3.17. Network Mouse Gestures

The Windows version of MeVisLab supports mouse gestures for network interaction.

The use of network gestures can be toggled in the Preferences on the Network Interaction tab: see Section 4.3.8, “Preferences — Network Interaction”.

A mouse gesture is performed by holding the right mouse button down while the cursor is over the network background and moving the mouse. The trail of the mouse during the gesture is rendered on the network for better orientation.

The trail of the mouse gesture is color-coded. If the gesture is not yet recognized, the trail is rendered in yellow; once the gesture is recognized, the color changes.

The trail is cleared on releasing the right mouse button. No context menu is shown in case of having performed a gesture, not even if the gesture has not been recognized.

A gesture can be reset by pressing ESC while still holding the right mouse button down; the trail so far is then cleared as well.

Figure 3.47. Trail of Unrecognized Mouse Gesture

Trail of Unrecognized Mouse Gesture

3.17.1. Gesture for Closing the Current Network

The current network can be closed by a gesture that consists of a stroke down and then a stroke to the right, like drawing the letter “L”. Once the gesture has been recognized by the system, the trail is rendered in green. To complete the command, simply release the right mouse button.

Figure 3.48. Mouse Gesture for Closing the Current Network

Mouse Gesture for Closing the Current Network

3.17.2. Gesture for Closing the Current Network Without Prompt

The current network, which has been changed but not yet saved, can be closed without showing the prompt asking whether the network should be saved by using a gesture that starts like the previous gesture (drawing an “L”) but includes an additional downward stroke at the end. Once the gesture has been recognized by the system, the trail is rendered in blue. To complete the command, simply release the right mouse button.

Figure 3.49. Mouse Gesture for Closing the Current Network Without Prompt

Mouse Gesture for Closing the Current Network Without Prompt