This class is a container for extended image properties derived from ImagePropertyExtension.
ImagePropertyExtension * appendClone(const ImagePropertyExtension &propertyExtension)
Appends a clone of the PropertyExtension object propertyExtension at the end of the container and ret...
ImagePropertyExtensionContainer(const ImagePropertyExtensionContainer &imagePropertyExtensionContainer)
Copy constructor from an existing ImagePropertyExtensionContainer object.
const ImagePropertyExtension * getEntry(size_t position) const
Returns the entry in container at index position (const version).
ImagePropertyExtension * getEntry(size_t position)
Returns the entry in container at index position (non-const version).
void removeEntriesOfType(const RuntimeType *runtimeType)
Removes all entries from the container that are of type runtimeType.
int findFirstEntryOfType(const RuntimeType *runtimeType) const
Searches for the first entry with RuntimeType runtimeType and returns its index.
void clear()
Removes all entries from the container.
bool removeEntry(size_t position)
Erases the entry at the given position from the container and deletes the corresponding PropertyExten...
const ImagePropertyExtension * getFirstEntryOfType(const RuntimeType *runtimeType) const
Returns the first entry in container with runtime type runtimeType (const version).
bool operator!=(const ImagePropertyExtensionContainer &imagePropertyExtensionContainer) const
Returns true if *this and \ imagePropertyExtensionContainer are not identical; otherwise,...
size_t getNumEntriesOfType(const RuntimeType *runtimeType) const
Returns the number of property extensions of type runtimeType in the container.
Constructor that builds an empty container.
void append(ImagePropertyExtension *propertyExtension)
Appends the PropertyExtension object propertyExtension at the end of the container.
virtual ~ImagePropertyExtensionContainer()
int findEntry(const ImagePropertyExtension *entry) const
Searches for an entry referring to the specified entry and returns its index.
size_t getNumEntries() const
Returns the number of property extensions in the container.
ImagePropertyExtensionContainer & operator=(const ImagePropertyExtensionContainer &imagePropertyExtensionContainer)
Assignment operator from an existing ImagePropertyExtension object, produces a copy.
ImagePropertyExtensionVector cloneEntriesOfType(const RuntimeType *runtimeType) const
Returns a vector of clones of all property extensions of type runtimeType in container.
bool operator==(const ImagePropertyExtensionContainer &imagePropertyExtensionContainer) const
Returns true if *this and imagePropertyExtensionContainer are identical; otherwise,...
bool removeEntry(const ImagePropertyExtension *propertyExtension)
Erases the entry referring to specified propertyExtension from the container and deletes the correspo...
ImagePropertyExtensionVector getEntriesOfType(const RuntimeType *runtimeType)
Returns a vector of all property extensions of type runtimeType in the container.
void getValueAsString(std::string &valueAsString) const
Conversion to string providing the same result as returned by operator<<.
void appendClones(const ImagePropertyExtensionContainer &container)
Appends clones of entries of container to the container.
ImagePropertyExtension * getFirstEntryOfType(const RuntimeType *runtimeType)
Returns the first entry in the container with runtime type runtimeType (non-const version).
Base class from which one can derive own image properties.
RuntimeType contains type and inheritance information of a class and a static dictionary with informa...
MLEXPORT std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &s, const ml::Field &v)
Overloads the operator '<<' for stream output of Field objects.
std::vector< ImagePropertyExtension * > ImagePropertyExtensionVector
Defines the STL container type of ImagePropertyExtension objects.