28class DicomMessageCollector;
34namespace DicomToMLTools {
75 const double defaultFillValue;
106 } _MinMaxValsContainer;
110 std::map< DICOMCachedIOFileHandle, _MinMaxValsContainer > mfMinMaxMap;
An instance of this class creates singleton proxies for DICOMCachedIO cache classes such that all cac...
Class to collect messages and errors related to a given frame handle.
This class encapsulates basic medical image properties:
Header of FileHandle class which should be used in DICOM importing modules to resolve the filename fo...
An instance of this class creates singleton proxies for DICOMCachedIO cache classes such that all cac...
Target mlrange_cast(Source arg)
Generic version of checked ML casts.
boost::shared_ptr< const Tree > Const_TreePtr