Helper class converting CSO List to RT Structure Set IOD.
The following sequences are added to the input RT Structure Set IOD object:
- Structure Set ROI Sequence (3006,0020). For each input CSOList's CSOGroup (1..i..n, n - number of CSOGroups) an item is added:
- item's ROI Number (3006,0022) is set to i.
- item's ROI Name (3006,0026) is set to CSOGroup's label.
- item's ROI Description (3006,0028) is set to CSOGroup's description.
- ROI Contour Sequence (3006,0039). For each input CSOList's CSOGroup (1..i..n, n - number of CSOGroups) an item0 is added:
- item0's Referenced ROI Number (3006,0084) is set to i.
- item0's ROI Display Color (3006,002A) is set to CSOGroup's path point color.
- Contour Sequence (3006,0040) is added to the item0. For each CSOGroup's CSO (1..j..m, m - number of CSOs) an item1 is added:
- item1's Contour Number (3006,0048) is set to j.
- item1's Contour Geometric Type (3006,0042) is set to:
- POINT if CSO is of CSO_TYPE_POINT sub type.
- CLOSED_PLANAR if CSO is of SUB_TYPE_CLOSED_POLYLINE sub type and is closed.
- OPEN_PLANAR if CSO is of SUB_TYPE_OPEN_POLYLINE sub type, is not closed and is in plane.
- OPEN_NONPLANAR if CSO is of SUB_TYPE_OPEN_POLYLINE sub type, is not closed and is not in plane.
- item1's Number Of Contour Points (3006,0046) is set to CSO's total number of unique path points.
- item1's Contour Data (3006,0050) is set to to coordinates of CSO's path points.
- RT ROI Observations Sequence (3006,0080). For each input CSOList's CSOGroup (1..i..n, n - number of CSOGroups) an item is added:
- item's Observation Number (3006,0082) is set to i.
- item's Referenced ROI Number (3006,0084) is set to i.
- item's RT ROI Interpreted Type (3006,00A4) is set to CSOGroup's user data found under key "RTROIInterpretedType".
- Author
- Grzegorz Chlebus
- Date
- 2014-05-30
Definition in file mlCSOListToRTStructureSetIOD.h.