
genre VTKAdapters
author MeVis Medical Solutions AG
package MeVisLab/VTK
dll MLVTKAdapters
definition MLVTKAdapters.def
see also VTKInputInfos, Switch, VTKOutputSelector
keywords filter, vtk, output, select


This module looks for the first appearance of a vtk object of the type given in field Object Type To Bypass and bypasses it to the output connector. It first checks the connected object itself, then, if it is a vtkSource object, it checks the outputs of the vtkSource for an object of the given type, and if still none is found it checks all output ports of vtkAlgorithm object.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: inputvtkObject, type: VTKObjectWrapper(MLBase)

The vtkObject which ( or whose output or output port object) is bypassed if it matches the type given in Object Type To Bypass.

Output Fields


name: outputvtkObject, type: VTKObjectWrapper(MLBase)

The bypassed object of the type given in Object Type To Bypass or NULL if not found.

Parameter Fields

Visible Fields

Object Type To Bypass

name: objectTypeToBypass, type: String, default: vtkObject

Specifies the type of the vtkObject which shall be bypassed to the outputvtkObject if it is connected or found in any of the connected outputs or output ports.