
Runs inference on a ONNX neural network model file via the ONNX Runtime C++ API for voxel processing.


Select an ONNX model file and press update. Then connect to a ApplyTileProcessorPageWise or ApplyTileProcessorPageWise module (see example networks) and connect input images with the required format. Check the parameter info at outTileProcessor for information on the input and output tensors.


Model Config / Meta Data Support

In some situations, it may be desired to store and load additional parameters with the model. This is supported to some degree through the ONNX ModelMetadata one can provide with each model.

You may provide arbitrary key/value meta information through the following format:

parameters: {
  key: "some custom parameter"
  value: {
    string_value: "some custom string value"
parameters: {
  key: "some custom complex parameter provided via JSON"
  value: {
    string_value: "{ \"some string key\": \"some string value\", \"some int key\": 42 }"

Notice the lower example providing a JSON-compatible string (requiring escaping of the quotes (“)) to encode mode complex data structures.

The key/value pair will then be available in the ‘parameter info’ at the module output, which you can inspect in multiple ways, e.g. through the output inspector or with the ParameterInfoInspector, or programmatically via ctx.field( "outTileProcessor" ).object().getParameterInfo() as a python dictionary. If a JSON-compatible string is provided (lower example), the JSON will be parsed and provided as a dictionary.

Inference Tile Properties

A special case of such properties stored as JSON-like strings are the inference_tile_properties, which can be used to propose those TileProcessorProperties required for page-wise processing with ProcessTiles or ApplyTileProcessorPageWise (and also to some degree non-page-wise processing with ApplyTileProcessor).

If a model comes with correct inference tile properties, it can be immediately used for page-wise processing via ProcessTiles, and you will not have to use/adapt a SetTileProcessorProperties or SetTileProcessorPropertiesFromJson for manual adjustment.

Note that inference tile properties are always expected to be stored as a json-compatible string, i.e. any JSON parser problem will result in an error.

This is a working example for adding inference_tile_properties to an existing ONNX model:

import onnx
model = onnx.load( "model.onnx" )

new_meta = model.metadata_props.add()
new_meta.key = "inference_tile_properties"
new_meta.value = "{ \"inputs\": { \"input\": { \"dataType\": \"float32\", \"dimensions\": \"X, Y, CHANNEL1, BATCH\", \"externalDimensionForChannel1\": \"C\", \"externalDimensionForChannel2\": \"U\", \"fillMode\": \"Reflect\", \"fillValue\": 0.0, \"padding\": [8, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0] } }, \"outputs\": { \"scores\": { \"dataType\": \"float32\", \"referenceInput\": \"input\", \"stride\": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], \"tileSize\": [44, 44, 2, 1, 1, 1], \"tileSizeMinimum\": [2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1], \"tileSizeOffset\": [2, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0] } } }"

onnx.save_model( model, "model_with_inference_tile_properties_meta_data.onnx" )

GPU Support

You can configure GPU usage through Force CPU and GPU Device Index. Check Used Execution Provider on which device is actually used. Depending on your operating system and setup, CPU, CUDA or DirectML may be selected (Priority: CUDA > DirectML > CPU).

On Update, the module may log additional info on the execution provider selection to the console. If no GPU is shown although you have one, check the console and the GUI hints in the “GPU Info” section. If within the Fraunhofer MEVIS intranet, you may also refer to https://www.fme.lan/x/36BnB for details.

CPU Multithreading Support

It is possible to set how many CPU threads can be used by a ONNX Runtime (ORT) session. As the ORT version in MeVisLab is built with OpenMP, use the OpenMP env variable (OMP_NUM_THREADS, see https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/cpp/parallel/openmp/reference/openmp-environment-variables?view=msvc-160#omp-num-threads) to control the number of intra op num threads.

IMPORTANT the above env variables need to be set before ONNXTileProcessor is instantiated. These options are effective for all subsequent sessions created within the same process.

For more info see https://github.com/microsoft/onnxruntime/blob/master/docs/ONNX_Runtime_Perf_Tuning.md#thread-management

Model Encryption Support

On top of plain ONNX model files (.onnx), the module can also read encrypted ONNX model files through the MLBinaryEncryption API.

The decryption algorithm (if any) is detected by file extension. For the decryption to work, the decryptor and key DLLs need to be already loaded. In a SDK setup, this is usually no problem.

When building standalone applications, however, MeVisLab has now way of auto-detecting the dependencies on decryption algorithm and key by analyzing your application network. Hence, you need to manually ensure that these are included into your installer. Assuming the encryption algorithm is BinaryEncryption_AES256_GCM and the key library is named ExampleKeyProvider, these are two alternatives to achieve this:

  1. Adding the deployment helper modules (e.g. BinaryEncryption_AES256_GCM and ExampleKeyProvider, assuming you have those) to you application network
  2. Adding dll = MLBinaryEncryption_AES256_GCM and dll = MLExampleKeyProvider (or, if available, the deployment helper modules as above via module = ...) to your application macro’s Deployment section

Models can be encrypted using the module FileEncrypter, if you have this available in your SDK.

Bool Datatype Support

As MeVisLab does not support bool images or subimages (at least not in the same way it supports the other data types), bool is not a supported data type in the TileProcessing framework. However, ONNXTileProcessor supports input tensor of type bool by instead requesting uint8 and casting such an input tensor to bool before providing it to ONNXRuntime for inference.


Default Panel


Output Fields


name: outTileProcessor, type: ONNXTileProcessor(MLBase), deprecated name: outModelConnector,outTileClassifier

Provides a C++ TileProcessor object that talks to the ONNXRuntime backend. Usually to be connected to ProcessTiles or ApplyTileProcessor.

Parameter Fields

Visible Fields


name: update, type: Trigger

Initiates update of all output field values.


name: clear, type: Trigger

Clears all output field values to a clean initial state.

On Input Change Behavior

name: onInputChangeBehavior, type: Enum, default: Clear, deprecated name: shouldAutoUpdate,shouldUpdateAutomatically

Declares how the module should react if a value of an input field changes.


Title Name Deprecated Name
Update Update TRUE
Clear Clear FALSE

Status Code

name: statusCode, type: Enum, persistent: no

Reflects module’s status (successful or failed computations) as one of some predefined enumeration values.


Title Name
Ok Ok
Invalid input object Invalid input object
Invalid input parameter Invalid input parameter
Internal error Internal error

Status Message

name: statusMessage, type: String, persistent: no

Gives additional, detailed information about status code as human-readable message.

Has Valid Output

name: hasValidOutput, type: Bool, persistent: no

Indicates validity of output field values (success of computation).


name: updateDone, type: Trigger, persistent: no

Notifies that an update was performed (Check status interface fields to identify success or failure).

Force CPU

name: inForceCPU, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Force using the CPU even if a GPU is present

GPU Device Index

name: inGPUDeviceIndex, type: Integer, default: 0, minimum: -1

Index of the GPU to use. Choosing -1 is equivalent to enabling Force CPU.

Disable Optimizations

name: inDisableOptimizations, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Disables all graph optimizations by ONNXRuntime. Necessary to use Dropout layers, which would otherwise be removed.

Used Execution Provider

name: outUsedExecutionProvider, type: String, persistent: no, deprecated name: outAvailableGPUCount

OnnxRuntime execution provider used for inference (e.g. CPU, CUDA, DirectML, …). Use Force CPU to force it to ‘CPU’.

ONNX Runtime Version

name: outONNXRuntimeVersion, type: String, persistent: no

Shows the used ONNX Runtime version

Model Path

name: inModelPath, type: String

Path to the ONNX model file (usually a ‘.onnx’ file).

Models encrypted using the FileEncrypter are supported if they have the file extension ‘.enc’.

Hidden Fields


name: doNotClearOnFailedUpdate, type: Bool, persistent: no

Prevents automated clear after update failed. This does not affect status fields. It enables the developer to analyze module’s state after failure.


name: inModelPathExpanded, type: String, persistent: no

Expanded version of Model Path


name: outGPUInfo, type: String, persistent: no

Displays information about GPU usage requirements.