358  //--------------------------------------------------------
361  //--------------------------------------------------------
363  Graph &operator = (const Graph& g);
365  Graph *newGraph(bool unusedDeprecated=true) const;
368  //---------------------------------------------------------
371  //---------------------------------------------------------
396  bool directGraph(double FloodThresh);
403  void stripCycles();
406  //------------------------------------------------------
409  //------------------------------------------------------
411  SubImageBoxd getBoundingBox() const;
414 protected:
415  template <typename ResultType, typename ParameterType>
416  static ResultType getSecond(const ParameterType& p) { return p.second; }
419  bool _isWorld;
428  std::map<MLint, VesselNode*> _nodes;
429  std::map<MLint, VesselEdge*> _edges;
430  std::map<MLint, VesselNode*> _roots;
432 private:
433  PropertyManager::Pointer _nodePropertyManager;
434  PropertyManager::Pointer _edgePropertyManager;
435  PropertyManager::Pointer _skeletonPropertyManager;
437  MLint nextNodeId() { return _nodes.empty() ? 1 : _nodes.rbegin()->first + 1; };
438  MLint nextEdgeId() { return _edges.empty() ? 1 : _edges.rbegin()->first + 1; };
439  MLint nextRootId() { return _roots.empty() ? 1 : _roots.rbegin()->first + 1; };
443  void reorderItems();
445 public:
449  NoAction =0, // Not changed.
450  LabelGraph, // Skeleton label values changed.
451  EditGraph, // Skeleton label colors changed.
452  ModifyRoots, // Roots modified: graph is redirected
453  ModifyNodesEdges, // Remove/Insert edges, insert nodes
454  NewGraph, // Everything new
455  NumActionTypes //
456  };
458  int getNumCluster() const { return _numCluster; }
460  bool getFlag() const { return _bFlag;}
461  void setFlag(bool bFlag) { _bFlag = bFlag;}
467  void clampToImage();
469  //-------------------------------------------------------
472  //-------------------------------------------------------
475  void addStateToTree(TreeNode* parent) const override;
479  void readStateFromTree(TreeNode* parent) override;
483  int getVersion( void ) { return _version; }
485  void setCurrentVersion( void ) { _version = getAddStateVersion(); }
487  void setVersion( int version ) { _version = version; }
490  bool getUseBinaryPersistence() { return _useBinaryPersistence; }
496  void useBinaryPersistence(bool use) { _useBinaryPersistence = use; }
499  std::string toBinaryData() const;
501  void fromBinaryData(const std::string &data);
512  void purifyGraph();
515  //------------------------------------------------------
518  //------------------------------------------------------
519  void setAction( ActionType action, std::string sender );
521  void setActionValue( ActionType action );
525  //-----------------------------------------------------------
529  static double getMinSkeletonLabel( void ) { return MIN_SKELETON_LABEL; }
530  static double getMaxSkeletonLabel( void ) { return MAX_SKELETON_LABEL; }
533 #if ML_DEPRECATED_SINCE(3,5,0)
534  ML_DEPRECATED static Graph* skeletonGraphFromBase( Base* a_base );
535 #endif
537 protected:
539  bool _bFlag;
546  //------------------------------------------------------
549  //------------------------------------------------------
556  void _setRootIdToChildren(int rootId, VesselNode* node, VesselEdge* predEdge);
558  //-----------------------------------------------------------
562  static double MIN_SKELETON_LABEL;
563  static double MAX_SKELETON_LABEL;
566  bool _isContainedInImageExtent(const Vector3& pos, const Matrix4& toVoxelMatrix);
568 private:
571  int _version;
573  bool _useBinaryPersistence;
577 };
582 #endif
Definition: CSOGroup.h:371
Defines the GraphAction class.
Definition: mlGraphAction.h:28
— Class GraphAnalyser
Defines the basic Graph class which holds sets of nodes, edges and roots to model tubular structures ...
Definition: mlGraph.h:64
VesselEdge * getEdge(size_t index)
Get edge via index position.
bool getFlag() const
Definition: mlGraph.h:460
Graph(const Graph &g, const std::vector< const VesselNode * > &roots, bool reorder=false)
Construct graph from trees in g.
void closeSkeletonGaps()
Closes gaps in the skeletons between the first or last skeleton of a VesselEdge and the closest node.
VesselNode * getNode(Vector3 pos)
Get the node with minimal distance to \cpos. Uses method distance() of node classes.
VesselEdge * createEdge(VesselNode *predNode, VesselNode *succNode, MLint useId=-1)
Create a VesselEdge with unique id, add it to the Graph and Nodes and return a pointer to it.
ConstNodeIterator beginNode() const
Provide const iterator access to the begin of the node map.
Definition: mlGraph.h:213
size_t numEdges() const
Returns the number edges in this graph.
Definition: mlGraph.h:240
bool mergeEdges(VesselEdge *parent, VesselEdge *child)
void fromBinaryData(const std::string &data)
Reconstructs the graph using the binary data.
std::map< MLint, VesselNode * > _roots
Definition: mlGraph.h:430
void worldVoxelConvert()
Convert all graph coordinates from the current coordinate system to the opposite.
const VesselNode * getNode(Vector3 pos) const
Get the node with minimal distance to \cpos. Uses method distance() of node classes.
bool isWorld() const
Return whether element coordinates are given in voxel or world coordinates.
Definition: mlGraph.h:331
ActionType getActionValue(void) const
void purifyGraph()
Removes orphan nodes and unsets false cyclic edges (edges with a leaf node that are marked as cyclic)...
MLint splitEdge(MLint edgeID, size_t skeletonIndex)
Splits edge with id edgeID at skeleton index skeletonIndex and returns the ID of the additionally cre...
void setToWorldMatrix(const Matrix4 *m)
Set the conversion matrix for conversions from voxel to world coordinate.
void addGraph(const Graph &g)
Add an entire graph to the current graph.
Definition: mlGraph.h:132
VesselNode * createNode(const Vector3 &pos=Vector3(0), MLint useId=-1)
Create a VesselNode with unique id, add it to the Graph and return a pointer to it.
Graph(Graph &g, int clusterId, bool reorder=false)
Construct graph from subgraph of g, defined by clusterId in g.
Matrix4 _toWorldMatrix
Matrix transform to get from voxel to world coordinates.
Definition: mlGraph.h:421
void setVersion(int version)
Set version.
Definition: mlGraph.h:487
std::map< MLint, VesselNode * > _nodes
Maps of graph items.
Definition: mlGraph.h:428
void setAction(ActionType action, std::string sender)
boost::transform_iterator< NodeAccess, NodeMap::iterator > NodeIterator
Iterator used to traverse nodes in a node map (returns data elements of the map instead of tuples).
Definition: mlGraph.h:187
ActionType _action
Definition: mlGraph.h:550
PropertyManager::ConstPointer getEdgePropertyManager() const
Definition: mlGraph.h:302
void removeOrphanNodes()
Remove nodes with no edges attached.
const VesselNode * getRoot(Vector3 pos) const
Get the root node with minimal distance to \cpos.
void getToWorldMatrix(float *mat) const
Get the conversion matrix for conversions from voxel to world coordinate.
PropertyManager::Pointer getEdgePropertyManager()
Get access to the GraphPropertyManager for edges.
Definition: mlGraph.h:301
void clearRoots()
Remove all roots that have been defined.
void setActionCallBack(GraphAction *cbObj)
void insertRoot(VesselNode *node)
Insert a node to the list of root nodes.
PropertyManager::ConstPointer getSkeletonPropertyManager() const
Definition: mlGraph.h:306
Graph(const Graph &g, bool reorder=false)
Default copy constructor.
bool _isWorld
Is the graph in world coordinates? Default is true.
Definition: mlGraph.h:419
int getVersion(void)
Get graph's version.
Definition: mlGraph.h:483
ImageVector _imgExt
Extension of the image the graph is compiled from.
Definition: mlGraph.h:423
const VesselEdge * getEdge(Vector3 pos) const
Get the edge with minimal distance to \cpos. Uses method distance() of edge classes.
int getNumCluster() const
Definition: mlGraph.h:458
void stripCycles()
Strip cyclic edges from the graph.
void addGraph(const Graph &g, std::map< const VesselNode *, VesselNode * > &nodeMapping, std::map< const VesselEdge *, VesselEdge * > &edgeMapping, std::map< const VesselNode *, VesselNode * > &rootMapping)
Add an entire graph to this graph.
NodeIterator beginNode()
Provide iterator access to the begin of the node map.
Definition: mlGraph.h:208
void setVoxelExt(Vector3 v)
Definition: mlGraph.h:348
NodeIterator beginRoot()
Provide iterator access to the begin of the root map.
Definition: mlGraph.h:228
void transform(const Matrix4 &m)
VesselEdge * getIdEdge(MLint id)
Get edge with id id.
VesselEdge * getEdge(Vector3 pos)
Get the edge with minimal distance to \cpos. Uses method distance() of edge classes.
Graph(const Graph &g, const VesselNode *root, bool reorder=false)
Construct graph from tree in g.
void setImgExt(ImageVector v)
Definition: mlGraph.h:342
size_t getIndex(const VesselEdge *edge) const
Return the index of VesselEdge edge in the edgeMap or numEdges() if edge was not found.
Vector3 _voxelExt
Extension of a voxel of the image the graph is compiled from.
Definition: mlGraph.h:425
Vector3 getVoxelExt() const
Definition: mlGraph.h:349
static double MIN_SKELETON_LABEL
Definition: mlGraph.h:562
boost::function< const VesselNode *(const NodeMap::value_type &) > ConstNodeAccess
Helper function returning the VesselNode as const from a key/value pair of a NodeMap.
Definition: mlGraph.h:185
Graph * deepCopy() const override
Implement generic deepCopy functionality using copy constructor.
Definition: mlGraph.h:98
std::map< MLint, VesselEdge * > EdgeMap
Internal edge storage.
Definition: mlGraph.h:192
EdgeIterator beginEdge()
Provide iterator access to the begin of the edge map.
Definition: mlGraph.h:218
MLint extZ() const
Definition: mlGraph.h:346
void clampToImage()
NodeIterator endNode()
Provide iterator access to the end of the node map.
Definition: mlGraph.h:210
boost::function< VesselEdge *(const EdgeMap::value_type &) > EdgeAccess
Helper function returning the VesselEdge from a key/value pair of a EdgeMap.
Definition: mlGraph.h:194
ImageVector getImgExt() const
Definition: mlGraph.h:343
const VesselNode * getNode(size_t index) const
Get node via index position.
void setToWorld(void)
Define all element coordinates to be in world coordinates (no conversion takes place).
Definition: mlGraph.h:327
Graph * newGraph(bool unusedDeprecated=true) const
Allocate new graph with same properties as this (slowly).
SubImageBoxd getBoundingBox() const
Calculate graph's bounding box from edge-bounding-boxes.
Set current addStateToTree() version number:
ConstEdgeIterator endEdge() const
Provide const iterator access to the end of the edge map.
Definition: mlGraph.h:225
bool directGraph(double FloodThresh)
Build a rooted, directed graph.
void setCurrentVersion(void)
Set graph's version to persistent version number.
Definition: mlGraph.h:485
ConstEdgeIterator beginEdge() const
Provide const iterator access to the begin of the edge map.
Definition: mlGraph.h:223
VesselNode * getRoot(size_t index)
Get root via index position.
static double getMinSkeletonLabel(void)
Definition: mlGraph.h:529
int separateGraph()
Separate graph into clusters of connected edges.
boost::function< VesselNode *(const NodeMap::value_type &) > NodeAccess
Helper function returning the VesselNode from a key/value pair of a NodeMap.
Definition: mlGraph.h:183
bool removeNode(VesselNode *node)
Remove a node from the graph.
void setRootIdToAllChildren()
Descends recursively from all roots to the leaves in the trees and sets the rootId of the according r...
bool _isContainedInImageExtent(const Vector3 &pos, const Matrix4 &toVoxelMatrix)
MLint extX() const
Definition: mlGraph.h:344
MLint extY() const
Definition: mlGraph.h:345
void convertToWorld(void)
Convert all coordinates to world coordinates.
NodeIterator endRoot()
Provide iterator access to the end of the root map.
Definition: mlGraph.h:230
VesselEdge * createEdge(MLint predNodeId, MLint succNodeId, MLint useId=-1)
Create a VesselEdge with unique id, add it to the Graph and Nodes identified by the respective IDs an...
GraphAction * _actionCBObject
Definition: mlGraph.h:551
void removeRoot(VesselNode *r)
Remove a root from the graph.
VesselNode * getRoot(Vector3 pos)
Get the root node with minimal distance to \cpos.
Graph modification modes. Ordered from minor to mayor modifications.
Definition: mlGraph.h:448
@ EditGraph
Definition: mlGraph.h:451
@ ModifyRoots
Definition: mlGraph.h:452
@ LabelGraph
Definition: mlGraph.h:450
@ ModifyNodesEdges
Definition: mlGraph.h:453
@ NewGraph
Definition: mlGraph.h:454
~Graph() override
boost::transform_iterator< ConstEdgeAccess, EdgeMap::const_iterator > ConstEdgeIterator
Iterator used to traverse const edges in a edge map (returns data elements of the map instead of tupl...
Definition: mlGraph.h:200
const VesselEdge * getIdEdge(MLint id) const
Get edge with id id.
static double getMaxSkeletonLabel(void)
Definition: mlGraph.h:530
const VesselNode * getIdNode(MLint id) const
Get node with id id;.
void readStateFromTree(TreeNode *parent) override
Reads the object state from the children of the given parent node.
bool getUseBinaryPersistence()
Definition: mlGraph.h:490
const VesselEdge * getEdge(size_t index) const
Get edge via index position.
VesselNode * createNode(const ImageVector &pos, MLint useId=-1)
Create a VesselNode with unique id, add it to the Graph and return a pointer to it.
Definition: mlGraph.h:118
boost::function< const VesselEdge *(const EdgeMap::value_type &) > ConstEdgeAccess
Helper function returning the VesselEdge as const from a key/value pair of a EdgeMap.
Definition: mlGraph.h:196
void addSubtrees(const std::vector< const VesselNode * > &roots)
Add subtrees rooted at nodes roots to this graph.
void _setRootIdToChildren(int rootId, VesselNode *node, VesselEdge *predEdge)
Sets the given root id to the given node and its child edges and calls itself recursively until the n...
void setFlag(bool bFlag)
Definition: mlGraph.h:461
void setToVoxel(void)
Define all element coordinates to be in voxels coordinates (no conversion takes place).
Definition: mlGraph.h:329
PropertyManager::Pointer getNodePropertyManager()
Definition: mlGraph.h:297
ConstNodeIterator beginRoot() const
Provide const iterator access to the begin of the root map.
Definition: mlGraph.h:233
const Matrix4 * getToWorldMatrix() const
Get the conversion matrix for conversions from voxel to world coordinate.
void useBinaryPersistence(bool use)
Set whether to use binary persistence instead of textual representation (text being the default).
Definition: mlGraph.h:496
size_t numNodes() const
Returns the number nodes in this graph.
Definition: mlGraph.h:238
Matrix4 getToVoxelMatrix() const
Get the conversion matrix for conversions from world to voxel coordinate.
void copyParts(const std::vector< const VesselNode * > &nodes, const std::vector< const VesselEdge * > &edges, const std::vector< const VesselNode * > &roots)
Copy a collection of nodes, edges and roots from a different graph to this graph.
Definition: mlGraph.h:149
bool removeEdge(VesselEdge *edge, bool removeEmptyNodes=true)
Remove an edge from the graph.
size_t getIndex(const VesselNode *node) const
Return the index of VesselNode node in the nodeMap or numNodes() if node was not found.
void convertToVoxel(void)
Convert all coordinates to voxel coordinates.
boost::transform_iterator< ConstNodeAccess, NodeMap::const_iterator > ConstNodeIterator
Iterator used to traverse const nodes in a node map (returns data elements of the map instead of tupl...
Definition: mlGraph.h:189
void clearGraph()
Remove all elements from the graph.
void setToWorldMatrix(const Matrix4 &m)
Set the conversion matrix for conversions from voxel to world coordinate.
int _numCluster
Number of non-connected edge-clusters.
Definition: mlGraph.h:543
ConstNodeIterator endNode() const
Provide const iterator access to the end of the node map.
Definition: mlGraph.h:215
std::string toBinaryData() const
Returns string containing binary representation of all data necessary to reconstruct the graph.
static double MAX_SKELETON_LABEL
Definition: mlGraph.h:563
static ResultType getSecond(const ParameterType &p)
Definition: mlGraph.h:416
Default constructor.
void copyParts(const std::vector< const VesselNode * > &nodes, const std::vector< const VesselEdge * > &edges, const std::vector< const VesselNode * > &roots, std::map< const VesselNode *, VesselNode * > &nodeMapping, std::map< const VesselEdge *, VesselEdge * > &edgeMapping, std::map< const VesselNode *, VesselNode * > &rootMapping)
Copy a collection of nodes, edges and roots from a different graph to this graph.
VesselNode * getIdNode(MLint id)
Get node with id id;.
std::map< MLint, VesselEdge * > _edges
Definition: mlGraph.h:429
boost::transform_iterator< EdgeAccess, EdgeMap::iterator > EdgeIterator
Iterator used to traverse edges in a edge map (returns data elements of the map instead of tuples).
Definition: mlGraph.h:198
std::map< MLint, VesselNode * > NodeMap
Internal node storage.
Definition: mlGraph.h:181
EdgeIterator endEdge()
Provide iterator access to the end of the edge map.
Definition: mlGraph.h:220
VesselNode * getNode(size_t index)
Get node via index position.
size_t numRoots() const
Returns the number roots in this graph.
Definition: mlGraph.h:242
void setActionValue(ActionType action)
void addStateToTree(TreeNode *parent) const override
Overload base-methods: Attaches the object state as children of the given parent node.
ConstNodeIterator endRoot() const
Provide const iterator access to the end of the root map.
Definition: mlGraph.h:235
PropertyManager::ConstPointer getNodePropertyManager() const
Definition: mlGraph.h:298
PropertyManager::Pointer getSkeletonPropertyManager()
Get access to the GraphPropertyManager for skeletons.
Definition: mlGraph.h:305
bool _bFlag
Flag for diverse usage.
Definition: mlGraph.h:539
const VesselNode * getRoot(size_t index) const
Get root via index position.
boost::intrusive_ptr< const type > ConstPointer
boost::intrusive_ptr< type > Pointer
Class VesselEdge.
Definition: mlVesselEdge.h:35
VesselNode is derived from GraphNode, hence it can be stored as node item in a class Graph object.
Definition: mlVesselNode.h:29
#define ML_CLASS_HEADER(className)
Same like ML_CLASS_HEADER_EXPORTED with a non existing export symbol.
double MLdouble
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:223
MLint64 MLint
A signed ML integer type with at least 64 bits used for index calculations on very large images even ...
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:578
Definiert systemspezifische Macros, die f"ur diese DLL gelten sollen.
Tmat4< MLdouble > Matrix4
The standard 4x4 matrix of type double.
Definition: mlMatrix4.h:726
Tvec3< MLdouble > Vector3
A vector with 3 components of type double.
Definition: mlVector3.h:300
TImageVector< MLint > ImageVector
Defines the standard ImageVector type which is used by the ML for indexing and coordinates.