27namespace DirectDicomImportDPLImageToMultiFileVolume {
34 startPercentage(0.5f),
35 percentageRange(0.5f),
37 usedDPLremovePrivateMFSQTag(
38 usedDPLforceOrthogonalWorldMatrix(
39 usedAllowMixedPixelTypes(
40 usedDecomposeTo3DVolumes(
41 usedMinMaxScanMode(DicomToMLTools::CalculateMinMaxAutomatic),
42 processSetNGoSeries(
43 processSetNGoSeriesOnly(
44 copyPrivateTopLevelSourceTags(
Project global and OS specific declarations.
Header file of ML module class DicomConfigurableMessageFilter usable as plugin for modules which prod...
Target mlrange_cast(Source arg)
Generic version of checked ML casts.
Container for all parameters needed to convert a DPL::Image to MultiFileVolume(s).
DicomConfigurableMessageFilterBaseRefCountedPtr dcmMsgCollector
The message collector to be used for importing if not nullptr.
bool usedDPLforceOrthogonalWorldMatrix
If enabled then the world matrix is always determined from the first ImageOrientationPatient of the f...
bool copyPrivateTopLevelSourceTags
If enabled then private tags from source frames are copied to created SMF trees, otherwise they are s...
bool usedDPLremovePrivateMFSQTag
If true then the sequence tag with private multi-frame tag information will be removed from created m...
bool processSetNGoSeriesOnly
If enabled then only Siemens setNGo series are created as result MultiFileVolumes,...
bool usedAllowMixedPixelTypes
If enabled then the ML data type determined from the imported frame(s) is checked against the min/max...
float percentageRange
The range incrementally stepped through while this method is executed, for example 0....
bool usedDecomposeTo3DVolumes
If enabled then volumes with a temporal extent are decomposed to multiple 3D volumes if these 3D volu...
float startPercentage
The percentage value of the progress bar which is updated when this method starts (for example to 0....
bool usedDPLAnon
If enabled the DPL will anonymize the created output DICOM tree, otherwise not.
DicomToMLTools::CalculateMinMaxFromDicomModes usedMinMaxScanMode
Provides the mode how the min/max voxel values for images are calculated.
ConversionParameters(DicomConfigurableMessageFilterBaseRefCountedPtr dcmMsgCollectorPtr)
Set up the default values; dcmMsgCollectorPtr is not allowed to be nullptr.
bool processSetNGoSeries
If enabled then a Siemens setNGo postprocessing is applied to created MultiFileVolumes.